Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Linda Fletcher says

    Ever hear of a 7 week old doing a roll over on her tummy? seems way too early but daughter just said my grand daughter did this but cannot roll back she came in and baby was head into matress. So now she is frighten this could happen again.what can you do? Was not expecting this at such a early age..

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Linda Fletcher, thank you for visiting the Baby Sleep Site! My son was a super early roller too, I know that can be alarming to find them flipped over in their sleep. Thankfully it’s usually pretty short lived with only knowing how to roll one way, and the article mentioned a few tips of things that can help in the transitional period before she can roll back the other way. I hope this helps!

  2. Laura Geib says

    My 4 month has been rolling over from back to tummy since she was two months old. We have gone back and forth from rock n play to crib as she was not getting good sleep in the crib because she could not get herself settled. We have now fully stopped the rock n play, but she will sleep on her side and gets very upset when she rolls on to her tummy. so she wakes up crying hard and we go in to roll her back over. she has slept on her tummy, but then woke up and did not know what to do. I find she is not a deep sleeper and has not figured out how to self soother, i am also not sure why she just wakes up. Help! my first did not do this!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Laura Geib, thanks for writing! That can be a challenge, but thankfully it will pass pretty quickly as she learns to roll herself back over. If any issues persist and you find you want more personalized help with this, feel free to contact us directly here:
      Hang in there!

  3. Jackie Agee says

    My son is 7 months and has been competently rolling both ways for a couple of months now. He’s been in his crib happily since 4 months in a zipadee zip. But last week he had bad congestion and could only breathe/sleep in a rock and play. First night back in the crib and he has rolled over a few times and been very freaked out and looking “beached”. I’ve gone in and rolled him over which he didn’t take to, so I held him to soothe him then laid him back down and, with some extra time, he has gone back to sleep. Then a little while later it happened again.

    So…. just keep doing the same thing and hope this passes? I am genuinely shocked this is a new issue at this age/stage and hope I didn’t ruin everything with the rock n play!

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Jackie Agee, Thanks for writing to us. I am sorry your son is struggling with his rolling now, thankfully he was a pro at it before he got sick and needed to revisit the rock n play. Hang in there! If things don’t get better soon we are here to help!

  4. Jessica says

    My almost 5 month old has been practicing her back to tummy rolling as soon as she hits the crib for sleep. She is unfortunately unable to roll back on to her back. She gets frustrated and will often start crying, but when I go in to flip her from tummy to back she tends to get even more worked up and frustrated. As soon as I walk out, she’s back on her belly. We have been letting her self soothe and fall asleep after some tears but last night she woke up at 12am screaming and was inconsolable for over 30 minutes. I ended up nursing her because I thought she was hungry. We successfully sleep coached her with VERY minimal crying approximately 3 weeks ago, so this has taken us for a loop. Any advice? Especially since us rolling her back over seems to make things worse. I don’t want to develop new sleep associations but also don’t want to ignore her if she is getting so worked up. Thanks for any advice.

    • Nicole Johnson says

      @Jessica I’m sorry to hear your 5 month old is having some trouble with her rolling and sleeping. Hopefully it’s just a phase and you’re just a few more days away from being back to better sleep! 🙂 Some families do need to sleep coach again after a change in development, though, so continue being consistent. If your daughter doesn’t get back to sleeping well even with sleep coaching, you may want to chat with a sleep consultant about it, but hopefully that won’t be necessary. Hang in there!

    • Bryony says

      We had exactly the same issue. We sleep trained her ‘again’ to self soothe without turning her over. She now sleeps on her stomach by choice every night…

      She is now waking more regularly for feeds than before, but I think its a developmental phase. Keep persevering – it is so tough being a momma but this soon shall pass.

      Our goal is now to get her self soothing again during the day (nap times are not easy)…with time they’ll be masters of sleep again I’m sure.

  5. Lacey says

    We have just begun the rolling – awake phase. Bubs gets stuck on her tummy and then cranky. Frustrating as when I roll her back (with as minimal help as possible in hopes of teaching her to independently roll back) she just rolls back over again haha! Good to keep in perspective this is just a short season (baby 3 so it helps having hindsight!) and we will get past it soon enough.. hang in there fellow mums & dads (and grandparents/foster carers/siblings who are also sharing the experience!)

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Lacey, Thanks for sharing your input! It can seem like forever when it starts, but thankfully it will pass quickly! Hang in there and thanks for using the Baby Sleep Site as a resource for sleep.

  6. Bryony Ashcroft says

    We have just sleep trained our 4month old. She has been settling herself within 5 minutes then sleeping through the night.
    She has been rolling during the day for a month or so but now started whenever she is in her crib.
    She isn’t able to roll onto her back and so becomes very upset.

    The sleep training has now seemed to go out the window as she’s so upset with rolling at night. Do we go back to our old crutches to help her sleep during this phase (rocking/nursing) or should we persevere??

    • Neosha says

      @Bryony – Thank you for stopping by our sleepy little village and for your comment! And, we’re so happy your sleep training went well for you! We would tell you, for sure, to persevere! 🙂 You should also know that this age can be a difficult one for many babies’ sleep since their sleep is permanently changing from a “newborn’s” sleep to becoming more like an adult’s sleep, which can lead to more frequent wake ups at night. This article can help you understand how your daughter’s sleep may be changing:

      Hang in there, and please stop in to see us again!

  7. Angel says

    Follow up about a roller. It was not the big deal I thought it was. We went in the flip him when he was upset, and it lasted less than two weeks. Since this coincided with swaddle transition we did use the zippadee zip, so perhaps that helped? Anyway, helping him roll back was slightly annoying but had no negative long term effects on night sleeping! No bad habits were developed. He actually slept peacefully through the night 12 hours as a natural progression after that, and it has continued.

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Angel, that’s amazing to hear! Isn’t it funny how long those few weeks can feel but when we look back we realize it wasn’t that big of a deal at all? Ha! I have been there so many times myself. Thank you for your comment!

  8. Rebecca says

    Hi, my 20wk old has just started rolling & although I have him in a singlet body suit, a onesie & 2.5tog bag, I’ve been advised by another forum that I need to add 4x layers of blankets, as they say he’s rolling because he’s cold – room temp is 23-26’

    Just curios of your thoughts on this?

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Rebecca – Thank you for writing to us! I have not heard of the temperature affecting the baby from rolling and waking up, but I won’t claim to know everything. 😉 The way I always would get an idea if my baby was cold was by feeling their feet! There certainly were times their feet were freezing so I figured the room was too cold for what they were wearing (although I am in Florida so those days are far and few between for us!). Rolling is a developmental milestone and it can certainly disrupt sleep just as crawling, pulling up, walking, etc can all do. As your baby continues to master this skill you will hopefully find this resolves on its own. Thanks for commenting!

  9. Jessica says

    Hi, my question is what if the baby rolls from stomach to back and allways wakes up?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Jessica, thank you for writing to us! I am sorry that you are struggling with your baby waking up during the night because they are rolling. I have been in the same boat! Fortunately, as your baby continues to develop these skills, it will not last too long in the grand scheme of things. If you have to go in to help your baby continue sleeping, I would make sure to keep your interactions very boring where you go in and quickly roll baby back over and leave. Try to keep things as dark and talking to a minimum. It will hopefully pass soon and resolve on it’s own as your baby develops the skill to roll back over on their own. Thanks for using the Baby Sleep Site as a resource for sleep help!

  10. Joanne Tilley says

    Hi there

    My 20 week old is trying to learn to roll from front to back but also tries in her sleep. It doesn’t wake her as such but it’s not peaceful sleep. Should I just ignore it and let her carry on or should I try and get her back to a peaceful sleep. I have tried this but she goes back to trying to roll again.

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @Joanne – Thank you for writing to us! Developmental milestones such as rolling, which are so prevalent in the first year do have a tendency to temporarily disrupt even the best sleepers. Typically this is just a phase. Most babies, within a matter of weeks, return to their usual sleep schedule. if you ignore the late night rolling practice, and she can still get the total amount of sleep/rest she needs that is fine. Others prefer to give just a little support to hep them get back to sleep. The key is to give a minimum amount of help, and to remain consistent with how you are putting to sleep and how you are getting her back to sleep to avoid creating any sleep associations that could linger after this phase passes.
      I hope things smooth out soon, as she masters her new skills!
      Please contact us if you find that you wold like more help!