Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Evonne says

    I have 3 children the youngest now 2.5 yrs. We used a very modified version of Babywise.
    The eat, play, sleep cycle works incredibly well and in my experience works best if you start from the get go, then you never have a feed to sleep association to break. By implementing the eat, play, sleep routine and breastfeeding on a flexible schedule ( I always woke my baby for feeds through the day) this worked for us very well. I used these modified methods with basically no CIO ( would let bubs grizzle to sleep but never be seriously crying). This i did with both my 2nd and 3rd child and they were very settled good sleepers. I did not do any of this with my first child and she had lots of sleep issues, the biggest and toughest to break with her was the feeding to sleep. I truely believe that because I never let my other 2 be feed to sleep they did better.

  2. Rachel says

    The one thing I found helpful with Babywise was the sleep, eat, play cycle. It has worked good for us.

  3. Stephanie says

    It’s so amazing to me that people can say things like “it broke my heart to hear him cry so long” “I had to leave the house!” “I was pacing the whole time and worried” “I finally could t take it anymore and went in to calm her down”…why don’t people realize that the reason it’s SO hard for us to leave our babies to cry alone in a room is because it’s UNATURAL! Our babies need us. Period. Yes it’s hard and yes it’s unbelievably tiring…yes you want to pull your hair out sometimes but that’s part of the package. For centuries babies have nursed, slept and stayed right next to their mother for YEARS before vejng expected to sleep alone, and often times they were/are still in a family bedroom.
    Maybe after several thousand years of parents making their babies CIO the human brain will evolve into one that babies no longer need their mothers for comfort, safety, love…food on demand. But really…do we want to live in a world where that’s how babies are born?

    Am I being extreme? Yes. But so it letting your baby cry alone and bit responding to him/her. Even 10 mins! One person above said their baby cried for 1hr45mins!!!! I’m sorry but why is that not abuse ? If you were to leave the home and ignore your child for that long or not respond to them in a store for that long or any other situation people would give you the nastiest looks and assume you’re a bad parent. Why is it ok to let them be alone and sad and hurt at home in their crib?

    Advice like Babywise needs to stop being spread around. And I read the book before I knew any better. And the sad thing about it is my baby was 3 months old. My friend gave me the book and after reading it I told my husband “we’re doing everything wrong! We’re supposed to feed her on this schedule and sleep her at these intervals and only hold her at these times…” He said “well that doesn’t sound right” and it didn’t. After 1 day of thinking about it I actually felt guilty for questioning my most basic. Intuition…how to care for my baby.

  4. Christin says

    Baby wise did not work for me either, I thought it would be great because I heard such great things about it from a friend who is a pediatric anesthesiologist, she used it on her daughter and had great success. Months later, I had no luck. I read several books and applied several different methods and had some progress here and there but it wasn’t consistent. He just took practice and help from my baby sleep site sleep coach and we finally have a well rested baby day and night. I took it slow, I tackled night time sleep first and then naps (naps were the worst) but now at 11 months we have a great schedul we can all live with.

  5. Claire says

    Count me in to the “Babywise didn’t work for my kiddo” crowd. Daughter had some reflux issues, and just couldn’t take more than 3-4 oz feeds at a time until she was around 4-5 months old. She only started going 4 hours between milk feeds when she was 5 mo old, and she would still cluster feed during growth spurts. Aside from a sleep regression at 4 months, feeding more frequently never really affected her nighttime sleep, as she was technically “sleeping through the night” at 6 weeks.

    I think it’s great if this works for some parents. I might try it again, should baby #2 ever happen. But I have friends who have been genuinely upset that their 3 month old isn’t sleeping 12 hour stretches and eating every 4 hours, even though they’ve been following Babywise to the letter. However, I have to say, I like (and used) the eat-play-sleep model for structuring daytime. That way, the baby never gets the eat-to-sleep association, which is SO hard to break.

  6. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Chanda — regarding your nap question: we have an article on that! You can check it out here: In general, most babies this age need 3 naps (although some do okay with 2). I’d say stick with 3 for now, and once you start the consultation process, your consultant can give you specifics (since she’ll have all the details about your situation.)

    Regarding when to start the consultation process — definitely wait until after Easter to start any sleep training, if you’ll be traveling. We advise families to plan their sleep training for times when life is as normal as possible — no traveling, no illness, no big changes, etc. So yes, very good idea on your part to wait. 🙂

    I can imagine how ready you are to get your little 13 pound weight off your chest and into her crib! It can’t be fun having to resort to letting her sleep on you for every nap.

    Can’t wait to see how your consultation progresses, Chanda! So excited for you. 🙂

  7. Chanda says

    @ Emily: Thanks so much for the info! 🙂 I think I will look to start after the Easter weekend as we’ll be travelling around and visiting family and her sleep always gets wonky when we’re out of the house for a long while. Good idea don’t you think?

    Question for you: Should she still be taking 3 naps? Because the past couple of days she’s ending both her naps just at or around 3.30p which means bedtime would be around 5.30/6-ish which is not my set bedtime (which is more like 7-8p). But it’s been hard to get her to nap so late in the day so she’s had a 3hr wake time. Problem is she’s getting up less than an hr after bedtime and I’m wondering if she’s a) overtired or b) she’s taking that time as her last nap. Which leads me to my other question: should I just let her take that last nap, try to stop it (i.e. wake her) before it goes into the late bedtime hr or stick to that earlier time (5.30/6 as her bedtime)?

    So after she’s been awake less than an hr, we’ve spent 40mins rocking her and 4+ attempts trying to put her down, she’s ended up waking up fully and I’ve had to feed her to get her back down but even that hasn’t been easy. She’s been extremely restless so even after she’s seemingly asleep trying to put her either on the bed or crib has been HELL! When she does get down she sleeps for about an hr or so before she has a waking and rolls! Then I have to either pat her on the side but because she’s not used to sleeping like that she fidgets to death and ends up on her back and her eyes are open. So I just put her on my chest and then she falls back to sleep. But she’s getting heavy and you can only imagine trying to fall asleep with 13lbs on top of you!

    I cannot wait to start the consultation I tell you! You guys have got to be miracle workers if you can help me get this baby to sleep!

  8. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Chanda — well, boo to your exhausting weekend, but yay that you’re ready to get some help! I don’t blame you; it seems like you’ve had a rough road to walk lately.

    In terms of how to get started purchasing a consultation: you can visit this page ( for a listing of all the packages we offer. You can purchase directly from that page (using PayPal — you can pay by credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.)

    However, if you want to ask some questions before you buy, or if you feel like you need help in choosing a package that’s right for you, you can email [email protected] and ask whatever you’d like.

    In terms of who will be consulting with you — it won’t be me (since I’m not a trained sleep consultant.) You can see a listing of all the trained sleep consultants we currently have on staff here:

    Hope this info helps, Chanda! Let me know if you have more questions, and I’ll be happy to help. 🙂

  9. Chanda says

    Hey Emily! Thank you for the kind words but I think I’m ready to purchase a consultation! It’s been an EXHAUSTING weekend and I’m at my wit’s end. Who do I email? Will I be consulting with you or Nicole?

  10. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Chanda — I’m so sorry things have been so rough lately! I’d say definitely don’t stress yourself out, or make yourself “push through” something that you know you’re uncomfortable with. There are many, many ways to sleep train; if CIO isn’t working for you, that’s okay! There are other approaches.

    And there’s no harm in taking a break, if you think things are spiraling out of control.

    Also — no beating yourself up! You sound like a wonderful mom who’s doing the best she can for her daughter. You really do. The fact that you care so much about her sleep is proof of that!

    Hang in there, Chanda. You are doing a good job, even when it doesn’t feel like it. You really are! 🙂