Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. TraceyC says

    I was told, “Maybe she doesn’t need to sleep” or “She doesn’t want to sleep”….both were not true. I also cringed when people said, “Well maybe she will make it up at the next nap” when she slept for 45 mins during the day….um, no!

    And yes, I was also told to try formula “to get her through the night”. Thankfully I did not cave in to that.

    I was advised to night wean at six months and I believe this was too early to do it but it did result in my baby sleeping through the night. I would probably wait till 8 months if I had my time again – although when it’s up to the Mum to do the sleep training, you can so strongly sense your baby is very frustrated that the milk supply is off limits during the night when they normally use it to go back to sleep. We got there in the end!

  2. Wren says

    I have heard the myth that your baby will start sleeping through the night once he reaches 16 pounds… yeah, not true. 🙂

  3. Kaz says

    My daughter is 8mths and has been sleeping through the night from 7pm to 6am with occasional brief wake at 10 and 5 for a couple of mins. Its great but our problem now is she’s just started pulling to standing and insists on doing this repeatedly before sleeps both naps and at night. It used to take 5-20 mins to get her to sleep on her own but now it takes an hour with us repeatedly lying her down or holding her down. I don’t know what to do or whether this just a phase because its such a novelty to stand up and will just last a few weeks?

  4. Veronica says

    Oh my…I have heard each and every one!! Multiple times. And they are all beyond frustrating.
    My first 2 were not sleepers. 🙂 And, everyone made it sound like it was because I was a bad parent, or doing something wrong. 🙁
    But, they both had terrible reflux, so there was a medical reason for why they were eating so frequently, and not sleeping well. But, they also disprove the breastfed vs. formula fed myth, as my oldest was formula-fed, and my second was exclusively breastfed. (I found this site sometime in the middle of the night…while I was up with my son! 🙂 )
    My 3rd (who is 6 weeks old) is a great sleeper. But, it is encouraging to know that all three of them are perfectly normal…just different!

  5. Vera says

    @Laura – Oooh yes. My greatest disappointment was in the generally accepted concept that you need to teach your child to sleep, and then she will sleep. Yeah. Until something happens. Or not, but she changed anyway.
    My daughter was less than 3 months when she first slept over 10 hours.. now she is 13 months and the last sleep training session was three days ago. We typically get a few days, if very lucky, weeks of sleeping between long sleepless periods. Grrr.

  6. Kendra says

    How about, “Take him to the park and wear him out and he’ll take a long nap.” Never worked for me, although it seems to help some people. In fact, usually on days when we go to the park, if I don’t allow at least an hour of two of buffer time before naptime, he’ll skip his nap altogether from being so wound up!

  7. Katherine Morgan says

    I have heard all of these myths and have tried explaining how they are wrong to friends/family, but it’s just a waste of time . My daughter started life breastfeeding every two hours and ever since had continued waking very frequently every night. I can see now where I went wrong in a couple ways and even though we made progress after my shear exhaustion at 10 months, we still have issues. She is now 13 months old, sleeps roughly 11-12 hrs a night but still with 2 wakings to breastfeed. I cannot do CIO. I also believe she is truly hungry sometimes. She always nurses to sleep which I like but I would like her to not “have” to. She nurses to sleep for naps after which I hold her or she wakes up. Why does it have to be so hard for them to sleep when us adults would kill for sleep !? All of our family makes remarks bc I bf her to sleep and bc she wakes 2 times…is it that bad ?

  8. Sue says

    I absolutely love this article. My favorite advice was to “fill up baby’s tank” in the hours before bedtime with hopes of getting her to sleep all night. In our case, it typically resulted in her throwing up all of the precious breast milk just before bed time (our baby was not a puker and rarely even spit up). Oh goodness, if I knew then what I know now….

  9. Laura says’s a myth that once your child sleeps through the night they will continue to do so consistently forever. haha….I wish.

  10. Iansmom says

    One of the most annoying things my mother-in-law had been haunting me about was putting cereal on my baby’s bottle so he would sleep through the night. I finally gave in and did it twice and no, it did not work. I practically did it just to get her off my back. But goes to prove that all this non-sense advice to make our babies sleep through the night is useless and we as moms shouldn’t give in into the pressure. He is 4.5 months and still eats 2-3 times at night.