Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. May says


    We took my son to California in October (he was 22 months old and we live in the UK) before we went he has always slept through the night going to be 7pm waking around 6am. He has never been a bother setteling to sleep.
    Since coming home his sleep seems to get worse every week, he will go to sleep with out us having to settle him but every night is like roulette. We was able to get him back to sleep with a milk but that no longer works. He gets out of bed at random times and stands at his door screaming and crying for hours. I have tried sleeping in there with him, putting him back to bed, letting him cry it out. At one stage after crying for a while he would fall asleep on the floor next to the door. But not that no longer works, tonight it’s been two hours of a battle with him and he seems like sleep isn’t an option.
    We make sure we follow a routine like you guide, he has a lunch time nap and a filling dinner at 5:30 bed at 7pm.
    Please can you give me some advise? It’s been 4 months now and I’m exhausted from it all.

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @May – Thank you for writing us! I’m SO sorry to hear your son is having so much trouble sleeping. You’re not alone! Traveling can disrupt even the best of sleepers! Now that it has been 4 months, I can certainly understand that you must be more than EXHAUSTED at this point! With toddlers, it’s all about setting limits and being consistent, which it sounds like you have been trying to do for all of these months. Toddler sleep can be tricky too, and I would recommend getting one on one help from one of our sleep consultants.She will work closely with you on a detailed plan – one that you can commit to and feel good about.
      If things do not smooth out soon, and you would like more help, please read about all of our sleep consultation packages here:
      Hang in there May! And contact us if you have any questions!

  2. April says

    Baby sleep genius app works really good. It’s a purple icon with zzz on it.

  3. Andrew says

    Hey there,

    So I’m sure this is a familiar story, but here it goes. Our boy slept like a champ until 2.5 years, when baby sister came along. After 2 weeks of her being in the house and increasing methods of acting out, he now screams at the top of his lungs for over 2 hours, will not go to sleep without one of us in the room and even then that’s more miss than hit. Normal bed time: 7, current acting out time: between 9 and 10

    This is then followed up by several wake ups through the night that require us to go in and assist with calming. Finally, he has been waking up in the morning and yelling for us to go in… At 4. Ready for the day.

    This is really hard. After several weeks of increasing acting out and no sleep from our new baby, we’re at wits end. Patience are at a premium… Them he decides to make sleep impossible. We were worried about the baby being a problem with our sleep but it’s him.

    The problem is we continue to try various methods… But it just gets worse each night. Screaming is later. Wake up is more frequent and earlier rise. We’ve taken him back to bed (with his protest) up to 75 times both night and morning, we’ve attempted to stay in his room, we’ve yelled, we’ve tried sleeping on his floor. Not a single thing helps realize any progress.

    … Any suggestions? 🙂 Thanks!

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Andrew, I am so so sorry to hear you have been struggling so much with your son’s sleep since baby sister arrived. It sounds like you have tried a ton of things, and so my suggestion is that you consider working with a professional sleep consulting team. The reason I think this is your best option is because 1. You guys are so tired and they can take the guess work out of it for you, and 2. It is just nice to have a plan from someone who’s walked tons of families through very similar situations. Our sleep consulting team will look at your sons sleep history and any extra information you give them – you can name all you’ve tried and what doesn’t work, and they can help you create a plan of action and will walk through this with you to the end. Here is a link to information about our consulting packages:
      If you have questions about which one would be best, please email us directly at [email protected] and we can suggest the appropriate package for your situation. Hang in there!

  4. S Ros says

    My 2 year old is sleeping more or less 12 hours a night with occasional nightwaking. She naps for 2 hours during the day. I’ve Ben putting her to bed at 8pm as always but now she isn’t falling asleep. She doesn’t cry or resist bedtime. She’s quiet for about 30-45 minutes and then suddenly i’ll hear her talking or singing. She doesn’t cry for me or call me. Is this a sleep regression or is she just not tired enough to sleep?

    • S Ros says

      Forgot to mention sometimes she will be awake for about 1.5-2 hours! Most of the time without fussing but sometimes she will cry or call me to come in her room.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @S Ros, thanks for visiting the Baby Sleep Site and sharing what’s been going on. I’m sorry that’s been happening to you recently. It certainly could be the 2 year regression and so it may pass on it’s own. That is good she seems happy at least and isn’t screaming at you for 2 hours! Here is a link to a sample schedule for a toddler (you’ll just scroll down to see the 1 nap option as “toddler” is a fairly large category with lots of nap and sleep need changes) that’s been helpful for me recently having a 2 year old myself:
      You’ll want to check out the information in the article before the schedule about the sleep needs at a given age as well. Hopefully you don’t need to change anything and she starts settling for you again soon. Keep us posted on how things turn out and let us know if you need anything else!

  5. Leanne Parsler says

    Our 2 year old has just started being terrified of us leaving the room. Previous we were able to put him in bed and say good night and walk out no problem now he screams and tries jumping out of his cot. I am scared he is going to hurt himself. Me and my husband have tried several different things, cutting down afternoon nap, staying in room until falling asleep, going to bed later, sleeping on his bedroom floor. Once he has fallen asleep he wakes at least once in the night screaming. I am so worried as now we have a new baby on top of this all and myself and my husband just need help I am so scared this is going to last forever.

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Leanne Parsler, I’m so sorry you are struggling! This is a challenging age and I’m sure your toddler is processing the big life changes of being a big brother now as well as normal 2 year old changes he is going through. I know it feels like it will never end, but there is definitely hope! Here is a link to download a free guide with tips with toddler sleep:
      If you find you need more help, especially with the stress of wanting this to be resolved since you are transitioning to taking care of 2 babies yourself, I would highly recommend working with our sleep consultants who can create a plan of action for your family and take the guesswork out of it for you. Here is a link to read more about those options:
      We also have lots of other ways to get helpful information if you don’t think you need the full on personalized help so feel free to email us at [email protected] and we can send you more information. Hang in there!

  6. Margo says

    My daughter, who is 23 months, is a great night sleeper (she talks in her sleep) but never gets up unless something is wrong. She recently (4+ weeks ago) decided that she didn’t want to nap in the afternoon. By 4pm, she’s miserable and so tired. Nothing has changed at home. My partner has been travelling a lot, but otherwise everything is the same. She’ll go 7-10 day stretches in between naps . She goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up around 7:30-8am. Any tips?

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Margo – I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your daughters naps! I want to start off by saying that I can 100% relate to how you are feeling right now as my just turned 2 year old has been struggling with his naps as well. Hopefully this is just the 2 year regression and things will level out soon. I do want to link you to our sample schedule for a toddler as it’s been really helpful to me these last few weeks:
      There’s a line that stuck out to me “At 2 years old, the average amount of sleep drops to between 12 and 12 1/2 hours in 24 hours, including just one afternoon nap.” That’s been making me think my son has been resisting naps during the day because he’s getting all he needs in a 24 hour period at night. My firstborn was not like this so it’s new territory for me.
      If things don’t resolve soon with your daughter’s naps, let us know! As you can tell just by her mood, most 2 year olds are not ready to drop the nap, but they sure do like fighting it for a time! We can help you walk through this should it continue or it just become too much for you while your partner is traveling a lot. Feel free to contact us directly to [email protected] and we can share our other nap resources we have available with you! Hang in there!

  7. JC says


    Our 2 year old has slept through the night since she was 2 months old. Each regression has had its own small challenges, but nothing like this one. She gets out of bed and walks out of her room almost as soon as we close the door. Even when she is good and sleepy and has had a nice relaxing routine, she gets up and keeps doing so for hours. When she finally stays in bed after exhaustion, most likely, she sleeps until 3am or so and then starts again until morning. When she walks out, I walk her back to bed. Nothing works to keep her from doing it as we have tried leaving a dim light on, pitch black, doing a later bed time, etc. Her second molars are coming in, but she doesn’t fuss at all when she wakes up, she just wakes up and finds us. I haven’t slept in 2 or 3 weeks and I am purely exhausted. Does this sound like a sleep regression or a new normal for her sleep pattern. To sleep so perfectly to this was very abrupt.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @JC, thank you for writing to us, I’m so sorry to hear you are suddenly struggling with your 2 year old continually getting out of bed. This is a challenging age for kids as they are really looking to see where the boundaries are and have a big desire for independence. (I have a just turned 2 year old as well so I’m in the thick of it with you, it’s tough!) So what’s happening here may be a combination of things. If it is a new sleep pattern for her, or a regression, it is of course something you’ll want to fix and will be able to, it just may take time. Here is a link to a free guide you can download with tips to help you with toddler sleep challenges:
      If you need more help getting through this, let us know! We have a ton of resources for toddlers and have worked with many families with the same struggles. Please contact us directly if you’d like us to send over some more resources and options for additional help at [email protected]
      Hang in there!

  8. Jacqueline says

    My 22 month old little guy, who previously was a great sleeper, is now waking up at least once during the night. Generally, if I go and put my hand on his back, he’ll fall right back to sleep. Other times, he’ll wake up an hour later calling for me again (rinse and repeat). He also has started waking up at 5:45 instead of his usual 6:30; however, if I bring him in for a morning snuggle with me, he’ll usually fall back asleep until his normal wake-up time (I fear I’m creating a bad habit here)

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Jacqueline, thanks for writing to us. I’m sorry you’ve suddenly been struggling with your toddler’s sleep! My son recently went through this as well so I know exactly how you’re feeling. Here is a link to a free guide with tips for toddler sleep that may help:
      Hopefully it is just a sleep regression and this will be a phase that passes in a couple of weeks and things will go back to normal. If things persist and you need help, let us know though as we have a ton of other resources that can help. Feel free to contact us directly at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to share with you what good next steps can be should you need it. Hang in there!

  9. Jessica Ruthardt says

    29 month old, always an awesome sleeper and at 27 months started night terrors. We finally found a pattern. Turns out when she napped she’d have terrors at night so we slowly cut back out and terrors stopped. She’s in bed asleep by 730 but wakes for the day around 6/615. Is it possible this truly is enough sleep for her? Some days she isn’t cranky by dinner and other days she is a little. Quiet time is always given.

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @Jessica – Thank you for writing! It sounds like you have found the schedule that works for you and your daughter, and that is a good thing! There is a wide range of sleep needs, and it is possible your 2 year old little girl just does not need as much sleep as others. If she has a rest time, but does not fall asleep, she may be done with naps! If you are concerned that she needs a bit more sleep, you can always try an earlier bedtime and see if that helps!
      Good luck and thanks again for visiting!

  10. HJ says

    Is it possible to come at 21 months? My little girl has been such a good sleeper but this last week started waking every 20 minutes for hours in the middle of the night and fighting her nap sometimes too. She also refuses Daddy! I wondered if it could be night fears because she doesn’t seem to be in pain with teething…

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hello @HJ! Thank you for writing! Yes, sleep regressions do not always follow the “rules,” and can come earlier or later than average! Waking every 20 minutes is very extreme! If you have ruled out any physical reasons for the wakings – such as an ear infection or other illness – you may want to work on calming her fears while also encouraging her to fall asleep and back to sleep on her own! We can help with this!
      For DIY help, I would recommend that you consider our e-Book, The 5 Step System to Better Toddler Sleep. It is written specifically to help parents of toddlers with sleep issues such as you are experiencing.
      You can find out more about this ebook here:
      Good luck and hang in there HJ!