Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Preksha says


    I have a four and a half (nearly five) month old baby girl. Three weeks ago, I had begun to wean my baby off rocking using the fading method. I managed to wean her off rocking and even had her sleeping on her own in bed for naps in about 7 days without crying at all. For two weeks, i had the luxury of her falling asleep on her own. She was wakign up at 6:00-6:30 am, was taking three naps a day 1.5 hours, 1 hour and 45 mins, and bed time at 6:30 pm (3 hours after her last nap). She has always been a happy baby.

    Suddenly for the past two days, she is refusing to nap – she’s been staying up for 3 hours between naps, barely getting two naps in.

    She rubs her eyes and is clearly very sleepy but fusses or cries if i leave and wants to play if i am in the room. She has NEVER cried as much as she has cried in the last two days. She’s extremely happy when awake and even when sleepy but playing so I don’t think she’s in any kind of pain.

    Last two days, she’s been sleeping at 8 pm after a LOT of struggle. She did sleep well at night – woke up for two feedings but that’s it.

    WHAT HAS GONE WRONG? Why is my child not sleeping? She fights and eventually sleeps on the bed on her own because I won’t carry her. I even tried nursing her to sleep but she still doesn’t sleep – just plays, fusses, cries and repeats that cycle!!!!

    I am at my wits end and I don’t know what to try?

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @ Preksha –
      Thanks for visiting! I am sorry that sleep has suddenly gone wrong! Because it was sudden, you may want to double check with your baby’s Doctor, before you start/re-start with any sleep training. Ruling out any medical/health issues will help you feel better about moving forward with making changes. The 4-5 month mark can be a really difficult one for many babies, so you are NOT alone!! Here is our article that specifically addresses this 4 month sleep change:
      If things do not smooth out soon, please consider getting some kind and caring one-on-one help with an expert sleep consultant. If you would like additional support, please take a peek at our offerings here:
      Good luck!

  2. Erika says

    Hi everyone 🙂
    I have a 4month old wee boy, sleeping at night we have never really had an issue with which I am soo very pleased about! But day time sleeping has always been horrible! He will only sleep for 20minutes at a time maybe 3 times a day. He will go to bed at 8pm til 7am with 2 or 3 feeds in between, which use to only have 1 feed but this regression has taken a toll at night time! Someone give me some advice 🙂

  3. Amy says

    What does it mean by breakfast?? Is that if you’re starting solids?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Amy! Thank you for commenting. Yes, that is if your baby is on solids already. 🙂 We included it since some parents choose to start solids at 4 months, while others wait until 6 months. Thanks for reading and using the Baby Sleep Site as a resource for sleep!

  4. Summer Mohn says

    Hi! Please reply as I am not sure if this this correct for her or not!! She is breastmilk only and I’ve designated breast or bottle since I work full time.

    7:00-7:30 AM – Wake and Feed; She usually falls back to sleep by 8:00. (breast)
    10:00 – Wake from morning nap, feed (5 oz bottle)
    10:30-11:15 – Play
    11:15-12:00 (sometimes 12:30) – Nap
    1:00 – Feed (5 oz bottle)
    1:30-2:15 – Play
    2:30-3:30 – Nap (we try to get her to sleep until 4:00)
    4:00 – Feed (5 oz bottle)
    5:00-5:45 – Cat nap
    6:30 – Feed time with mommy (breast)
    7:30 get ready for bed time
    8:00-8:45 Nurse to sleep

    She will sleep from 8:00-9:00 until 7:30 AM, so we are getting a solid 10 hours. We nurse to sleep every night, but she can fall asleep on her own throughout the day. However, her naps generally are only about 45 minutes. Maybe 1 nap during the day will be 1.5 to 2 hours. Should her bed time be earlier?


    • Jessica Diller says

      @Summer Mohn, Thank you for your comment. It can be difficult to help your child get on a formal schedule at this age, but it sounds like you are taking great steps to make sure your daughter is not overtired, which can be a big factor around 4 months old! Short naps are normal at this time, and you will begin to see her consolidate her naps around 6 months of age. In the meantime, you can take steps to ensure she isn’t developing permanent sleep associations, which can negatively affect her sleep. Here is an article about sleep associations that may help: In addition, I recommend reading this article about early vs. late bedtimes: You may find some helpful info for your daughter. Best of luck to you and your family!

  5. Ram says

    Hey Melanie,

    Me too is having a 4 months boy. He too was sleeping in day last month. But now what we have done is we made his day time more interesting by talking to him, playing with rattles, just take him for a walk around so that he always find the time interesting.

    At about 6.00 in evening we give him a bath in warm water. After which he is fresh, do his breast feeding, and his dinner. By about 07.30 pm she just takes him to bed and tell him a long-long story so that he just listens to it and then sleeps.

    Being ‘worked so hard’ in day, naturally he sleeps quietly in night. Breast feeding is done at about 2 hours interval in night.

    Initially, he was not responding to story and he was shouting and playing. Then my wife would just continue with the story without making his game uninteresting due to ‘lack of company’. Now he knows the story time and lies quietly for the “show” gradually leading to a peaceful sleep time… 🙂

  6. Melanie says

    4 month old…

    7:00 Wake
    9:00 NAP
    9:45 Wake
    11:45 Nap
    12:30 Wake
    2:30 Nap
    3:15 Wake
    5:15 Sleeps (ends up sleeping his longest stretch)
    10:00pm Wake (ready to play… Grrr)
    11:30 Sleep
    3:00 Wake
    4:30 Wake
    7:00 Wake


    P.S. I breastfeed him each time when he wakes up all day long.

  7. Hajra says

    My baby girl Minna had major sleeping issues when i use to put her back to sleep. now since i am putting he upside down she sleeps well n growing up nicely. otherwise due to sleep deprivation she was cranky n not eating well.

  8. Brittany says

    7:30 Wake up, eat 6 ounce bottle
    7:45-8:30 Play and snuggle
    8:30-9:00 Nap/quiet time
    9:00-9:15 A few ounces of baby food (either bananas, applesauce, peaches, or pears), and more play time
    9:15-10:00 Play time
    10:00-11:00 Nap/quiet time
    11:00-11:15 Eat 6 ounce bottle
    11:15-1:00 More play time
    1:00-1:15 A six ounce bottle
    1:15-4:00 Nap
    4:00-7:00 Platime, maybe another small nap, and a bottle
    7:00-7:15 Baby food (carrots, peas, green beans, or sweet potatoes, etc.)
    7:15-8:15 Bathtime, snuggle time, etc.
    8:15-8:30 Six ounce bottle
    8:30 or 9:00 Bedtime

    (Of course this varies from day to day, there are days where there are less naps and more play time, and vice versa. Somedays he’ll take a 5 hour nap, or fall asleep at 6:30. This is just a typical day.)

  9. Debbye says

    @ Nicole- Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you’ve got a great sleeper! Yay!

    @ Michelle- You sure do have an early riser on your hands! You are right about later bedtimes not helping babies sleep in, but I do think you could try to push bedtime just a little later, like shoot for 7:00? What are you doing when he wakes at 5? If you want to help him learn, that it is not time to get up yet, you can go and soothe him and see if you can help him back to sleep for a little while, keeping it dark and quiet and boring, and maybe he will “get it.”
    Good luck!!!

    @ Stacy- Back to sleep till 9:00! Wow! That is great! Thanks for sharing!

    @Kate- Thanks for sharing your schedule and the name of the book you are using! I do really wish ALL babies could sleep so well at 4 months!
    Best wishes!

  10. Kate says

    @ Michelle
    I have been following a book ‘save our sleep’ by tizzie hall. It is fabulous. For your situation she would recommend – bed at 7am – strictly no later, dream feed at 10am and then they should sleep through to 7am. Bubs might wake up between 3-5am for the first couple of weeks but will eventually push to 7am. I did this routine with my baby and each week he pushed back a couple of hours till he got to 7am.
    Also, 5am is around the coldest time in the morning so maybe he is waking up a little cold and not warm enough to re-settle.
    Good luck! 🙂