Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Lanie says

    My little boy is nearly 9 months old he is struggling to sleep at night he wakes up every two hour of the night and first try to settle him like put his dummy in his mouth so he can be calm and nurse him until he falls asleep but sometimes it doesn’t happen that way he will wake up and stay awake and I have no option to give him his bottle and this all started as soon as his teeth were coming i have tried my routine but he seem to change it sometimes with feeding. Please is there a way to solve my problem I’m a single mum and need help

    • Neosha says

      @Lanie – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us. We’re sorry to hear that sleep has been tough for you guys lately. Teething can definitely disrupt sleep for a while. If you haven’t considered a more formal approach to helping him sleep better with some consistent form of sleep training, perhaps that would be a good next step, if you’re interested. We offer several free articles here on our blog that will get you started the right way and have a free sleep e-guide that will give more dedicated support as you get started. You can download this free guide here: Hang in there, Lanie!

  2. Amanda says

    can your program be used on a 2 month old with acid reflux?

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Amanda, thank you for stopping by the Baby Sleep Site! Our team of expert sleep consultants have worked with many babies experiencing acid reflux and would love to work with you as well. If you would like more information on our various sleep consulting packages, please contact us directly here:
      Thank you!

  3. Michelle says

    I have a 26 month old boy whom was exclusively breast fed and he still wakes up through the night a handful of times with me cosleeping and nursing him back to sleep. I feel it’s time to end our nursing journey and would like to have him sleep by himself through the night. Is it possible to accomplish all of those goals? I don’t really produce much milk and I feel he nurses mainly for comfort. I’m ready to get my sleep back.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Michelle, thank you for your comment! I am sorry your son has been nursing for comfort and that you have not been able to get a full night’s sleep in a long time! Our amazing team of sleep consultants would love to help with this as they have helped many families through a similar situation as you. Feel free to contact us directly here so we can give you more information on getting started:here:
      Hang in there!

  4. Sanel says

    My three year old son has been a terrible, impossible sleeper since a baby . I always thought it would get better but it hasn’t and I can’t handle it for much longer . I have tried all the gentle techniques but they haven’t worked – he still refuses to sleep, whether he is tired or overtired or undertired. He has no idea how to self-sooth and his very busy brain never wants to “switch off” . It is really taking it’s toll on the entire family . So…I am wanting to start the cry-it-out method but Im afraid this is going to “damage” him and make me a bad mother .
    In general, how long does the crying-it-out method take to work on a VERY poor sleeper who is also a highly active toddler.

  5. Wendy Berg says

    We need help with our 11 week old. I have read through your site but we are on a very limited income. Could you please help me figure out how to receive some guidance without spending hundreds of dollars? I know you are worth it! I am sorry… I have read as many books as I can on sleep and feel at a loss. I just wondered what some of my options are for your services.

    Thank you!

    • Emily DeJeu says

      @ Wendy Berg – I’m so sorry you’re struggling! I would suggest you contact our Client Relations Team for more information about your options. In the meantime, I will pass your name and email address along our our Client Relations manager. Thank you for reaching out to us, and I sincerely hope our team can help you!