Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. MWEEMBA says

    i also have a problem my baby is 5 months and wakes up 4-5 times a night to breastfeed and changing of napkins, please help

  2. Katie says

    my girl was b/f to sleep day and night.
    she surprised me by not going to sleep on the boob at night after 2 months. and was self settling to sleep for her night sleep.
    she did sleep through for a month too.
    she then started to self settle for some day naps…. and still for night sleep…. but then stopped sleeping through the night.
    it’s a challenge the next day, Im a bit tired, if she’s waken 3 times overnight. I dont mind if she woke just once.
    she has started solids but that doesnt seem to have helped her sleep through either.
    and her day nap habit keeps changing. sometimes she’ll have short naps, sometimes long day sleeps.
    the biggest challenge is that her sleep habits just keep changing.

  3. Jennifer says

    My little guy is 8 1/2 months old (and sleeping in his own crib in his own room) but given that he was born at 31 wks is 6 1/2 months gestationally. 95% of the time he wakes up twice a night to nurse – usually around 12am and 4am. But lately he’s been sleeping past that 12am time to a 1:30 or 2:00am feed. That’s all well and good, but my challenge is knowing what to do when he then still wakes up for a 4am feeding. Sometimes he doesn’t nurse very enthusiastically at 4am, but other times he goes at it as if he hasn’t eaten for 4 hours.

    Any quick tips on what I can do when he wakes up a second time so close to a previous feeding? Is it just habit or is he really hungry? Let him cry? Soothe him without breastfeeding?


    • Nicole says

      @Jennifer The later part of the night is lighter sleep (for everyone not just babies), so he is likely asking to breastfeed just to go back to sleep. If you can soothe without breastfeeding and then slowly do less of the “work”, he can learn to go back to sleep without breastfeeding. It will be a rough few nights, but worth it in the long run! Good luck!

  4. Aisling says

    Hi all, great blog, maybe you can help -my babba is 10 months old, breatfeeding and co-sleeping. She started solids at 6 motnhs and will eat many things, in small quantities, but loves to nurse. She wakes every few hours to nurse and while we co-sleep that is ok, but I would like to get her into her own cot and eventually own room in the next few months. When you talk about “fussing” back to sleep, what do you mean? My babba stands up in the cot as soon as she wakes and finds I’m not there, and screams the house down. How can I get her “unaddicted” to her human pacifier, without it breaking my heart?? I have tried routines, extra feeds, she won’t take a plastic pacifier, but can sleep NO bother during the day in her cot, pushchair etc. Please help!!

    • Nicole says

      @Aisling Ah it sounds like your 10 month old is “intense” just like my sons. Neither of my boys “fussed” much. They are screamers, too. You can read more in my Baby Temperament and Sleep series here: The key is to go slow, especially co-sleeping, and break the association with needing to nurse to fall back to sleep. It takes patience, consistency, and commitment, but it can work. I’d love to help!

  5. Nicola says

    Thanks April. I appreciate what you are saying but i do leave my son to fuss and go back to sleep, but at those times when it is habit to wake, he usually won’t go back to sleep and to be able to function in my full time work away from him during the day, I guess I have put off finding a way to break this habbit. My son doesn’t breast feed during the day, he has his meals and water or juice. I feed him myself last thing at night and first thing in the morning which I was told to do until he is 2. The extra feeds in the night I do realize are a problem that break his required sleep, but what to do??????

    • Nicole says

      @Nicola At 15 months and co-sleeping, it is no doubt a habit or out of comfort to nurse. Who wouldn’t feel comforted by that? Given you’ve been co-sleeping so long, I’d definitely recommend a slower method. With toddlers it’s mostly about re-setting expectations. He wakes and asks to nurse because that’s what he expects. I know it’s hard being a working mom, but working on delaying the nursing every night might be enough to stop them from happening. Maybe start on the weekend when you don’t have to get up the next day. It might be a long week, but I promise the long-term benefit would be worth it (that is if you mind waking to nurse at night). Good luck!

  6. April says

    The bottom line with all this is that many babies over 6 months are capable of sleeping through the night without a feeding (breast or other); definitely by 10 months, (unless premie), and over a year – it is absolutely just a habit of comfort, not for nutritional value. It is actually depriving your children of resting well. I am not a fan of cry-it-out but one night at 7 months he slept through and I realized that he didn’t need it so I let him fuss himself back to sleep the next night – that was it. Some people believe that instead of feeding so often during the day, spread out the feedings a little more and their bodies will be more accustomed to going longer (for example instead of nursing every 3 hours once they start of rice cereal around 6 months, go every 4 hours. Our son did use a paci but I didn’t go in to put it in more than once).

    • Nicole says

      @April Thank you for your comment and sharing your story!

  7. Nicola says

    Dawn I have a similar situation with my son only as well he is sleeping in a king size bed with me across the foot of it! Putting him in a cot really didn’t work and I became too tired to function and so I stuck with the co sleeping. At 15 months tho he still wakes at least twice a night for his “drink drink”……

    • Nicole says

      @Nicola I hope you read the article, too. 🙂 There are a lot of things to try between disjointed sleep and cry-it-out, so it is possible to come up with something that does work with your son. Good luck!

  8. Dawn says

    I’m struggling because my baby (now 14 months old) is still waking up 3 – 4 times per night for (breast)feedings. I would love some suggestions on night-weaning, or regular weaning, or anything that would get me a solid nights sleep!
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..Turning one, my baby girl… =-.

    • Nicole says

      @Dawn This isn’t an issue of weaning or night-weaning, but more so that he only knows how to fall asleep breastfeeding. Have you read about sleep associations yet? Here’s the link: Good luck!

  9. LeShelle says

    My son is waking to nurse two or three times a night. Every now and then he only wakes once. He is almost six months and I can’t get him to sleep through the night and only wakeonce per night to feed consistently. Also my baby has never slept 12 hours even if he woke up four times to nurse.

  10. Tasha says

    My biggest challenge with Breastfeeding and Sleep was the sleep association I created by nursing my daughter to sleep every night. Once we were able to get her to go to sleep on her own, she started sleeping through the night. We are still successfully breastfeeding and she continues to sleep through the night pretty much every night! I’m so glad we chose to teach her how to soothe herself to sleep rather than weaning.

    • Nicole says

      @Tasha Thank you for commenting because it always saddens me when moms think weaning is the answer to their sleep struggles. Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone, but when you do want it to work, but are having sleep struggles, I want to tell all the moms that I get just as many bottle feeding moms, too.

      @LeShelle Sleeping all night is a developmental milestone. Waking 1-2 times up through 9 months is normal. Without knowing all the details, fussing/crying between sleep cycles is normal and often they just go right back to sleep if you don’t go in too quickly. If he doesn’t know how to fall asleep on his own or you are replacing a pacifier, that could also be part of the problem. Good luck!