Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Jasmin says

    My son has been exclusively breast fed and now is almost 8 months. My son was born at 9 lbs. 6 oz. and at 6 months was 18 lbs. 3 oz. (almost doubled birth weight) My pediatrician said I could stop breastfeeding and switch to formula because there was no benefit of breastfeeding after 6 months. So weird, I thought doctors would be happy moms were breastfeeding as it is healthier.

    I had many people tell me that he needs more than just breast milk and that I have to suppliment formula. I got a free sample of formula and tried giving it to him and he gagged – not just wouldn’t take it, actual gag reflex. It smelled really bad too. I cannot believe how many people use formula when there is a free natural food for babies first year or two. I also can’t believe how many doctors recommend formula. One person who said I had to use formula was told by her doctor to use formula because her milk wasn’t enough. She said that she bottle feeds, then an hour later breastfeeds.

    Adding solid food hasn’t helped him sleep either, so it isn’t hunger. He is up twice a night, generally. It is ALL about how I put him to bed. I put him to bed awake for about a week and he slept through the night. I wasn’t consistent and he gets up now because I nurse him to sleep. My choice and his teething is why he is up. I feel bad hearing him cry even a little, so we keep getting up. I am a tortoise and so is he, so we are taking our time. I enjoy breastfeeding and can’t believe how fast he has changed from a little infant to be crawling, sitting himself up and standing, and having two teeth!

  2. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Anna — thanks for giving such a detailed account of your experience! It’ll likely prove really helpful to the moms who are experiencing what you have. Good luck to you, as you start trying for baby #2! Very exciting!!

  3. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Ashwini — it’s amazing how different siblings can be, isn’t it? And of course, the differences impact sleep, too. Thanks for sharing your experiece!

    @ Andrea — What a happy birthday that must have been for all of you 😉 Further proof that all kids are different, AND that nighttime waking often involves more than just hunger.

    @ Em — thanks for sharing this message of support! Sounds like breastfeeding has been a really positive experience for you and your son 🙂

  4. Anna says

    We are in the middle of debating this with our nearly 10 month old. He LOVES his food and I still can’t seem to satisfy him with BF overnight. He still wakes up at least once (teething so has been more). We introduced formula when I had no milk for one feed and needed to get him off to bed. It didn’t help him sleep ANY longer than 4.5hrs, which at first was really annoying but solids had/have the same affect. Nothing seems to fill my hungry boy. My DH has tried feeding him formula before bed so we can get a better gap, well if my baby smells milk on me it doesn’t work. We are going to try different formula to see if its the taste as want to start weaning him off me as starting to try for number 2. For us formula doesn’t make him sleep longer or affect anything from his normal routine. We just want to do it so its not a ‘blame new baby for me losing Mummy’.
    I agree with Andrea with it being a brain thing. My baby knows if he cries I’m there and will comfort feed off to sleep. If just makes noises I wait and either the noises stop (gone back to sleep himself) or I do have to go in and check what I have to do.
    We introduced solids at nearly 4 months due to me not satisfying him with BF alone. The first night got an 8hr gap then was back to his usual 4 – 6hr overnight gap. I just go with the flow with my baby.
    We will keep trying with formula as don’t want him to miss out on anything.
    More sleep well it will come whenever it does 😉

  5. Em says

    I just wanted to send a message of support to all moms who are up at nights but especially if you’re breastfeeding and wondering if it’s worth it, look at it this way: I breastfed my son exclusively, including 2/3 wakings a night for months but he’s now nearly 2 and I have only been up with him 2/3 times (touchwood) in his life due to illness. That includes his first few months in daycare after I went back to work. Plus he sleeps and naps (for now) like a dream. I now have a three month old and am happy to do the same again. So much nicer to do a quick and peaceful feed with a sleepy, happy baby than be up nights with a sicky, upset toddler. Those antibodies are not just helping your baby now – they could also earn you both a lot more sleep later!

  6. Andrea says

    I too was tempted to try a bottle of formula a night, and even starting solids early. My son never slept longer than 2hr stretches some nights, in all of infancy (under 12 mo). I just continued to nurse him to sleep and we moved him out of the family bed at 12mo. Then *poof* two weeks after his first birthday he started sleeping thru the night, all night 11-12 hrs long. He started solids at 8mo and weaned at 18.

    I totally think its a brain thing not a belly thing. Some kids are ready early, some need to take their own time. Patience and consistency are the keys, not necessarily what you feed/how you feed your baby.

  7. Ashwini says

    I have a pair of almost 10 month old twins. I used the mixed feeding method until they were 6months old when I had to get back to work. Now, they are exclusively formula fed with 3 solid feeds a day. Yet they wake up 2-3 times a night; sometimes to feed and at other times due to teething pain. Formula, breast milk or solids haven’t really made a difference. They were each born with a different sleeping pattern and even today, it remains different.

  8. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Teryn — that’s a good philosophy! Enjoy it while it lasts 🙂 Congratulations on having such a champ sleeper!

  9. Teryn says

    I def thought about adding a formula bottle before bed to see if that made a difference… but at exactly 4 months old she slept 10 hours, then 11, then 12, sometimes 13. I know how lucky I am, that an exclusively breastfed baby is sleeping that much. I also know this may not last. I am enjoying it while it does :o)

  10. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Emily — sounds like you have a big challenge on your hands! It can be so hard to break those sleep/feeding associations, can’t it? You’re not alone, of course; I’d say most of the parents who contact us about their babies’/toddlers’ sleep are struggling with sleep associations.

    I completely understand about not being able to stand the CIO method. Although, it sounds like in your daughter’s case, it proved useful 😉 Maybe you do need to plan another short vacation!

    Best of luck to you, Emily!