Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Jennifer — Good for you! Sounds like you laid a lot of groundwork that really paid off in the end 🙂 I second the importance of visiting the new place first; when we moved, we made sure our boys got to run around the new house and the yard a few times. I think it helped them feel less anxious about the moving, knowing where we’d be going and what the house would be like.

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Jennifer! It’s bound to be helpful to all the followers of this blog who have a move in the near future.

  2. Jennifer says

    We have moved twice out of state in the last 18 months (military moves) and the best thing we did both times was visit the new place first and bring our kids. The first move it was just my 2 year old but for our latest move we had our now 3 year old and a 10 month old. We visited and stayed a few days, did some fun things checked out parks and playgrounds nearby. This latest move we visited my son’s new school also. Since we were moving mid-year and he is both painfully shy AND a sensitive soul I thought it would help to have visual so we could talk about it A LOT before the move. We took a tour and met his new teacher. This helped make the transition SO much smoother. My normally shy as can be child walked right into that class and sat down with the other kids on the mat the first day we dropped him off. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was expecting at least a little struggle. But my husband and I just backed away and took off high fiving each other down the hall for all the prep work that we had done :.)

  3. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Lainie — Hope this strategy works for you!

    @ Megan — A cross-country move like that would definitely take a toll on a 2 year old; I think it would probably take a toll on me, too! Hope your little guy adjusts soon. Jet-lag is the absolute worst, isn’t it?

    @ Katharine — thanks so much for sharing your experience! Very helpful. I agree with your thoughts on room-sharing; we did it out of necessity a few years ago, but now, even though our boys could each have their own room, they share. They love it, and my husband and I love having an extra bedroom for guests! Glad to hear your move has gone well; sounds like you did lots of good “prep work” leading up to it 🙂

  4. Katharine says

    We moved to Ireland in January. The boys (3 1/2 and 20months) occasionally shared a room at home when visitors came but this time it was for good and from night 1! I thought it would give them some company in a strange house and was practically the only option. We put up a travel cot in our bedroom in case and although there has been the odd night, mainly due to illness, when one has been in with us or in the travel cot they both go to bed at the same time, sleep as long as they need and don’t wake each other on waking. Even if one cries in the night the other is oblivious. I am glad we have done it here and will continue to at our next home.
    Interesting reading everyone’s posts. Hope your move goes well @Lainie and agree with @Emily, get all changes over with and figure the rough nights will be short lived! Good luck.
    The 3 1/2 year old is one big double bed and introducing this “new, big boy bed” was a real bonus. Kids are very resilient and can deal well with change if there is a lot of talk before, even role play about the move, and playing in their new room. We had lots of cuddles and stories-the whole family for “family cuddles” in the new bed.

  5. Megan says

    This is so timely — thank you! My family just moved from Connecticut to Arizona, and our post-colic 2-year old has not been sleeping well. He’s waking 5 or 6 times at night and taking short naps. We’ve been here for a week and a half and he’s still not totally transitioned to the 3-hour time change. Thanks for all the helpful tips!

  6. Lainie says

    I think you may be right about the latter. Logistically, it will be easiest. Thanks!

  7. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Lainie — That’s a good question. Some would say that might be too much change all at once (new house, new bed, new “roommate”, etc.), but then again, others might say it’d be a fine time to make the switch.

    I think ultimately, you should do whatever makes life easier for you. If sticking to the crib for the next few months would make the transition easier, then do that. But if you’d rather make the switch to a big kid bed now (and save yourself the pain of assembling and then disassembling the crib in the span of a few months), you could make the switch.

    I’d probably end up doing the latter, figuring that if I’m going to have a few rough days/weeks due to the kids sharing a room together, I might as well have them overlap with the few rough days/weeks that usually come with transitioning from crib to bed. Kind of a “2 birds” scenario 😉 That’s just me, though.

    Good luck with your move! Hope the transition is as painless as possible on all of you.

  8. Lainie says

    Thanks, Emily! Consistency is key, I bet. I’m thinking I’ll take this opportunity to bite the bullet and move the 2 year old into a toddler bed. Or would that be too much change?

  9. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Lainine — glad you found the article timely! Nicole and I were just talking about how May is the start of “moving season”, so it seemed like a fitting article. Good luck with your move!

    Regarding your question about having your children share a room — I can speak from experience on that one 😉 My boys started sharing a room when they were 8 months and 2 years (out of necessity, since we moved to a much smaller house). The first few weeks were hard, since every noise one made would wake the other up. I think the best thing you can do is stay as consistent as possible with your “rules” (stay in bed, etc.) and expect that it’ll take some time for your kids to adjust.

    Eventually, though, if your kids share a room for awhile, you’ll find that it becomes second nature. My boys have been sharing a room now for about 3 years, and at this point, they can’t sleep if they aren’t in the same room 🙂

  10. Lainie says

    Once again, you’re very timely. Getting ready to move (although to a familiar place only a mile away). These are all good suggestions. Any advice on a nearly 4-year-old and a new 2-year-old starting to share a room in the new house? We’ll put their existing beds in the new room – a day bed and a crib. (I’m thinking moving the little one into a toddler bed at this time as asking for trouble.)
