Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Alison — I would urge you not to “worry” about this at all. I personally pumped just a few times with all 3 of my kids, so I never had a very accurate guess as to how much milk I held at a time. I think Miriam’s recommendation is more for moms who are really struggling to get their babies to sleep well, and who want to know how they can safely stretch the time between feedings without jeopardizing their supply. Does that make sense?

    As for how to pump — I think a good way to handle this would be to try and wake about 30 minutes before your baby (not always an easy thing to do, I know!) Then, pump yourself dry, and offer the milk to your baby in a bottle. Of course, if your baby won’t take a bottle, then it gets a bit more complicated…

    Let us know what ends up working for you, Alison!

  2. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Nicole — woot! Sounds like things are going really well for you. So glad to hear it! Thanks for this update. 🙂

    @ Briony — thanks for sharing the details of your experience, and for encouraging breastfeeding moms that breastfed babies really can sleep through the night!

    @ Lois — you must be so, so tired. 🙁 We do have a number of resources on helping toddlers sleep through the night; you can access our free guide on toddler sleep here: However, I don’t know if there’s much info in that guide about how to manage breastfeeding a toddler on demand with sleep training.

    You could start with the free guide, and if it doesn’t speak to your particular situation closely enough, you could consider setting up a consultation: We’ve worked with parents who practice attachment parenting before, and we’ve found solutions and methods that allowed them to parent in the way they wanted while still maximizing sleep.

    Hang in there, Lois! And keep us posted on your progress.

  3. Emily DeJeu says

    @ krystle — I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. 🙁 I don’t have any real answers for you, other than to point out that this might be a sleep regression. Many young infants will sleep just fine up until about the 4 month mark. Then, their sleep patterns permanently change and become more like our adult sleep patterns. That’s the point when most parents find their babies are suddenly waking up frequently and are unable to go back to sleep without help.

    You can read more about the regression here: You can also access a copy of our free guide on how to help your baby sleep better at night here: Those would be good starting places for you.

    Keep us posted on how it goes, krystle!

  4. Holly says

    I followed what I read in the Baby Whisperer book and increased my day feedings by 5 min to increase calories during the day. By 3 mos our LO was sleeping 11-12 hrs with one night feeding and at 4 mos we dropped the dream feed because it was making him poop too much. We never did CIO and at 4mos our LO did 11-12hr nights exclusively breast fed. I’m still nursing him at 22mos.

  5. Alison says

    I have a question about measuring your capacity. I’m expecting my second. My first hated a bottle, and so my question is: If I pump my breasts dry first thing in the morning, what do I feed the baby? Is there a way to at least guess based on when or how much baby seems to want to eat?

    It never occurred to me that I should worry about how much I can store when trying to get baby to sleep.

  6. Lois says

    I’m glad to see that you support breastfeeding, however I would be interested to know how to go about sleep-training my 14 month old (i.e. night wean him) – he still wakes up multiple times a night and the first couple of times my husband will put him back to sleep, but after that we’re too tired to do anything except bring him into our bed and let him nurse whenever he wants. I know we’ve caused this situation but I’m too tired to resolve it. Vicious cycle! I don’t want him to feel like he’s not able to breastfeed whenever he wants during the day (or even at night if he has a nightmare or something) but I do want him to sleep through the night most nights now! 14 months with almost no sleep is taking its toll.

  7. Briony says

    I exclusively breastfeed my 4 1/2 month old daughter. She has done 5-6 hours at night since around 5 weeks old and has gradually lengthened this time (she always cluster fed in the evening, sometimes for almost 5 hours when she was very tiny! but once she finished she slept until morning) For the last 3 weeks she has started her bedtime routine at 7pm and is usually asleep in her cot by 8pm. She usually sleeps through until 6am ish. I do feed her to sleep but on the few occasions she has woken crying shortly after placing her in her cot I have not taken her out of her cot and I have soothed her by sitting next to her cot.
    When she is going through a growth spurt she does wake for a feed, but so far she has returned to sleeping through a night or so later.
    I’m not being smug as I am prepared that things could change, but I do want to encourage mums who breastfeed that exclusively breastfed babies can sleep through the night!

  8. krystle says

    I can do good at the beg of the night if needed, but im so exhausted by the middle of the night. hubby is up at 430am for work i have work at 7am. and baby is in our room so im sure that doesnt help. she on only takes one nap during the day usually 3-4 hrs. that’s how she has been… she was sleeping all random times, and one day she started sleeping 4 hrs around1030am-230pm and that’s how its been since. she wakes up happy and full of it. occasional y she will have a 45 minute nap and then a 2 hour nap later in the afternoon but its always the same amount of sleep. she also gets rice cereal, an ounce 3 times a day always followed up with breast feeding, and breast feed only the rest of the times. she never wakes up crying except at night, and she never did until we put her in her bed. for 4 months, she would wake up at 230 am, eat, go back to sleep until 5am eat, back to sleep till 8am. granted she was sleeping on me, but she NEVER cried. now she wakes up screaming if its after 11pm or midnight. i have held her while she screamed for 45 minutes straight. not even crying, but like she is yelling. sometimes i wonder if she is scared? we keep it pretty dark in our room.

  9. Nicole says

    Take note: today is only day 4 of nap training and night 4 of sleep training. Prior, our almost 7-month baby boy was waking hourly and I fed him each time simply because I knew it would put him back to sleep and he was used to nursing often.

    It’s going well so far! I nurse him around 7pm, let him go for a long time and then I break the latch when I see he is sleepy, the sucking has slowed down, and he is no longer actively swallowing. I rock him a little, stand up and do some “shh shh-ing” then lie him in crib.

    He fusses and we go into training mode (CIO a minute with us outside bedroom door, then CIO a minute as I stand by his crib, with my hand on his belly and tracing his eyes/hair petting..etc! If crying continues, pick up and sooth until calm, them crib transfer and do it all over again as needed! Goal is to not have him cry for long periods, and sleep on his own…)

    I then only nurse once in the middle of the night (11pm to 1pm I consider middle of the night) and once early AM (5,6am). He is now eating more during the day since he is getting less milk at night, woohoo!

    Again, it’s only day four. We’ll see what’s in store for our future!

    Currently: 3 naps in day, over an hour each (trying the “not awake for more than 2 hours” plan to avoid an over-tired babe. Bedtime 7pm, wakes 3-4 times if you include his 5 or 6 am nursing then back to sleep, awake for the day around 8:00am.

  10. krystle says

    not yet! my baby is a very happy smiley social 5 month old girl. she puts her self to sleep fine… she has never fought sleep. i have never had to “put” her to sleep. if its her daytime naptime, i lay her down she sucks her thumb and goes to sleep. took 3 nights to get her to sleep in her bassinet after 4 months of sleeping on mom. WITH THAT SAID….. she will go down for her night sleep in her bed no problem. after midnight, 3am on a good night, she is back in my bed. she wakes p SCREAMING kicking, pulling legs up ect. im going to look into the possibility of reflux. its the hours between midnight and 4-5am. 5am till whenever we get up (on non work days she cazn go to 9am) she sleeps GREAT next to me without comfort nursing. lost…. have already expending money on bogus sights for sleep trainging that was cruel, and did not work. i feel like we are right to the hump… but just cant quite get over it 🙁