Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Katie says

    My 9 month year old just got finished with a cold she had. But for some reason now she will not sleep at night time anymore. Stays up all night till like 7am then finally passes out for a little bit then wakes up. N starts crawling n pulling herself up on everything.. she isn’t getting enough sleep at all. Tried letting her cry it out. Tried making her tired by playing around with her. She is getting maybe 6 or 7 hours of sleep but that’s Scattered through out the day.

    • Neosha says

      @Katie – Thank you for sharing, and how exhausting that must be! This regression can be a tough one for sure – Hang in there!

  2. Julie says

    My 9 month old takes 2 naps per day the first one an 1hr to 1hr and 30min and the second one from1hr 30min to 2hrs. She has always slept through the night but around 8 months she wakes up at around 1 or 3 and then at 6 or 7. Then she fully wakes up at 9-930am wanting milk. Is this sleep regression or maybe a long growth spurt growth spurt?

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hello @Julie –
      Thank you for writing to us! It sounds like you have been working hard at getting your little girl to have great sleep habits, and this indeed could be due to the 8,9,10 sleep regression, but it has lasted a little long now for this regression or for a growth spurt. Is it possible she picked up some waking habits that she may need help with? One of our expert sleep consultants would love to take an in depth look at her sleep history and can help with 100% personalized and customized help for getting back on track. If you find that you would like more help, you can read about all of our sleep consultation packages here:
      Please contact us if you have any questions! : )

  3. Samantha says

    Hello. Thanks for your article!
    My little 9month old boy has been a perfect sleeper. We normally say goodnight shut the door and he self settles for all naps… has been on routine since the start! All of a sudden he’s struggling getting to sleep. He’s tired he starts to drift off but it looks like he gets that “falling” feeling and wakes again; tosses and turns it’s a cycle. Once he’s asleep at night he’s still sleeps through. Would you consider this part of the developmental phase or something we need to look at?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Samantha, thanks for writing! I’m glad you have a great little sleeper over there. As you read there is a sleep regression that happens around this age so it’s possible that’s whats going on and it will hopefully pass soon. Of course if things persist and you need more help or have any concerns, let us (or your doctor if you are concerned of anything medical as we are not medical professionals) know and we’ll be happy to help!

  4. Roseanne says

    Hello, my LO is 7.5 months and has never slept through the night since about 3/4 months! Things have got a lot worse in the past few weeks and some nights he will cry for a solid 2 hours. my husband has tried to go to him but he will not have anyone apart from me. typically he will wake at 2 and some nights i don’t get him back to sleep till 4/4.30. other nights he may wake every hour but will settle quickly and go back to sleep. he has no teeth in sight!
    Please help me i am so exhausted. Is he too young for the 8 month sleep regression? He doesn’t sleep great in his day time naps either anymore.


    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Roseanne, thanks for writing to us. I am so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your son’s sleep. Here is a link to download a free guide with tips to help your baby sleep through the night:
      I will mention that 1 wake up at night would still be normal at this age, so if once you work through this you can’t seem to get a night without one wake up, that is ok, but hopefully he will drop it between 9-12 months sometime. If you need more specific help than the guide can provide, I think you would benefit from working one-on-one with one of our sleep consultants. To read about our personalized services you can visit here: and you can of course email us directly at [email protected] if you have more questions and need more help. Hang in there!!

  5. gabriela says

    8 1/2 mo baby boy. we did cry it out and worked at abt 4 mo but now he can cry nonstop for 1 hour if I let him.

    he always wakes up at 5am, so i try to put him down at 6, but thats when the crying starts. he takes 2-3 naps a day. how long do you advise I let him cry before going in for him? is this manipulation or regression? help pls

    • Neosha says

      @Gabriela – Thank you for reading and for sharing. The 8 month sleep regression can definitely kick you in the you-know-where – it’s a tough one! Sometimes they are up not due to a lack of training but just because the CAN’T sleep due to all the activity going on inside of them. If he is working through the regression, this can go on for a few weeks. If he’s having issues due to a sleep association/sleep training issue, how long or at what intervals to let him cry before going in will be an entirely personal decision – what works for you and what feels right to you for him will guide you. If you need more one-on-one assistance, please consider connecting with one of our sleep consultants. You can read more about our lovely ladies, expert on baby and toddler sleep, here: We’d love to work with your family, Gabriela. Hang in there!

  6. Marge Barilotti says

    Daycare is weaning our 9 month old to one 2 hour nap per day, but at home she still naps twice a day. I’m worried that one nap per day isn’t enough sleep. Nighttime sleep is about 9 hours. Does she need more sleep

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi Marge – Thank you for writing! Do feel free to keep your little one on two naps on the days where she is home with you, and perhaps an early bedtime on those daycare days is in order so that she does not get over-tired?
      Good luck Marge and please contact us if you need more help with this!!

  7. Sandra says

    We are currently trying to change my 8 month olds schedule. I used to let her sleep until she woke up which was usually around 930 or 10. Of course this would end up with her staying up late and sleeping longer the next day. It just got later and later. So I initiated an earlier wake-up time…so she is on two naps a day and bedtime by 7:30. The problem is she will sleep for an hour and a half at bedtime and then wake up and cry or just stand up in her crib until I pick her up and then she will cry if I don’t take her out into the family room to stay awake. How do I get her to understand that bedtime isn’t a third nap since she’s so used to staying up late?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Sandra, thanks for writing to us. Changing a schedule can definitely be tricky so hang in there! First off, here is a link to a sample 8 month old schedule:
      You can see some 8 month olds need an optional catnap before bed, so I don’t know if her schedule would have room to try to add one of those in and see if it helps. You also would likely be interested in our ebook that is all about adjusting schedules. It is only available within our Members Area which is an inexpensive subscription that you are free to cancel at any time (you also get access to TONS of other amazing resources that can help, including a weekly chat with a sleep consultant where you can troubleshoot what you are implementing from the book and still having issues). Here is a link to read more about our Members Area and sign up here:
      I hope that helps! If you have any more questions about the Members Area or need help signing up, feel free to contact us directly at [email protected]
      Hang in there!

  8. carol gallimore says

    please can you help. My grandson is 8months old as has never slept through the night, he screams really loud for at least 2 hours when you put him in his cot. The only way he will sleep is if he is feeding off his mum and she lays next to him, as soon as she leaves he screams again. He hardly has sleep at night and only has a couple of cat naps in day. My daughter is so tired and doesn’t know what more she can do – please can you help.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Carol Gallimore, thanks for writing to us about your grandson. I am so sorry to hear hes’ having such a hard time sleeping and the effect that is having on your daughter. We would love to help. Here is a link to a free guide with tips to help your baby sleep through the night that should give her a good starting point:
      It may also be beneficial to consider working with a sleep consultant since she is already so exhausted she may not have much energy to think. Here is a link to our different options of working with a consultant that can create a specific step by step plan to get her baby sleeping better so that everyone is happier:
      Please let us know if you have any other questions!

  9. Maria says

    Hi ?
    My daughter is 8 months old and at night she only stops crying when she wakes up if I go to her. My husband tries but she only wants me. I breastfeed her still. What can I do to change this. She hates bottles.
    Thanks ?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Maria. Thanks for writing to us. I am sorry you’re struggling with being the only parent your daughter wants at night. I know how exhausting that can be. How many times a night is your daughter waking? If it is just one time, she may still need that feeding to make it through the night. If she is waking up more frequently (every 2 hours or so) it may be a sleep association. Here is a link to a free guide with tips to help your baby sleep through the night (or sleep the appropriate amount of time based on her age):
      If you need more help, let us know! Hang in there!

  10. Kelly says

    Hello. My son is 7 months old. We typically put him to bed around 8 o’clock after a night time bath. He usually wakes up around 11:30ish, will cry and sometimes he will go back to bed and other times he will scream. I’ve let him cry it out but the crying just seems to get louder. He will cry usually until I feed him and then immediately go back to sleep. If he does end up going back to sleep on his own he will wake up around 2 and then again around 5 or 6. I just wanted to know if this is normal or if I should try to cut the feedings out. I usually only feed him twice , at 2 am and 5-6am. But it seems like right after I feed him he goes right back to bed

    • Neosha says

      @Kelly – Thank you for reading and for sharing! Night feedings can really be confusing especially as you try to figure out if it’s truly hunger waking him vs habit. It’s a common question we help parents figure out and work through. If your little guy is truly hungry, yes, please feed him and he’s likely to happily go back to sleep (though sometimes habit will lead to this, too, unfortunately). It’s not uncommon for a 7-month old to still need 1-2 night feedings. Hang in there, Kelly – and please let us know if you need any further help working through this!