Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Rachael says

    I am now on day 2 of weaning my LO off her dummy. So far so good, in fact she seems to cry less going off to sleep without it. I have just left her to suckle longer on my breast after feeds and this seems to be working so far, like i say its only day 2

    last night was the first night without it and we did have 10 mins of crying which normally doesn’t happen but i think we are off to an excellent start, hopefully sleeping will get better once she’s gone a few nights without it.

    I have already seen changes in her, less crying through out the day as she doesn’t have something falling out her mouth.

  2. Emily DeJeu says

    Corinne — I’d say you’re on the right track with your thinking; if the pacifier isn’t causing issues right now, then you might want to leave it alone. Instead of weaning him from it, I’d focus on preventing bad pacifier habits. For example, if your son starts to want to have it with him all the time, you’d probably do yourself a favor by restricting it to nighttime and nap time; that could help prevent any major pacifier dependencies.

    Thanks for commenting, Corinne!

  3. Corinne says

    My 9 mth old son has a pacifier just for sleeping. He isnt causing any dramas at the moment but i am wondering if i should try to wean him off now to save it being harder later on. “If its not broken then dont fix it”?

  4. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Laurie — Very wise, I think, to take your daughter’s personality and temperament into account as you work to wean her from the pacifier. As long as the parent is patient enough (and it definitely seems that you are!), then a slow, gradual approach like this can work quite well.

    Thanks for sharing your insights, Laurie! Very helpful. 🙂

  5. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Ginette — great comment! Thanks for offering such a specific, detailed account of your strategy for weaning your son off the pacifier. Honestly, I’ve never heard of this approach (making little cuts and pin-pricks in the pacifier), but what you say makes sense. And your method (which is quite gradual) definitely seems gentler than cutting the rubbery part off completely.

    Thanks for commenting, Ginette, and for sharing this excellent tip! 🙂

  6. Emily DeJeu says

    @ paula — I’d say this is normal and nothing to worry about. Some kids are selective about their pacifier use, needing it at certain times but not others.

    Thanks for commenting!

  7. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Shari — Have you tried any of the tips mentioned in the article? One idea might be to limit the pacifier to the bedroom — at naps and nighttime only, for example. That’s often a good, gentle way to start cutting back on pacifier use.

    As for the bottle — I always used a cold-turkey approach and just stopped the bottle altogether. My theory was that even if my kid was resistant to the cup, they’d eventually get thirsty enough and drink from it. So you could try that approach.

    Let us know what works for you, Shari! And thanks for commenting!

  8. Laurie says

    We are still weaning my 29 month old daughter off her sucker, but are in no hurry. As a baby she would not take the pacifier until she was nearly 8 months old and it made a huge difference in her ability to sleep (and my sanity). The downside is that she definitely has a strong attachment to it and pairs it with her lovey in items toted around the apartment. When she was 18 months old, we moved to a very urban environment in a foreign country. For various reasons (security, germs, sanity) we created a rule that “sucker” and her lovey were not allowed to leave our apartment. We created a spot for them by the door and she diligently places both there anytime we are preparing to leave. It’s just a part of the routine now. She also has three “stroller friends” she is allowed to take in her stroller – all selected due to their ability to be washed and replaced and her non-dependance on them for comfort and sleep. The new protocol evolved out of my constant fear of her losing her lovey in the middle of a busy street or subway or bus. She just naturally paired the sucker with it.

    We are now working on ridding of the sucker when she is playing at home. If she has friends or playgroup over, she insists on leaving sucker in her bed and closing her dor so no one else is tempted to “borrow” them. I am capitalizing on this by requesting in the morning and after nap that she leave sucker in her bed so I can understand her better when she talks and hear her nice voice. It is hit and miss. Usually she runs for sucker when any emotional breakdown begins. (several times a day for a two year old). I am okay with her using the pacifier as a soother and have no intention of eliminating it during sleep anytime soon. We forgot it on a weekend trip once and after some hysterics, she simply resorted to sucking her fingers. I’d rather the pacifier – less orthodontia later…

    So what works for my daughter is a longer gradual process which is situational and allows her to soothe as needed… For HER a long gradual process has been the most effective method for just about everything. I am a firm believer that every child is different, so we’ll see what happens with her baby brother….

  9. Ginette says

    My big boy is now 2.5, but took his soother away around 20 months as our second was due in May, and had been advised it was best to take it away well in advance of the arrival.

    A friend had just cut off the whole sucky part and her daughter reacted like they had murdered her best friend. Traumatized by her story I searched and found an answer that worked like a miracle for my little man.

    I was working full time and long days so I took each step a week apart so on the weekend, just in case, but it was not necessary.

    1- several pin pricks in the end
    2- small vertical slit in the end
    3- snip off a very tiny piece of the tip
    4- snip off a little bit more
    continue taking off small bits at a time…
    (Do all steps to all soothers that are available)

    The idea is it looses suction and therefore is no longer desirable. My little guy lost interest and stopped asking for it all together between the 1st and second little snip. No crying and no drama!

    I had found the idea on line and hope that it can help someone else as much as it helped us. Thanks

  10. paula says

    Hi! , my son is almost 11 months and I wean him of the pacifier at night when he was 5 months old, he was waking 8-12 times at night! I never like the idea that he uses pacifier during the day, but he does use it to nap, is that a problem if he doesn’t need it to night sleep???