Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Debbye says

    @ Laura- Thank you for sharing the link! Samuel Jackson does do a perfect narration of this story! You are right, in that this book (and audio version) is NOT for everyone, as many are offended by the language. For those who are not offended by language, you must hear the audio version!

    @ Luciana- Thank you for writing! And I think everyone in today’s world could probably benefit by taking just a little time to relax! Thanks for sharing what works for you!

  2. Luciana says

    With my first son I searched all over web for solutions with his sleep problems at the end I read this article about an “anthropological” approach and decided that I wanted him to take his own time and relaxed about it. Before I knew he was sleeping on his own and all night. Off course we had some set backs like when my second child was born and he wanted the same attention the baby was getting for himself but,again, with time he overcame it. Our society does press for imediate solutions and circumstances are different now then they were before, with so many moms working full-time. But each child has it´s own time that must be respected as well. The reason I like this site so much and keep reading it is because I believe the author understands the uniqueness of each baby and family.