Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Emma Blackhurst says

    My 12 month old has pretty much been sleeping through the night for the last month or two but fights (generally quite happily) every daytime nap. It’s driving me despair & I dread nap times.
    I would usually time her naps depending on the time she wakes up in the morning. This can be anytime between 5am – 6am. In the evening we start her bedtime routine (bath, milk, story) at 6pm but particularly since the clocks have gone forward she doesn’t fall asleep much before 7:30pm.
    The last few days I have been trying to put her down around 9:30am & 13:30pm but it’s still the same fights both naps albeit the afternoon one a little more but then will sleep contently for over an hour!
    I’ve tried adding / taking away 15 to 30 minutes so she naps at 9:45am & 13:30am or 10am & 2pm. It’s still the same. I try to ensure her morning nap is shorter. I which out for her yawns, eye rubbing, slowing down.
    I make sure the room is as dark as possible, white noise, she has some milk & goes in her sleeping bag but still I seem to miss every window!
    I am questing whether she’s ready for one nap but surely it’s to early to be dropping a nap. She’s seems too little.
    This has been going on for weeks now. If you could offer any advice, I would be really grateful.
    Thank you!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Emma, thank you for writing to us. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve recently been struggling with your daughter’s naps. Hang in there, you’re not alone! Here is a link to a free guide with tips to help make nap time easier:
      It sounds like there may be a few things in the schedule that may need to be worked on, so I’d also like to suggest checking out our ebook Mastering Naps & Schedules: And of course if you end up needing more help than what the free guide or the ebook can provide (or if you just want to skip that and go straight to someone that can give you specific steps) then please contact us directly and we can explain our other services to you. You can reach us at [email protected] and we can go from there. Hang in there!

  2. Claire Curran says

    Hi, my baby is 7 weeks old and finds napping very tricky. In the night he sleeps really well but in the daytime he fights napping so much or then wakes after a short amount of time.
    I can see he is tired from looking at his eyes. I am worried I am missing his nap window however after a feed when he seems sleepy input him down.
    Any tips?

    • Neosha says

      @Claire – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us! At 7 weeks, sleep can be tricky all around for sure! Babies appear to fight naps for all sorts of reasons so it’s definitely a good idea to watch for his sleepy cues and to put him down at the first sign of them. Often times by the time babies his age are yawning, they may be too tired to sleep well! Check out this article on ways to get your 7-week old to sleep: It may help you as you work on his sleep during the day. Hang in there, Claire!

  3. Emily Moot says

    Thank you! Very helpful!

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Thanks Emily!

  4. Gemma says

    My 8.5 month old son has started sleeping through the night.
    Wakes about 6/6:30 and has first nap at 9:30 for 1.5hrs.
    2nd nap about 2:30 but suddenly he want settle for this! Stands, laughs, chats to himself.
    Eventually I feed him to sleep which might last 20-30mins of sleeping…

    What’s happened?!?

    • Danielle says

      Hi Gemma,
      Thanks for visiting The Baby Sleep Site! There are a couple of reasons that your baby could be fighting naps, which would be difficult to pinpoint without more information, but the most common issue at this age is the 9 month sleep regression. This regression can affect naps, night sleep, or both for several weeks. We have an article all about it here that I hope will help:
      Please let us know if you have any questions!

  5. Beth says

    Hi there, we have a 6.5 month old who used to feed to sleep and we are currently sleep training (we used the SleepSense method with great progress made so far – 5 nights in now) but while the night sleep has improved dramatically (she can go back to sleep if she wakes in the night and has weaned herself off feeds) her day naps are shocking. She will fight sleep and cry for over an hour and get really worked up. I usually have to take her out in the car or pram to get her to nap but by that point she is so tired it takes ages for her to drop off and the day routine is just shot. I am spending my days obsessing over her naps. Is she is just getting used to consolidated sleep at night and will eventually improve or is there something I can do to help her nap better? I do a short routine before each nap, keep her room dark and cool, play white noise throughout and if she’s upset when I put her down I stay in the room until she calms down. Help!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Beth, thanks for writing to us. I’m glad to hear you’ve been having success during night sleep but I know how frustrating it can be to struggle with naps! To hopefully offer some comfort, it is totally normal for one area of sleep to improve while the other still struggles as different parts of the brain are at work for naps versus nights. Of course that doesn’t mean that you’re stuck, you can certainly continue to do the best you can to help encourage sleep. Here is a link to a free guide with tips for naps you may find helpful:
      If you find you need more help, let us know! We have an ebook all about naps and schedules that you may be interested in reading through to make sure there’s not a tweak that needs to be made in your schedule. You can read more about the ebook here:
      I hope this helps and you see improvement soon!

  6. Alexandra Dobos-Czarnocha says

    Our 7 month old baby, sleeps through the night and has a solid two nap schedule of about an hour and 10-20 minutes with a cat nap before bed if we can get it in, we think this nap may be transitioning out but we are holding its place for a little while longer. He is in a huge developmental phase, including his two front teeth coming in, and we were told not transition a nap in the midst of all this other stuff.

    He just began sitting up on his own and it now is taking him anywhere from 30min-an hour for him to fall asleep. Were putting him down with all the same signs, yawning, rubbing eyes-trying to time it 2-2.5 hours after waking up from last sleep.
    Is this just a phase as he discovers his new powers? We give him loads of floor time sitting up and crawling around. Is there anything else we can do?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Alexandra Dobos-Czarnocha – thanks for writing to us. It sounds like you’ve got a sweet and busy 7 month old! I know how challenging these transitions can feel, but you’re right it may just be developmental and will pass soon(ish). And yes it is common for regressions to come a little early (or late) as well, but it sounds like it may just be developmental and he’s trying to figure things out! Hang in there, while it can be hard it is still good to know he is developing and learning lots! Here is a link to a sample schedule for a 7 month old to have as a reference, and I’d recommend sticking to it the best you can even through these transitions:
      Hope this helps!

  7. Kristen says

    Hi there!
    I’m hoping for some guidance in the nap department. My little guy is 15 weeks and for the past month and a half has been fighting naps. I’m following appropriate cues and wake windows but as soon as I initiate nap time (sound machine, black out blinds, rocking) he screams and fights it for upwards of 20minutes! And this is with me rocking, patting his bum, not CIO on his own.
    Naps are generally 30minutes but from what I’ve read on your website, this is normal. However, by the time he gives in to the nap, only napping for 30min, I’m left with a very tired, cranky baby.
    Is there anything else I can do to help him go to sleep easier?
    Oh, I should also mention at bedtime he generally nurses and falls asleep at breast from being so tired and is up 2-3x per night to feed.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Kristen, thanks for visiting the Baby Sleep Site! I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your little guy’s naps. I struggled with both of my boys naps until they were a little older too, so I know how you’re feeling! He is getting to the age where hopefully things will still to lengthen out and naps will begin being consolidated and more restorative. Here is a link to a guide with free tips for naps that may help get things moving in that direction:
      We also have a free guide on sleeping through the night as well if you want tips on that you can find it on our site. 🙂 With babies as young as yours, also make sure to offer the nap super soon, maybe even 1.5-2 hours after he wakes up. I know that may seem crazy (and like your entire life is consumed with trying to put him to sleep) but I promise these days go by quickly and will soon be behind you.
      If you need more help, please reach out! We have so many resources here and would love to help. If you want more specific options for help please feel free to email us directly to [email protected] and we can help you from there. Hang in there!

  8. Becca says

    Hi! My baby is 9 months old and has been sleep trained since he was 4 months. He transistioned to 2 naps at about 7 months and has always done both his naps and sleeps good at night. He’s and aybriser tho around 5:30. He goes for nap 1 at 9:30 and then his second nap about 3 hours after he wakes. Just recently he starting fighting nap 2. We will try for a solid hour to get him to sleepmand nothing. So I started putting him down 15 minutes earlier thinking maybe he was over tired. He would try to fall asleep but just couldn’t and get so worked up. So I changed the awake time and he started taking his 2 naps again for about a week and now we’re right back to the fighting. I’m at a loss. I have no idea what’s going on. I think it’s hard to tell wether he’s over tired or under tired. Could it be that he got caught up and needed that extra awake time again? I really have no idea. Any help would be amazing.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Becca, thank you for writing to us but I am so sorry it’s because you are struggling with you son’s naps! At this age some babies experience a little regression so hopefully with consistency things will level out really soon! If problems persist, be sure to download our free guide for tips on nap help here:
      and if you need anything else, let us know! We have a ton of resources if you need, but hopefully thing bounce back to normal and you get your amazing napper back soon! Hang in there!

  9. Emma says

    My little guy is 6.5 months and he puts himself to sleep at night so problem – lay him down wide awake and he falls asleep within minutes without making a sound every time. He’s recently started stretching his naps out to anywhere from an hour to 2 hours but cries every single time I put him down for a nap. He usually only cries for 5-10 minutes sometimes very loudly and then falls asleep. This happens no matter what I do – I watch for sleepy cues, try keeping an eye on the clock since the last time he slept and rocking him makes me more upset and cry harder! Any suggestion?! I just feel bad letting him cry it out at every nap

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Emma, thanks for writing to us! I’m glad your little guy is doing so well with his nights and not making a peep! I am sorry it’s not been the same experience for naps as I know it can be hard to listen to your sweet baby cry. I will let you know though, that some babies do need a little fussing in order to fall asleep – and even though he doesn’t do it at night, may not mean he won’t do it for naps, because daytime and night time sleep come from different areas of the brain so it’s normal that they are different too! Here is a link to explain more about how crying in small amounts like you mentioned your son is doing can be a way the baby settles down to sleep (just like you or I may toss and turn a bit before we fall asleep):
      I hope this helps!

      • Emma says

        Now that I’ve said all this he’s started crying when I put him down at night too!Just the last couple of nights and I haven’t been doing anything different – now he cries every time he goes down in his crib day or night and I don’t know what to do!

      • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

        Hi @Emma – Oh no!!! I am sorry to hear that things have regressed! Perhaps you can check out our free sample schedules:
        Getting him to sleep at the right times and for the right amount for him may help minimize tears! This is fairly new, so hang in there and hopefully things smooth out within the next few days or so!
        If things do not improve, I’d like to recommend our Members Area, which gives you access to all of our e-Books as well as tele-seminar recordings, case studies, and do-it-yourself tutorials. This is a great Do-It-(mostly)Yourself option that can grow with your family, and is a resource that you can use for months or years if you find that you need the help! My favorite feature is the access to “members only” expert chat sessions, where one of our sleep consultants will answer your specific questions live via chatroom!
        You can read more about our Members Area here:
        Good luck Emma!!

  10. Kate says

    My daughter wakes up at around 9 each day we eat breafast and play till about 12:30 then we have lunch then I usually put her right down probably about 1:30 or so. Well today I didn’t get to put her down till about 2 and she just fought and fought and fought and squirmed. I could not get her to sleep. My mom could though. Do you think it’s cause I missed her sleep window and she was just over tired?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Kate, thanks for writing to us! That sounds like she was probably overtired because you missed the window, I’ve done that with my kids so many times where I was convinced they’d take an amazing nap from all the activity, but turned out they were too overstimulated to calm down without a big fight! Hope that helps. 🙂

    • Cassie says

      Wow! 9, you are quite blessed! My guy gets up at 5 and doesn’t go back down till about 8.