Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Amanda says

    Dana I wouldnt be concerned….. I would co-sleep with Jack because when he was born the Dr broke his colar bone when he was delivered by a c-section ( and he only sleep if I held him slightly or in his rocker) To promote the cot I put the side down and would transfer him to his cot when he feel asleep…. after he was calm and happy the side went up and I places him in a sling and rocked him to sleep…… and put him in Now Jack sleeps in his cot… No worries… he just doesnt sleep very much as you can see on the precious post…. If you ever need support I will try my best to help…

  2. Amanda says

    I think reading all these posts made me feel worse….. None of these babies have anything to worry about…

    Jacks Routine:

    9am: Feed

    11am cereal+ 60mls milk and fruit

    12 pm or1pm Bottle and sleep/nap till 2pm

    3.30 Fruit yogurt biscuits

    5:40 pm Bath

    Even if I dont bath him he still want to sleep…. So i have a shower while he is in bath… otherwise I wouldnt get one because he is awake the rest of the time….

    6;00pm sleep
    If I ignore his sleep he will scream and fall asleep on the floor… he go to sleep 9 30 then be up half hour later and be up till 4 or sleep till 3 and wont go back to sleep….

    8:30pm awake

    9;30 Dinner

    sleep/bottle at 12pm or 1pm —- Every night…….. EVERY NIGHT!!!!!

    I do not want to say poor me… but honestly it seems I am the only one that has this possum sleep …. Cutting out sleep doesnt work…. So what am I to do ? —- I get upset sometimes when mum brag about their child sleeping but then I look at their child development and think well yes but your child isnt advanced so you dont know what is like to have such an active, alert and constantly on the go child………( I do not mean my comment in a way that lowers the other child or I think Jack is better at all…. all child are different but it seems sometimes I am the only one that knows this?)

    Should I be concerned…

    Jack has been standing since 7 months and fully walking now… His fine motor and gross motor skill are 2 months ahead…. I just think this has something to do with his sleep… Being smart means sleep sleep ?

  3. Dana says

    My son (who’s 6 1/2 months old) will ONLY nap in his swing (or his car seat). He protests his crib for naps (and I mean screams), but goes down (fairly) easy for night time. How do I break him of this habit and how do I set a nap schedule?! It sure would make my days a little easier having some type of a schedule! Any suggestions?

    • Kimberly says

      Dana- I would really suggest that you check out Nicole’s e-book, Mastering Naps and Schedules. She covers all things related to better napping and getting your baby on a good daytime/nap schedule. You can find more about the book here:

  4. rachel says

    My 9 month old has always slept only about 4-5 hours before waking up to breastfeed. She had acid reflux until she was about 6 months so she could only eat small amounts. I was ok with this up until now but it seems like I am just getting more and more tired from waking 2/3 times a night and can not keep up with her and my three year old during the day. Not to mention trying to keep up with my part time business. At this point I have tried the self soothing (all she does is scream until she gets what she wants, breast) and having my husband try to rock her, putting her down awake and letting her fall asleep, all this does not change the fact she still wakes up. It seems she will do this until I stop breast feeding? I am starting to give her bottles/formula during the day to get her used to other ways of eating but she does not like to take it from me! Help!

    • Kimberly says

      Hi Rachel,
      Typically at this age, a baby can go all night without a feeding. If you read through this post (, you’ll see that it’s right about at this age that Nicole recommend considering giving night weaning a try. A 9 month might still need one feeding to get through the night depending on how much she’s eating during the day but that can be from a bottle. Other considerations here are whether or not she has learned to be able to fall asleep on her own and/or to go back to sleep on her own. If she’s solely relying on breastfeeding to go to sleep and to fall asleep and her wakings are not just about feeding. I’d recommend that you also check out some of the Nicole’s one on one email consultation services as she can often help quite a bit in just one or two emails. You can find more information here about those services:

  5. Cassie says

    Thanks so much for your response. Coulter began solids at 5 months, eats 3 meals a day (1/2 to 1 stage 1 container each meal). He generally eats 10 oz of breastmilk a day (during the week) via bottle and nurses twice at night before bed and in the morning before the sitter. Then there are the dreaded 3 nursing sessions at night! His schedule is a lot like the 7 month schedule 1 with the staggered feedings. He has two solid naps (1-2 hrs each) then a late afternoon catnap (30 min). Maybe I am expecting too much from him since I have friends with younger babies sleeping better and because my pedi and other sites and resources say he should be sleeping ‘through the night’ at this point. Also, my daughter (now 3) was a horrible sleeper as well, but she is my ‘spirited’ child. He is a lot more laid back, so I hoped for more sleep this go round. Again, thank you and I will consult with Nicole!

  6. Cassie says

    My son is 5 1/2 months. He has no trouble falling asleep, but wakes up a ton during the night. He is in his room and I breastfeed/at sitter w/ pumped milk during the day. He was sleeping 5-6 hour chunks until he hit the 3.5 month mark and now I feel I nurse him more frequently at night then during the day. He eats every 3 hours at night (every 3-4 during the day). I can occassionally give him his paci, pat him and sshhh him and he will go back to sleep, but then will wake again 15-30 min later just to get him back down again. I tried CIO and he will cry for as long as I let him until I give in a feed him (have let him cry for up to 2 hrs for a few consecutive nights). I know he still may need to eat once at night, no problem there, but EVERY 3 hours is exhausting. Again, I can stretch that out occassionally, but that means I am up every 15-30 min to get him back to sleep temporarily where as if I just feed him I know I will get another 2.5 hrs before he wakes again. Everything I have read speaks of trouble falling asleep. He will go down wide awake with no fussing, but the waking ‘to eat’ is our issue. Thoughts/comments?! Thanks!

    • Kimberly says

      Hi Cassie,
      My first thoughts are about how much is he eating and sleeping during the day. Too little of either sleep or food can affect his nighttime sleep. At this age he will still need a couple of feedings at night as 10-12 without eating would most likely be too long for a baby this age. As a first step, I’d take a look at this post about schedules for a 6 month old and compare it with yours to see if you can identify where he may need an additional feeding or where he might not be getting enough nap time. You don’t mention if he’s eating solids yet so that could factor in as well. I’d also recommend contacting Nicole for some specialized sleep consultation. She can help create a plan that specific to your situation and that fits with your family philosophy.

  7. jmt says

    Thank you for your insight! I’m struggling with getting my 6 month old to sleep with my having to nurse him to sleep. We have been co-sleeping so that I can get the rest I need but we are wanting to transfer him to his crib. Like you said, as soon as I lay him down, he wakes and cries. And if I’m lucky enough that he doesn’t “catch” me sneaking out, he wakes up within a few hours wanting me to nurse him back to sleep. I’m his “pacifier” and although I love him, I NEED A BREAK! 🙂

  8. Kelly says

    Our issues sound just like Zena’s and Adi’s. My daughter is just shy of 4 months. She has a nursing association and the problem is that it takes 1.5-2 hours of nursing to get her back to sleep during the night. This was not such a big deal when she was sleeping anywhere from 5 to 9 hours as her first sleep “chunk” of the night. But now she is waking after an hour of going to sleep and doesn’t sleep for more than an hour and a half or so without waking again (and the process repeats). It is like night time has become a series of naps with no long stretch and there is possibly more nursing than sleeping going on. I am not sleeping at all because I don’t fall back asleep very easily either!

    Is she old enough to start sleep training using your methods? I don’t know what your methods are yet but I’m considering downloading the book. I am desperate to stop the association but I know that she will cry for hours if I put her down awake – it has happened. Once we let her cry through the night without going to her. She cried for an hour and a half each time and barely slept. It was awful and we felt it was cruel and wrong and the result was that nobody slept so I went back to the all night nursing. I cannot keep doing this – I am exhausted beyond words and need to start working soon so I will need my sleep – and so does she!

    • Kimberly says

      Hi Kelly,
      I would highly recommend downloading the book if you haven’t already as it can help you get on the road to establishing good sleep patterns. At 4 months old, she’s still pretty young and will need feedings during the night, but certainly, it would be helpful for there to less feedings or for it take less time to get her back down with longer stretches of sleep in between. I’d also recommend you check out this post on 4 month old schedules and try to work on getting her on a good day time schedule as daytime sleep (or lack of it) can affect the nighttime sleep. You might also consider seeking personalized sleep consultations from Nicole for a strategy specific to your family and your situation.

  9. Rachel says

    Nicole…Do you consider swaddling a sleep association? My almost 5 month old naps really well and had been sleeping 8pm-6am no problem..but in the past week hes breaking out of his swaddle and his hands are flailing in his face. I’ve tried just one arm swaddled and it really hasn’t worked either.

  10. Adi says

    Zena– I have the same dilemma (to put it lightly) with my almost-10-month-old. He nurses to sleep (naps and at night) and wakes every 3 hrs. to eat. I co-sleep because I was going batty from having to stay in the room with him for HOURS because he’d woken up when I tried to transfer him to the crib and had to re-feed him (his sleep association) to get him sleeping again. When I transferred him to the crib he’d cry till he’s gagging and about to throw up; face, pj’s and sheet soaked with tears and there’s no way my husband and I can go through the pain of hearing him like we go around like wrecks throughout the day because of lack of sleep. Help. Help. Help

    • Nicole says

      @Adi I remember those days. 🙁 I hope you can find a method that suits your son’s personality. There are many methods to choose from. Good luck!