Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Kavitha says

    That was a great read. I would also like to add something on babies who refuse to eat food. There could be several reasons why a baby is refusing to eat food. Some of them are:
    – The baby is fed too much liquid because of which it has lost it’s appetite.
    – The baby is too young to feed solid food.
    – There are too many distractions for your baby like TV, outside noise, etc.
    – The baby is not interested in trying new food.
    – The baby is allergic to food for which you need to be careful and observe how the baby reacts.

    Babies take time to get adjusted to new food so parents don’t have to worry. It is better to wait and observe the baby’s eating habits for a few days and the consult a doctor if they find anything alarming.

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Thanks for sharing some great tips @Kavitha!

  2. Sarah Hamerton says

    My 6 1/2 month old was not interested in the purees I was offering him and after several weeks it was getting somewhat stressful! On the day I decided not to bother for a few days I was eating an apple which I let him lick…! And to my surprise he got annoyed with me when I took it away. So, striking while the iron was hot I got some puree out of the freezer and he ate 3/4 of it 🙂 I was so pleased that the next day I tried the same thing and it went ok-ish… not as well as I had hoped. I then noticed a friend had given me a baby led weaning book which I started to read… It all started to click into place and within a few pages I had decided that this is what would work for us. Without even having finished the book my little boy is now “eating” (read playing…!) various foods at lunch time while I eat my lunch. It’s incredibly messy but so much less stressful. We don’t force our babies to roll over, crawl or walk so why force them to eat without exploring and learning all about it for themselves first.
    Only time will tell, but we are both loving it and anyone who has thought about giving it a try should do just that…!

    • Kimberly says

      Hi Sarah,
      Thank you for sharing your story! It’s really great that you were able to find what works well for him and that gives him the opportunity to learn and explore eating solid foods in way that he prefers. We agree that there is often great value in watching and learning from the leads our children are giving us about their preferences. We do have a few articles on this site about baby lead weaning so hopefully each family can find what works for them too. 🙂