Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Adeel shehzad says

    My son is just over 3 months old and has most of the signs of teething. Just recently he has been falling asleep on my breast for day feeds. Is this normal/ok, or should I be waking him so he’s not undertired? I’m assuming this is comfort for him if he is in fact teething.

  2. amitushar says

    I think every child is different and its just a case of finding what works best for you. sadly its one of these things we have to watch them go through and do all we can to help

  3. teethingsymptoms says

    Much like illness, teething symptoms can have a really negative impact on a baby’s appetite.

    • Kelly Stellato says

      Hello. Thanks for commenting. You are so correct and so is Amiushar. Teething is a hard stage to go through and it can feel like it is never ending. It can affect appetite, mood, sleep. It is one of those things I am glad they don’t remember and will get through! I always suggest talking with your health provider and determining if there is any type of oral relief options that you all agree with. Good luck.