Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Jen says

    Thanks for the article! At six months I transitioned my daughter to a 2 nap schedule and since then she has not slept through night, she is now seven months. (Which she had been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old.) My husband I couldn’t figure out why and have tried EVERYTHING. She wakes up crying every night and it has gotten so bad. I am going to try to go back to 3-4 naps a day and let her transition herself- when she is ready to two naps. Great article! I hope it works.

  2. Virginia says

    My son is 7 months old and still needs 3 naps a day. He has two 2 hours naps and one 20 minute nap before dinner. He sleeps from 7.30 pm till 7.30 am. I do think he will drop the last nap soon though. Some times he just plays in bed for the 20 minutes and that is enough rest for him to be happy the rest of the evening. I do notice that when he doesn’t get good naps, he usually wakes in the night or takes longer settling at bedtime. I love my sons naps. They make him a happier boy.

  3. Malia says

    At 7 months my guy is dealing with needing/not needing/not wanting nap number 3. Can’t wait until we can really drop it. At 5-6 months he was still taking 4 naps but right around 6 months his naps started to get better and longer (when he started sleeping on his tummy). Now the naps are 1-2 hours long and we have a good schedule going. I wish I’d listened to your advice that good naps often don’t come until 6 months and stressed about things less. Live and learn.

  4. Susan says

    Our 7 month takes three 30-minute naps (at best) during the day, and wakes more and more often at night wanting to nurse before going right back to sleep. By reading up on this site, I’ve realized that this must be a symptom of being over-tired. This was not obvious to me as she is a very giggly, happy baby for the most part whenever she is awake, and I am an exhausted Mom, not thinking clearly enough to put the clues together!.

  5. Susan Strom says

    Our 7 month takes three 30-minute naps (at best) during the day, and wakes more and more often at night wanting to nurse before going right back to sleep. By reading up on this site, I’ve realized that this must be a symptom of being over-tired. This was not obvious to me as she is a very giggly, happy baby for the most part whenever she is awake, and I am an exhausted Mom, not thinking clearly enough to put the clues together!).

  6. Sarah says

    Scarlett had 3 short naps usually at this age, a couple of times a week one would be longer – 2 hours. She has always been at the lower end of the sleep needs spectrum though. She has a 12 hour night so 2 hours day sleep is usually plenty. She takes if she needs it. Now at 10 months she has 2 naps, usually 1 long and 1 short, occasionally if she sleeps in she will just have 1 long nap but never more than 1 day in a row.

  7. Nene says

    My 7 month old is taking 3 naps a day (sometimes 4 if it is a cranky day) and usually averages 3 hours or so for naps. It is the nighttime that is driving us crazy. He will go down to sleep and then wake up 40 minutes into his “bed time” – either wide awake and refusing to go back to sleep, or screaming like crazy and he won’t stop until he nurses. Either way, he doesn’t really fall asleep until sometime between 10-11.
    His last nap is usually from 4:00-5:00, sometimes he sleeps as late as six. I hate to wake him up as I’m sure he’s recovering from being up so late the night before…

  8. Valerie says

    I have twin 7 month olds that are taking 3 solid 1.5 hour naps and then a cat nap in the evening. Usually last feeding is at 7:30 or 8:30 and they are in bed between 9-10. How do I put them down earlier? Do I just skip the last feeding and put them to bed. I guess I’m so confused on how to get them to sleep earlier.

  9. Nathaly says

    My son is a little over 7 months and takes 3 naps during the day for a total of 3 hours. He gets really tired by 6:45-7:00 pm and falls asleep pretty easy but for the past few weeks he has been waking up at 5-5:30 am. He also wakes up about 1 or 2 am for a feeding and goes right to back to sleep. My husband and I think he is getting too much sleep during the day and therefore wakes up early. We are struggling with what to do. Any suggestions?

  10. Sally says

    My son is 61/2 months old and has 3 sleeps during the day. 2 hours in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon and 1 hour in late afternoon usually at this time I get out and walk him in the pram. He goes down at 7pm and wakes at 7am. We are very lucky he loves his sleep and is always a happy contented baby. For us I think consistency and routine was the key.