Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Brenna says

    I’m considering trying the ferber method. My 6 month old son wakes up every 1-3 hours throughout the night. He nurses for just a minute or two and falls right back to sleep. So my question is this: If I have him cry himself to sleep using the ferber method for the first time at night, do I have to do the same thing every time he wakes up at night?

  2. Alissa says

    My daugter is 6 weeks old and having a very hard time falling into a good sleep and staying in a deep sleep. She was actually 7 weeks early and spent over a month in the NICU. She was on a vey strict routine while in the hopital and seemed to sleep great. They woke her up every 3 hours to be fed and changed and went right back to sleep. Now at home, she doesnt do anything like that. She wakes up contstantly threw the night and after i feed her she refuses to go back to sleep if i put her down. She will ony sleep if i sit and let her sleep on my chest. As soon as i put her down she screams. Please help, im exausted.

  3. suki says

    i have questions to the ferber method:

    (my girl is 17 months now)

    – once the baby gives up crying but hasn’t slept yet – should we still go in and check? i feel that this just starts a new crying period?

    – let’s say baby has slept – and wakes at night? what is the procedure then? do you still use the checking at intervals technique or is a there a different way?

    thank you very much

    • Nicole says

      @Suki No, if your child has quieted down I would not go back in and “tease” them. Similarly, if they are fussing but quieting down I wouldn’t go in then, either. Yes, you would apply the same intervals the whole night. Another option is to focus on bedtime, first, and then work on the rest of the night. Hope this helps and good luck!

  4. Sarah says

    I have a three and a half month old fat baby, happy and content….i recently went back to work and could not function with my interrupted sleep (she was waking 1,2 times but with the burping was taking me like an hour or so to sometimes put her back to sleep, she vomits a lot). I may add that when i did go back to work, she started waking more often and not going back down after feeding, naturally enjoying her one on one with me which she wasnt getting so much of during the day. Anyway, i was convinced by my friends to do the CIO (crying it out) method which Dr. Cohen is a proponent on (Tribeca, NY) which is about putting your baby to sleep and not going back into the room until the morning. Everyone assured me it would be a matter of nights, three, four nights max and she would be sleeping through. Well last night was our 7th night and she cried for a whole hour from 4 to 5, and it broke my heart, i didnt cave, but i am not sure this is working for her, i feel that if after 7 nights she is still waking, it must be because she really needs that feed, despite being such a chubby baby…i am torn, dont know if to keep doing the CIO or if to just feed her at that time and enjoy her…I want to do what is best for her as well as me.

    • Nicole says

      @Sarah I don’t typically recommend cry-it-out at 3 1/2 months and I don’t ever usually work with many people that do the “don’t go back in til morning” thing. I think that is incredibly difficult for everyone. On top of that, I err on the side of caution and always recommend keeping 1-2 feedings up through 9 months, so I most definitely would feed your 3 1/2 month old. I am not extreme and try to be practical. Some adults can’t go 12 hours without eating so I don’t know why we expect our babies to do it. You can find my recommended feedings on this article here:

      Because it’s so easy to feel guilty as a new mom, I don’t want you to focus on what you have already done or feel bad about it, but I would most definitely go in and feed your 3 month old from now on. I know this sleep stuff is hard and even getting up for one feed for a year was hard for me, but I do think your baby is genuinely hungry. (((HUGS))) Good luck!

  5. Angela says

    My son is 6 months old. We have a great bedtime routine, or at least I believe it is a great one. We start cereal around 7:30, give him a bath (sometimes), and then bedtime lotion, night gown, and nurse him. He usually falls asleep while I am nursing him, or holding him. He is usually in his crib by 8:30pm. I can put him in his crib, and he then will sleep until about 12, sometimes more, sometimes less. Then, it’s on…we play put the passy in, hold my hand until I fall asleep, and sometimes I just get so tired and end up bringing him to bed with my husband and I. It’s so frustrating at times. I don’t want to co-sleep, although it is often easier because we all get sleep that way. Now I’m worried that I have just created a horrible habit of him just wanting me or my husband. I know that I have been the inconsistent one, but I’m afraid to let him just CIO. I think I may try the method of the checking in on him and see how that works. Any words of encouragment?! It breaks my heart to hear him cry like that…he has a temper!!!

    • Nicole says

      @Angela It sounds like he does have a sleep association with the pacifier and it’s only natural to want to be with you, too. A lovey can work quite well. Both my sons have really loved their Taggies blankets we got online. They find a lot of comfort with them. I typically recommend focusing on bedtime first, starting the night like you want the rest to go. Many times this nudge is all a baby needs and they start to sleep well, depending on their temperament. Hang in there! Good luck!!

  6. Beth says

    My husband and I have tried both methods in the past few months for our 8mo old with no positive results. He wakes up about every two hours and will not go back to sleep until we’ve either fed or rocked him! Our doctor even suggested giving him water instead of formula to see if it was just a comfort thing but he noticed the difference and wouldn’t go back to sleep until he was fed! Since then we’ve been reluctant to let him CIO since (as you state in one of your articles) sometimes he genuinely seems to be hungry. We have scaled back our comforting to simple back pats the other times but cannot seem to break him of his waking pattern. Many people I talk to have had little to no problems with getting their children to sleep through the night; I just wanted to thank you for showing me there are others in the same situation as me!

    • Nicole says

      @Beth You’re welcome! 🙂 Eating every 2 hours is most definitely a sleep association that would help all of you to break. 1-2 feedings is normal up through 9 months, but eating every 2 hours means he can’t get through a sleep cycle without help getting back to sleep. The key is that he falls asleep in the same way he needs to go BACK to sleep throughout the night. Once he can do that, things can improve a lot. Good luck!

  7. Elizabeth says

    My almost 10-month old still nurses to sleep and wakes up 1-3 times at night to nurse back to sleep. I tried the no-cry method at bedtime a few months ago, but it didn’t seem to work. My question about crying it out is whether you have any experience or feedback from families with multiple children. I’m willing to try CIO, but we have a 6 1/2-year old and especially a 3-year old who might have their sleep disturbed by the crying baby.

    Thanks for any tips.

    • Nicole says

      @Elizabeth With the older children, you might talk to them about what’s going to happen. Sometimes people send the older ones to Grandma’s for a few days, too. All in all, a few nights of disruptive sleep for everyone else in the family might be “worth” a long run of everyone, including the baby, sleeping better. I also have white noise machines in both my boys’ rooms and I close their doors. They have only woken each other up a couple of times (one was before the white noise machines and what prompted the purchase :D). Good luck!!

  8. Nicole says

    @WindowContractor That is a tough age! Schedules don’t form until later, so the main thing you can do right now is check out my newborn tips post ( ). It is too early to sleep train. Good luck!

  9. Window Contractor says

    Thanks for the tips…my wife and I have a 5 week old that is not sleeping very much at night. She tends to sleep a bunch during the day and early AM. We are trying to switch her schedule but it is very difficult. She cries from 10-3 every night.

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