Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Kristy says

    My 3.5 month old sleeps pretty well at night. Bedtime between 6-8 with a goal of 7pm. He has been doing a 7-8 hour stretch and then a fed anywhere from 2-4:30am. He is rocked back to sleep and wakes up 6:30-7:30 am. My issue is daytime. He continues to have an extremely shortbawake window that maxes out at around an hour. He is a hot mess if we stretch to 1.5 hours. He is a chronic catnapper of 45 mins. I am in a vicious cycle of constantly putting him down for naps. Is it normal to have such a sleepy baby during the day with decent sleep at night? He usually wakes up happy and then progressively beck es sleepy as 60 minutes approaches – yawning, eye rubbing.

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi Kristy – Thank you for visiting! It is great to hear that your baby is sleeping so well at night! Yay! Short naps are still SO common at this age, and if he also has a short “awake window” that is fine too! It sounds like you have found a schedule that works for you, which may be tough since you’re putting him down do often, will not last forever! He will stretch that awake window when he is ready, and you can continue to experiment with stretching the time little by little, as you are able. Keep it up, and his naps will consolidate, and his awake window will widen!
      Hang in there until then and thanks again for writing!

  2. Samantha says

    It’s strange my 2 year old usually sleeps from 7-7ish. Some times she would wake up early sometimes a bit later. But for the last couple of weeks she’s been sleeping in so long! Sometimes as late as 9 am. I can hear her fuss and then she goes back to sleep. She still naps usually about 2 hours. Some days she skips her nap and just hangs out in her crib. I thought at first a growth spurt but she’s not really eating all that much. She’s due for her top molars but would this sleep stage last that long if it was teething? She’s isn’t sick and she is her normal self during the day.

    • Danielle says

      Hi Samantha,
      Thank you for using The Baby Sleep Site as a resource! I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with your daughter’s sleep. There is a little sleep regression around this age that can cause some nighttime waking, scheduling trouble, and nap refusal. Teething, as you mention, can also be a part of this. We have an article that I hope will help here:
      This regression is usually pretty short, though sometimes we will need to adjust a daytime schedule to prevent night-waking, especially if she’s awake at night and then sleeping in in the morning and refusing nap. I hope this helps!

  3. Gena says

    My almost 3 year old daughter sleeps a lot. She takes a nap between 1-3 hours every day and is in bed by 9 PM. Should I be concerned?

    • Danielle says

      Hi Gena,
      Thanks for using The Baby Sleep Site as a resource! Most 3 year-olds are sleeping 12-14 hours in a 24 hour day. If your daughter’s still napping, we’d usually expect a 1-2 hour nap plus a 10-11 hour night, so from your description, it sounds like she’s right on track. If you have any concerns at all about her growth, or she seems excessively tired even after sleeping, it’s always good to check in with her pediatrician to rule out any medical concerns. I hope this helps!

  4. Reshu says

    Hey. My 30 days old baby doesnt drinking milk properly .he is alwys sleeping. And he alwys have some gas in stomach. His burping is greater than as usual. When we try to wake up, He doesnt.even he wake up, he only drink for 20 or 30 sec. what we do??

    • Neosha says

      @Reshu – Thank you for stopping by and for reading. We’re sorry to hear that your little guy’s eating and sleeping has caused you all such worry! Newborn babies do sleep the bulk of the day away waking mostly just to feed and get cleaned up. You don’t say how much your little guy is sleeping or feeding, but we’d encourage you to please reach out to his healthcare provider who would be better able to help you determine what’s going on with your baby boy. Hang in there, Reshu!

  5. Jan Simpson says

    My 2 1/2 year old granddaughter shows no illness symptoms. No fever, no runny nose. However, she is cranky, acting out, crying and wants to go to sleep. This is totally not her normal behavior. She is eating a little less but drinking normal. What could this be?

    • Neosha says

      @Jan – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us. I’m so sorry to hear that your little granddaughter is behaving oddly! I know how worrying that has to be for you all. We’d suggest that even though she’s showing no physical signs of illness, that you still ring up her medical provider to let them know what’s going on and get their advice. Low appetite and sleepiness is often a sign that something may be going on so getting some medical input is definitely a good idea. Hang in there, Jan and best of wishes to you all!

  6. kirsty Penny says

    Hi I’m hoping you can advise me on my 2 year old boy please. He’s recently moved into his first grown up bed and has never been a fantastic sleeper but now he can get in and out of bed he wants mummy and to be in our bed. Daddy is sleeping on the floor next to him and trying to settle him as letting him cry it out isn’t an option as we have an 8 month old baby that I don’t need waking up! He’s recently been pretty poorly with slap cheek virus and then gastroenteritis poor thing, he’s now got a sore throat and we’ve spoken to the doctor this morning who is worrying more about his development (which seems fine) than the illnesses and all this at the same time as moving into his grown up bed! However what’s really worrying me is he’s suddenly started napping for 3 hrs plus after lunch. Is this normal? Is it because he’s shattered from broken sleep at night or should I be getting on to the doctor? I’m so worried. Thank you!

    • Neosha says

      @Kirsty – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us. We’re so sorry to hear your little guy has been so ill and sleeping so poorly. We understand your worry and your family’s exhaustion! It’s definitely very normal for a toddler to make up for some sleep they are missing at night and to sleep longer during the day especially if they are ill. However, if you’re experiencing any worry whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to call or visit his doctor. His health is definitely the top priority! We hope all is well with you all, Kirsty, and your little guy gets to feeling better soon. Hang in there!

  7. Rose says


    My daughter is 3 months. She normally sleeps 8 to 6 with 3 night feedings. Lately we have been doing an earlier bedttime, about 7 to 730 because she gets soooo cranky if we don’t. She would still start to fuss about 530 and officially wake up at 6 for a feeding and play time. Then back down about 730.
    We have been worried cause she started to cry more. Went to doc. Said she was fine.
    For about a week she was waking up every 30 minutes to 2 hours and naps wouldn’t be longer than 30 minutes. We found her rolled over one morning and doc said no more swaddle. We use a love to dream sleep thing and just leave one arm out for now (two and she refuses to sleep).
    But today…she finally settled about 745. Dream fed at 1115 and 345 and 6. Normally 6 am feeding she is up and ready to play after but she just fell back asleep. This is after a day of only 30 minute naps (like 7 naps cause she kept being cranky).
    Now, I’m wondering if I should be worried. It has been 12 hours and she’s still not awake. I keep checking in on her cause I’m worried (still breathing but moves and groans when light is on).
    But when do you know it is time they will just start sleeping longer or something is wrong? Is she catching up on missed sleep? Is she telling me she’s ready to sleep longer?

    Thanks…ftm and not feeling like I’ve got those “mom instincts”.


    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Rose, and thank you for writing to us! I am sorry you are concerned about your daughter’s sleeping patterns – so much can change in the beginning and some days can be horrible while other days you keep checking to make sure they are alive (I won’t admit how many times I have felt what you’re feeling as well – totally normal at least in my book!). We have a free guide available for new parents that may help you feel better about the ever changing sleep patterns as she continues to grow and develop. To download the free guide, you can sign up here:
      It’s great you’ve already spoken to your pediatrician, so you can rest a little easier knowing everything is good with your sweet girl. Let us know if you need anything else! 🙂

  8. tracy says

    my son is 3 months old he has a heart condition and a feeding tube and he sleeps all day. could it be normal hes always slept alot but idk whether to be worried or not

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Tracy, thank you for writing to us. I am sorry to hear your son has a heart condition, but I am glad to hear he is getting the help he needs as he continues to grow. Since your situation is more specific, I would reach out to your son’s doctor to see what is normal for babies with similar medical histories. I do not want to poorly advise you so I apologize I cannot directly answer your question. Thank you for visiting the Baby Sleep Site!

  9. Sarah says

    I usually have to fight my 3 year old to take a nap during the day. He sleeps all through the night, but he tosses and turns most of it, and then takes a nap that lasts about and hour to two hours during the afternoon. However, the past few days he’s been voluntarily wanting to go back to sleep within an hour of waking up and he’ll stay asleep for 4-6 hours. He seems to feel alright and is chipper when he’s awake. I was wondering if this is normal for a growth spurt or if I should be concerned that it’s something more.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Sarah, thanks for writing to us! I am a representative of our Client Relations team, and am not a sleep consultant, so I personally haven’t heard of this happening too much. I am guessing it could be a variety of things, but my first suggestion is if it continues to mention it to his doctor to make sure he’s not fighting something that would be fatiguing him. My other suggestion if everything is clear, would be to work with a sleep consultant to help get his nighttime sleep more restful so he does not wake up tired. If you are interested in learning more about that, please email us directly at [email protected] and we can help point you in the right direction of services we offer. Thank you for your comment and visiting the Baby Sleep Site!

  10. Claire says

    Hi Janelle
    Thanks for this article. My nearly 20 month old sleeps for 11-12 hour at night then will have a morning nap of 60-90min and an afternoon nap of the same – the most he sleeps in his naps is 3.5 hours in the day. Some people I have spoken to think this is too much and at this age he should be consolidating his naps to 1 long lunchtime nap. Is this normal?
    He is an active little boy and it feels like he needs to recharge twice a day at the moment to stop him getting over tired. He will go to sleep almost immediately whenever I put him down for his nap (and most evening for bed too).
    I’m thinking of putting him in childcare for one day a week which has a different routine (nap in the middle of the day), but wasn’t sure if this would mess up his sleep pattern.
    Thanks for your advice

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Claire, thanks for writing to us and sharing about your son. The average timeline to transition to one nap is between 15-18 months, but again, that’s the average and all babies are different and we generally suggest to hold onto 2 naps until they are ready and not force the transition. If you have any concerns that he may be sleeping too much, I would bring it up at your next visit to his doctor. When the time comes – either because you put him in daycare or he begins to transition on his own (whichever is first) – that you need more help during the nap transition, let us know! We have many resources available that will help you through it to make sure he continues to get all the sleep he needs. I hope this helps!