Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Dave says

    Check this out ….
    The Teething Tether has a novel solution for attachment. Being its own tether, it saves parents, child-minders, and especially grandparents from having to continually bend over to pick up dirty teething toys.

  2. Qhouse kids says

    It can be really stressful for both the parents and the babies but it is important to try and relieve pain as much as possible. great tips thanks for sharing.

  3. sophie says

    thank you soooo much for the great post … thanks for sharing it…my baby boy is 5 months old and he’s teething..he’s putting his fingers into his mouth to reduce the discomfort.. and he is going through pain.. He goes to sleep & within 10 mins he wakes up crying,, he’s not sleeping properly.. i started searching for the remedies, advice’s finally i landed here… thank you once again..I’m new to your blog and can’t wait to follow along! i need some advice regarding teether toys what are the best toys that u suggest..?

    • Neosha says

      @Sophie – Thank you for reading and for commenting! We’re so glad you’ve enjoyed reading our blog and invite you to spend as much time as you’d like here, sharing all helpful articles with your family and friends. There are so many teething products out there (and there’s nothing wrong with home remedies like frozen washcloths or Tylenol (aged appropriately) either!). But, teethers can be a great (and medicine-free) way to alleviate the pain of teething. We often find ourselves recommending The Nuby Teether, Baby Banana Teething Toothbrush, and the Zo-Li Gummy Stick to our clients. Hang in there, Sophie and please keep reading!

  4. Stephanie Matherly says

    My son just turned 7 months and for the past 2 months his sleep has be worsening. He was sleeping through the night but now he is barley getting 6 hours at night with poor day napping. Overall he is a very happy boy though. He frequently wakes in the middle of the night screaming and sometimes will not go back to sleep no matter what I do but screaming stops after he is picked up. He doesn’t have any teeth yet but has all the signs, is this more separation or because of teething and comfort?

    • Danielle says

      Hi Stephanie,
      Thank you for your comment on The Baby Sleep Site! I’m sorry to hear you’re possibly having trouble with teething, but if your son has been having trouble consistently for several months and screams until he’s picked up, it sounds more likely you’re dealing with a sleep association. You can read more about those in our article here: I hope this helps, but please let us know if you have more questions. Good luck!