Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Karina says

    Hi, my near 5 month old son goes to bed every nap time and nighttime fully awake for quite a while now, however for the past couple of months he is waking overnight every 2hours, I thought if he could settle himself initially he should be able to resettle??!! Any advice?? Thanks

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Karina, thanks for writing to us. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with night wakings! To offer some comfort, I will let you know that it is totally normal for naptime and night time to be different and one area to be good while the other still struggles. The parts of sleep come from different parts of the brain. Here is a link to help with getting your little one sleeping better at night if you have not tried all of the tips:
      Hopefully things will improve soon as you work with him and he continues to mature, but let us know if you ever need any more help! Feel free to contact us directly anytime at [email protected]. I hope this helps!

  2. Felica says

    The short and nicely written solution for the Baby sleep.It will really help me in training my 4 months baby boy to get sleep. Signed up for your future articles and just downloaded your guide to Five Ways To Help Your Child Sleep Through the Night.

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Felica, Thanks for using the Baby Sleep Site as a resource for sleep! I hope everything goes well when you begin sleep training your baby boy. Please know we are here if you have any questions or need more support! 🙂