Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Katie says

    I have a 6 month old who is reverse cycling due to my return to work. What are reasonable nap expectations as her afternoon nap is a struggle since she is hungry.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Katie, thanks for writing to us. I’m sorry to hear your daughter has been struggling since you’ve returned to work. That can be quite an adjustment for our children, but hang in there! She will figure it out eventually and will hopefully improve on taking the bottle from whoever is taking care of her during the day. I don’t have any specific advice but an idea that comes to mind would be to maybe give the caretaker something that smells like you to hold with your baby while they feed her the bottle? Such as a swaddle blanket, stuffed lovie, your tshirt, etc, but I would also start using it yourself when you nurse or bottle feed her as well so she associates that object with feeding.
      Hang in there! I hope things get better soon and she adjusts quickly so you can all get the rest you need. If you find things are not improving and you need more help, I’m confident our sleep consulting team would be able to help you and create a step by step plan of action for your family. If you’re interested you can read more about that too:
      Thanks again for visiting the Baby Sleep Site!

  2. Julie says

    I have a 7 month old. He doesn’t mind a bottle or breast, but fights both unless he’s ready to sleep. He goes to daycare 4 days a week. He will only eat about 8 ounces there. He mostly will eat solids at daycare. I went back to work when he was 4.5 months. He will not breastfeed when i get home from work for several hours, even when I try. I usually go to a quiet room, but he latches off and on between screams until he relaxes. He has the same reaction to the bottle. His interest in either breast or bottle is only after he is so hungery he needs to eat. Lately the problem has gotten worse and he wants to feed about midnight and 3, which is too much, especially since he has such an adversion to daytime eating. He is not a good napper either. He fights it hard. We do not cosleep and I don’t sleep during feeding.

    • Danielle says

      Hi Julie,
      Thank you for using The Baby Sleep Site as a resource! I’m sorry to hear you’re having so much trouble with feeding. We would really recommend checking in with your pediatrician and/or lactation consultant first thing with something like this, since some of the symptoms you’re describing could be reflux or another treatable medical condition. We definitely want to be sure your little one is gaining weight and growing appropriately 🙂 Once you rule out a medical issue, we could definitely work with you on scheduling sleep and feeding to make sure some of latching issue isn’t overtiredness. I hope this helps – good luck!

  3. Suzanna Ploss says

    My daughter is 18 months old and still constantly breast feeds. Im working now so she doesnt get as much during the day. Shes a picky eater and doesn’t eat nearly enough as she should. She screams when we try to get her to sleep and ive only lasted an hour and a half before the crying gets too much and at night she wakes up every damn 2 hours and now she just expects to be in our bed. Im at my wits end and my husband is too. I could really use some one on one help. Schedules dont always work either because my work schedule is always different and i have meetings i have to attend at nights sometimes. Please help!!!!!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Suzanna Ploss, I’m so sorry to hear things have been such a struggle recently! We would love to help and I also think working one-on-one with a consultant would be most beneficial as well. They will give you a schedule but can certainly help you learn how to navigate when things have to change due to life and work (we often work with parents of multiples so they are use to having to work around older children’s schedules and making it work for a baby, so the same would go for you). To read more about our packages you can read here:
      I know we have a ton of options, so if you’d rather please email us directly at [email protected] and we can help you pick out a package that will be the best fit for your situation and the level of support you think you’d want. Hang in there! We are looking forward to working with you.

  4. Rachel says

    I have a 5 month old with reflux who’s exclusively breastfed. He still is waking ever 1-2 hours at night, sometimes less. Sometimes he is actually hungry and eats really well, other times it’s just because he needs help falling back to sleep by nursing, and other times because I think he may be in pain from reflux. (Yes, he is medicated). I don’t ever feel comfortable letting him cry because I don’t know which problem it is… So I’m not sure how to correct the sleep association.

    During the day he eats pretty poorly especially if he’s in a room with a lot of distractions. But if I feed him in a quiet room, he falls asleep after barely eating and I have to hold him upright for 20 mins due to reflux, then if I lay him down, he wakes up crying and can’t be soothed back to sleep unless I put him back to the breast. I have tried putting him down drowsy but awake when he’s not hungry but he completely refuses to sleep and will go all day without a nap no matter how hard I try (I use white noise, dark room, everything I’m supposed to. He hates pacifiers).

    Not sure where to start. But I have to do something because I’m completely exhausted! I don’t co-sleep so I’m awake most of the night, plus he barely naps. Please help 🙂

  5. Ashley says

    I have a 12 month old. He eats table food well and lots of it. He goes to day care and refuses most liquids throughout the day. We’ve tried all types of sippy cups, mam is the only one he’ll use when he feels like it. On good nights, he wakes up 2 times a night like clock work to nurse. Acts like he’s starving trying to rip my shirt off. Easy to lay back down to sleep. Other nights, like last night he’s up every 1-2 hours wanting to nurse. He seems hungry bc once he’s full, he lays back down to sleep with no issues. My partner tries to help and baby just screams bloody murder until I come in the room. I’m so tired.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Ashley, I am so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your son’s sleep and that you’re the only one able to help him right now. Here is a link for a free guide to help provide some tips (if you haven’t tried them) to improve night time sleep and get him sleeping through the night:
      I would also assume that if you and the daycare workers are able to somehow increase his daytime liquids that may be a help as well. I don’t know if they’ve tried giving him breastmilk in a sippy or straw cup or if he just wants it from momma? I’m so sorry you’re struggling. If nothing seems to be working, I’m confident our sleep consulting team can help. They have worked with thousands of families and many have had the same struggle and we would love to help you as well. If you’re interested you can view our Personalized Sleep Consulting packages here:
      I hope this helps! Hang in there!

  6. jess says

    I have a little boy who has talipes and wear boots and bars at night we are still breastfeeding and things have just gone very wrong in the last 3 months. He is now 9 months we had 6 wonderful months only waking at 3am then again at 5am now it’s every hour or 30 minutes or if I’m lucky every 2.
    I just would like 3 hours tops!

  7. Clare says

    I think we’re going through this now, a combination of highly distracted baby, working mum and bottle refusal! Last night was the first time we tried my partner giving her a bottle for her first wake-up, so I could get a longer stretch of sleep – no dice. We’ll keep trying though, as she has to take a bottle at child care eventually! One day I’ll get a cumulative 7 hours of sleep before work… ?

    • Emily DeJeu says

      @ Clare – You will indeed! How old is your daughter, if you don’t mind my asking? If you share that with me, I should be able to give you a few pointers and link you to age-appropriate resources.

  8. Kate says

    Thanks so much for the article and the mentions of distracted baby. Our daughter by 3-4 months became such a distracted eater that the only way she will feed is in a dark room with white noise. Over the holidays visiting relatives we often could not find a dark quite place to nurse, and then she would be up all night wanting to feed every few hours. Now I understand that better.
    Our relatives told us a baby “will eat when hungry” and implied if she needed a dark place it was us coddling her. GRRRR.

    • Emily DeJeu says

      @ Kate – that’s hilarious, the idea of “coddling” a baby. Pretty sure babies were made to be “coddled” because they’re babies! 😉 Glad you pinpointed the nursing issue, and that you know what’s best for your little girl.

      Thanks for commenting, Kate!

  9. Emily DeJeu says

    Thanks for catching this, Erica! I’ve updated the post with the link; here’s the link again, in case you don’t want to scroll back through the post to fine it 😉

    Thanks so much for catching this, and for taking the time to reply!

  10. Erica Perry says

    The article mentions a Kellymom article with tips on how to offer a breastfed baby a bottle, but there’s no link. I would be grateful if you could provide the link tot this article 🙂