Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. iasbel says

    I previously posted a comment and I just want to add that I am back at sleep training.. After 10 days of crying seeing no improvement… I put my son back in my bed for 10 days, last night we started again.. My nighttime routine is feeding oatmeal.. 15 min later a bath, then nursing till asleep or drowsy, put baby in crib.. he cried for about 10 min then my husband went in picked him up, comforted him for 5 min, put him back in crib, he cried for about 5 minutes ( I was crying the entire time), then went to sleep for 9 hours straight. If anyone would like to discuss this my email is twilight19_77[at]yahoo[dot]com, espcailly Fairuz, your story sound like mine!

    • Nicole says

      @isabel (((HUGS))) I hope you have seen a lot of improvement and things continue to go well. Good luck! (Note: I reformatted your email address because there are “bots” that comb web pages just looking for e-mail addresses for spam, so don’t put your email address in comments without reformatting)

  2. Jeanine says

    Great information. Thanks for telling your story. My baby has not been an easy sleeper. I am still grappling with how to get her off my breast for naps and she is 11 mos old! I wish I had this website at the time of sleep training her nighttime sleep.
    My baby was an all night nurser and had to be weaned from that before I could actually have her fall asleep on her own in my bed.
    I finally got her to sleep in her own crib, after I happened to do your #2 method, I had to figure it out on my own. And then when she fell asleep in my bed I transfer her over to her crib. The first 2 nights she cried 8-11 times. I picked her up each time and soothed her back to sleep. She finally decided, I guess that it was too much trouble, me picking her up and decided to go back to sleep on her own! It took a couple months and now she is sleeping thru the night.
    I need help on her naps, though. I have tried putting her down for naps after nursing but she wakes up after 45 mins and WILL NOT go back to sleep unless I put her back on my breast!

    • Nicole says

      @Jeanine That’s great your daughter is now STTN! Keep working on those naps and I hope she gets it, soon!

  3. Fairuz says

    Thanks so much for this series of articles. My husband and I are about to try the Ferber method tonight on our 9 month old baby girl. I am very anxious about this because we have never let her cry for any length of time. We were taught (by the baby clinic we take her to) that letting them cry for any reason for any length of time is cruel. I feel so angry and is if i have been sold a pack o lies, as we have always taken the parenting high road, as it was sold to us – nursing on demand, co-sleeping, never letting her cry – and yet there has been no improvement in our baby’s sleep since she’s been born. She wakes about 5 times a night and often needs to be rocked back to sleep. We are rocking her now because I have just recently stopped breastfeeding her – i would nurse her back to sleep before. i am just so drained and really began resenting parenting because i stumble through my days in a sleep-deprived haze, but feel so hopeful now that i have been convinced that we are not the cruelest parents in the history of parenting to try and teach our baby to fall asleep on her own. i cant tell you the new lease on life i have just at the idea that we have a plan to get out of the abyss that has been my nightmare. i realise it might now work and if ferber’s method proves too traumatising for her and us, we will try the gentler approaches. at this stage, though, i just want to get it over with and i cant bear the idea of doing this for weeks on end. sp the idea of a week seems more manageable. to other parents out there, i just want to add that we have also been advise to up our baby’s protein intake and in one week we have already seen a difference – from her waking 5 times a night to waking 3 times. I am very anxious but excited that our lives could be different too! No longer will i be a martyr and do what is the ‘kind’ and ‘right’ thing – right for who?? If i am a zombie and all we spend our weekends doing is catching up on sleep, that is no quality of life and our baby does not have the best parents we could be. I refuse to sacrifice everything to parent in a way that is completely not necessary. Thank you for helping feel more validated and easing my conscience that I am a bad mother for wanting more than 2 hours sleep at a time. Wish us luck!

    • Nicole says

      @Fairuz (((HUGS))) I’m so sorry you’ve been through a lot. I hope you guys are in a better place now and if you haven’t started, good luck!

  4. Isabel says

    I am going through the same thing with my 8 month old. We co-slept until 2 wks ago. All night nursing was driving me crazy ( being a human pacifier), so I decided to let him CIO. When I tried Furber method, he would get more angry when I would check on him, so that wasn’t going to work. I already knew that no matter how long I rocked him or held him asleep, he would cry when I put him down, so I knew this option was coming. The first 5-6 days it seemed to be working, but on the 7th night, by husband had to put him down, and he did it 15 too early. SInce then it has went down hill. He still takes naps in my bed, arms or stroller, so I don’t know if that confuses him (he naps 1/2 hr every 2 hrs). I am going to take 4 nights off and try again. Do you have a specific guidline or routine you could offer??? I would REALLY appreciate it. thanks

    • Nicole says

      @Isabel I’m sorry things have been rough. Day and night sleep are handled by different parts of the brain, so it is fine that you do things differently. I would need to know more of your specific situation to give you more specific advice, but I do offer a step-by-step approach in my e-Book, if you’re interested. Good luck!

  5. Nicole says

    @Julie Thank you for writing! Nap training at this young age is usually pretty difficult for many babies. The last nap of the afternoon is considered “optional” and therefore, it is OK that it is in the stroller/pushchair, so that is just fine. 🙂 Good luck!

  6. Julie Loh says

    We tried the CIO method with my then 3 month old as I was tired from having to spend 1-2 hours each night rocking him to sleep. The first week was tough listening to him cry but it did work – he has learnt to sleep by himself and can self sooth himself back to sleep when he wakes in the middle of the night. However, every so often we would have an “off” night with about 30 minutes of crying but now 4 weeks after starting it, he has gone to bed the last 3 nights without any crying. He certainly doesn’t seem to be any the worse for having gone through the experience – in fact he wakes up happy every morning. Afternoon nap time however, is still a challenge. There are days when he goes down easily and other times when there is a lot of protesting. I am not as sure about using CIO also for nap time and sometimes resort to taking him out in the afternoon in the pushchair. Is this lack of consistency in the afternoon causing the problem? What would you advise for nap time?

  7. Nicole says

    @Alicia Thank you for your comment. Good luck!!!

  8. Alicia says

    Thank you for this article, it was helpful and gives me some ideas to work on getting my daughter to sleep through the night. We tried the Freeber and CIO methods, but she gets so upset she makes herself sick (literally). We have a strong bedtime routine, but have resorted to letting her fall asleep in her swing vs. bed. I’m going to try a mix of the fade and chair method to see if that works. Getting her to sleep at bedtime isn’t the problem, it’s the 4am wake up that is the issue. It takes me 1 to 2 hours to get her back to sleep. Wish me luck!

  9. Nicole says

    @Paula I’m so glad that my article helped, even if it was just to let others know they are not alone. I know that always helped me, too. Those with “easy” sleepers will never understand what we go through. NEVER. My 2nd son is still sleeping well and I, too, have a harder time letting him cry too much because he really is so good compared to my first son. We have had to let him fuss a bit to go down for his naps, etc. We re-settle him if he gets too worked up and so far that is enough for him. He certainly does not fight sleep as much as our first one! Thank you for commenting!

    Nicoles last blog post..ADHD and Sleep

  10. Paula says

    Thank you so much for this article. My firstborn was exactly the same as your son and it is soooooo refreshing to hear another Mom with the same problems and solution I used. I got a lot of slack for letting her cry it out…and let me tell you, she cried one night for 7 hours straight!! She is extremely strong willed and is to this day. I just had my second and I’m trying the Baby Wise method. Her temperment is a lot different from my first and I have a harder time letting her cry as long…I’m hoping to gain some of my “cold heartedness” to be able to let her cry it out. Just sooo worn out from my oldest and the thought of going thru another 2 1/2 years…yes she just FINALLY started sleeping thru the night, makes me want to cry. Again it’s so nice to know other people out there have the same issues as we did and not taking the blame as just a “new mom not knowing what you were doing”…I got that a lot too. “Oh it’s just your first…you always screw up your first.” People just really have no CLUE what it’s like to have a kid that JUST WONT SLEEP!! Hope your second is still sleeping well…