Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Jennifer Davison says

    My name is Jennifer im 26 years old and here recently we became homeless and the county is helping us out by paying for us a motel room for 16 nights my 2 month old son isn’t adapting very well I’ve kept all his stuff the same and nope he’s been very cranky won’t let me put him down and he’s having an even harder time sleeping day and night. I know he’s exhausted cuz I’m exhausted I’ve tried everything including putting him in bed with me to see if it would help and it didn’t I’ve literally tried everything how long does this last..

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @Jennifer – Thank you for visiting us! I am SO sorry to hear about your hardships recently! I can imagine that this is terrible amount of stress for you all. These are big changes, I am sure, and it sounds like you’re doing what you can to keep things consistent for your little one as you move through these changes. Adapting to a new situation can take some time, and you did not mention how many nights it has been so far since your living situation changed. Try and follow the same schedule as prior if you are able, and if things do not smooth out in the next week or two, please consider reaching out for a bit more help from us here:
      Hang in there Jennifer, and please reach out if you need us!

  2. Eva says

    Our family is moving cross country to a new duty station(military move). Over the past month we have been slowly packing items and removing items from our 14 month olds room. For over a month she has been excessively clingy, sassy, defiant, and is having a very very hard time sleeping through the night. Prior to all the change she was a saint. Very well behaved and would go to sleep on her own. I now have to rock her to sleep and when she’s put in her crib she screams. She also began to wake multiple times throughout the night.

    We will be staying in hotels for about a week prior to moving into our new house, and she does not do well in hotel rooms or her pack n play. She was on a schedule and thrived with the structure, but now that everything is changing I have a completely different child.

    Any advice on making the transition easier on her? We’re moving from coast to coast so another major concern is resetting her nap/night time sleep schedule based on the new time zone.

    Sorry for the all over the place post/questions. Stressed momma over here. I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing has helped.

    • Nicole Johnson says

      @Eva I’m sorry to hear your 14-month old daughter is having a hard time with your upcoming move. 🙁 While that is a big change coming up, we do find schedule disruptions can cause this behavior as well. I’m sure you’re very stressed out about the move and lack of sleep makes it even more challenging. We’d love to help you assess if your daughter’s sleep can be improved before the move as well as help you plan the move, including the time zone change! You may find this article useful here: Of course, we know all too well that it’s hard to find time to read and plan, especially when you’re moving. If you’d like us to help you come up with a plan and support you through the process, I hope you will consider working one-on-one with us. You can learn more about that here: Hang in there!!

  3. Britt says

    We will be moving to a much bigger home in a few months. Currently, my 20 month old sleeps in our room in her toddler bed. She hasn’t quite made it through the night yet in her bed without climbing into bed with us in the middle of the night. I was thinking of using the move as an opportunity to move her into her own room at night. I figure since it’ll be stressful no matter what we do, we might as well use the chance to get her out of our room and into her own. But now I’m second guessing and wondering if that will just be too much for her. Once we move, should I keep her bed in our room for a while or just start her off in her own room from the start?

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Britt, Congratulations on the move! I know it must be stressful thinking about, but I’m sure it will be nice to be in a bigger place. 🙂
      Whatever you decide to do, I would be sure to keep your daughter informed about what is going on because no matter what, it will all be new. If you decide to transition her to her own room immediately, consider talking it up or even doing a few nights camping out with her to get her use to her room and comfortable with it! This article is about transitioning from co-sleeping, and has some helpful tips for you when the time does come:
      If you need help with this down the road, please let us know! We have an amazing team of sleep consultants that would be happy to help. Good luck and I hope the move goes smooth!

  4. Alisha Brooks says

    Hi I have a 1 1/2 son my husband got stationed at a different base so we moved we finally got settled In and have been here for about a week 1/2 my little one has never had a problem sleeping and doesn’t typically wake for a bottle since moving only way he’ll sleep is with me and he is waking about every 4 hours. What Can I do to help him get back to sleeping through the night and in his own bed.

    • Neosha says

      @Alisha – Thank you for stopping in to our sleepy little village and commenting. I hope you all continue to settle in to your new home well. Moving can be a fairly stressful and jarring time for us and especially so for little ones your son’s age. It can take some time, weeks even, for toddlers his age to settle in to their new homes and rooms and sleep environments. The best thing you can do is to be reassuring that his new room/bed is a safe place and to consistently send this message across to him. Do try to encourage him to sleep in his own bed if that is where your goal sleep place is for him – here are a few tips that may help, though the article is geared for “cribs” the tips will apply for you too:

      This is also quite a time of mental and physical development for your little guy. We find many 18-month olds go through an exhausting sleep regression so the timing of the move may be exacerbating some of these symptoms. You can read more about that regression here:

      Hopefully, after a few weeks of consistently working on his sleep with the tips in these 2 articles, things will smooth out for you. If these problems stick around no matter what you do, you should consider connecting with one of our Sleep Consultants, who can help you dive deeply into this and narrow it down so she can help you break this habit. You can read more about those ladies here: and our services here:

      I hope this helps, Alisha – please stop in to see us again soon!

  5. Kayla says

    I am separating from the military and we are moving from our 2 bedroom house to my mother-in-law’s two bedroom apartment my 20 month old is used to having his own room. Now he will have to share with mommy and daddy until we are ready to get an apartment of our own, which will hopefully be within the next year.

    Any advice on getting him adjusted to shating a room with us as well as gettimg him to actually sleep and stay asleep rather than wake up in the middle of the night and refusing to go back to sleep to the point of screaming and crying when he’s not playing with his bed time Scout toy.

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Kayla, Thank you for commenting! That is quite a transition for the whole family, I’m sure. It will certainly be an adjustment, but it is possible. Here is an article with some tips for room sharing with your baby:
      If you find you need more help with this, our sleep consultants have helped many families in a similar situation as you, and would love to help create a plan for getting your son sleeping better through this transition and onward. You can view our service packages here:
      Thank you for using The Baby Sleep Site as a resource!

  6. Priya says

    @Neosha …… thank you so much

  7. Lauren says

    We just moved from our apartment to a house and I never had my 2.5 year old son say goodbye to the apartment. He’s been pretty sad since we moved (it’s been a few days) The landlord would most likely let us go back to the empty apartment and say goodbye. Would that be good for him, or upsetting by now? I feel really awful that I didn’t have him say good bye.

    • Jessica Diller says

      @Lauren, Thank you for your comment. I’m sorry to hear that your little guy is having a rough time with the move. Please don’t feel bad that your son didn’t say goodbye to the apartment. Change can be difficult, but there are still ways you can help him through this time. Try to stick to a normal schedule and routine for a while to provide as much stability as possible. Talk to your child about the move, and gauge his feelings about it. If you think he would benefit from a short visit to say good-bye, then consider it a possibility. But you shouldn’t feel obligated to do so. In time, with your love, support and comfort, he will adapt to the new home and may even grow to like it more than the previous one!

  8. Priya says

    Hi Emily,

    I am having a big challenge- I weaned my 2 year off her pacifier fully . Removing pacifier from her daynaps was not an issue at all. Then we slowly weaned her off from the night time. But it has been challenging at nights – she would suddenly wake up and scream in her sleep for an hour and would sleep off. In a months time after we weaned her off completely we had to move to a different place (different time zone). This was unavoidable. We had been trying to settle in the new place, but my toddler still screams and cries inconsolably at night for her pacifier 12-1 am at night. She then sleeps off again…can you help me here to understand how I can soothe her. Should I giver her her pacifier back?

    • Neosha says

      @Priya – Thank you for sharing! Weaning from a pacifier at 2 years old can definitely be a challenge – brutal and hard even. Crying and sleeplessness during this process (and adding in a move to a new place) is bound to happen unfortunately. Toddlers this age have definitely developed a strong attachment to their pacifiers. We wouldn’t strongly encourage you to give it back to her at this point as you’ve already started the process and going back now will likely make it even harder later when you try to wean again. But, it’s going to be up to you. Consistency will pay off in time, and will ask a lot of you in the patience department as you go through this.

      Please be sure, also, that she is getting adequate day sleep if she’s still napping and is going to bed at a proper bedtime for her. You could also consider offering her a lovey or letting her cuddle a favorite small stuffed animal or blankie safely during the night. Here’s an article than can help you with that:

      Hang in there, Priya, and please keep reading!

  9. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Anne — so sorry you’re experiencing this! It’s likely that your daughter’s recent sleep strike is related to all the change — new daycare, upcoming move, etc. It could also be age-related; there’s a sleep regression that happens around the 2 year mark. We’re actually publishing an article on the blog about it next week (Tuesday) — look for it!

    As for what to do, we always recommend staying as consistent as possible. If you don’t want sleeping on the floor next to your daughter to become part of her bedtime routine, then you should probably put an end to it. Consider sitting by her bed for a bit each night, as a substitute for lying on the floor until she falls asleep.

  10. anne says

    I have a question.. actually 2 separate issues.. We are moving ( close by but to a new home) and the last few weeks my DS 22 mos old has been wanting “MOMMA night night” .. next to her on the floor until she falls asleep.. she then wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night and wants me back.. HELP! She used to go to bed great ( alone ) at 745 ish and now cant settle to sleep until closet to 9 pm ! she also started a new daycare about 5 weeks ago as well. her naps are a little later but not much.. Needless to say, I have caved and laid next to her on the floor.However, I want to break this association.. DO we wait until we are moved in and settled or are we prolonging it HEL!P I want my little independent sleeper back with out the TEARS!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~