Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Rebekah says

    I need help! Since my baby was 3 months old she has slept through the night from 7pm – 6am, after we sleep trained her. She self soothes very well. She is now a little over 5 months old and for the last week has been waking up at various points throughout the night and will NOT go back to sleep, no matter what methods we use, until she’s had an 8 oz bottle. I’m assuming this is maybe a growth spurt or teething issue (no teeth visible yet) because she was a good sleeper before. I’ve also tried to start her on solids during the day but she doesn’t seem ready.
    I don’t feel comfortable letting her cry too long because she truly seems hungry. But how long do I let this go on until she’s passed whatever stage this is, and when should she start sleeping normally?
    I should mention that she is not a good napper and still seems to sleep only 30-45 min per nap no matter how I adjust her nap schedule and feeds.

  2. K says

    Hi there
    I have a 7 week old. We’ve started a bedtime and nap time routine and she is doing pretty good. My only concern is that, while he daytime feeding are always in and around 120-150 ml every 3 hours-ish, her night feedings (midnight and 4 am) are now quite low. She eats slowly and doesn’t want the bottle/falls asleep after 40-70 ml. She doesn’t wake up until 4 hours later so I’m not concerned that she’s doing it so she can wake up/eat more frequently but is she eating enough at night for her age? What do you recommend we do?

    • Neosha says

      @K – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us, and congratulations on your new addition. 🙂 We can definitely understand being concerned if your little girl’s feeding habits have changed, especially if they’ve decreased! We do expect babies to start eating less in the night and more in the day as they get older but encourage our families to seek input from their babies’ healthcare providers, who tend to have more health information about your baby, to be sure their babies are eating enough to meet their health needs. Providers generally look at how your daughter is growing as a whole to determine if she’s eating enough in the night, so be prepared to answer other types of questions when you call, too, such as how she behaves now and in the past week. We hope this helps, K -please keep reading!

  3. Pauric says

    Hi guys i need help ive a 2 day old baby boy i just fed him and tried winding him but nothing came up so i put him back down is that ok to do im afraid to go back asleep now if he gets up wind in his cot by himself will he be ok if that happens?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Pauric, I am sorry to just reply now! I hope everything turned out ok that night and you were able to get some sleep. It can be so stressful in the beginning as you are figuring out your baby. If you want some free tips on life with a newborn, be sure to download our free guide! You can sign up to receive it here:

  4. Hannah says

    Thank you for this helpful article. I have a 3 month old, and I’m fairly happy with his sleep now because we managed to eliminate almost all of his sleep props (i.e. bouncing or rocking him to sleep) but he is really inconsistent with his nighttime feeds. In the evening, I feed him between 7:30 and 8, do our bedtime routine, and then put him down awake. I also put him down awake for naps, so I know he can put himself back to sleep. For a while he was sleeping from 8:30 until 4, but now he’s waking between 1 and 2. I really can’t complain because he’ll sleep until he wakes in the morning at 7, and I know that he needs the feeding right now, but is there a way that I can get him to sleep longer during that first stretch again? I am considering a dream feed, but I’m concerned that it will backfire and he’ll be totally awake because he’s a highly alert and sensitive baby. Thanks in advance!

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Hannah, thanks for writing to us! It can be tricky to know if a dream feed will work or not – it definitely depends on the child! Here is an article with more information that may help you decide:
      I hope this helps!

  5. Ashley says

    Hi! My baby is 5 months old. Up until 4 months he always slept really well, doing about a 8-9 hour stretch, waking around 5am to nurse and then going back down til around 8am. At 4 months he went through a slight sleep regression but also got sick, so I started feeding him when he woke at night. After he was healthy again he kept waking at night expecting to bed fed. We started sleep training this week which is going ok so far. If he wakes earlier than 5 he can usually soothe himself back to sleep. My issue is that I still think he needs the 5am feeding because when he wakes around that time it takes 1-1.5hrs of my husband going in every 15 minutes to soothe him (rub his back, insert pacifier, etc) to get him back to sleep. He does go back to sleep until around 8am, but I feel like if he’s up and crying for that long then he is probably hungry. I’m nervous that if I go back to feeding him at all during the night though that he will start waking again at all hours expecting to be fed, but I also obviously don’t want to be starving my baby if he is indeed hungry!

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Ashley, thank you for writing to us. I am sorry you’ve experienced a bit of a setback with your son’s sleeping. Here is a link to a 5 month old schedule to give you an idea of how many night wakings would be appropriate: Anything beyond that is likely a negative sleep association to being fed to sleep.
      I hope this helps and that is passes quickly! Hang in there!

  6. Sarah says

    My daughter is 11 months old right now and has recently started waking up in the middle of the night screaming until she is fed. Comforting her doesn’t do anything, she very clearly wants food. She’s a very good sleeper and can put herself to sleep/back to sleep normally, but lately it has been almost every night. I don’t know if it’s normal/she’s just growing and needed extra food, or if she’s just developed a bad habit. If it is a bad habit I don’t know how to fix it because she is hysterical until fed. I just don’t understand what is happening, she used to sleep through the night.

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Sarah, thank you for visiting the Baby Sleep Site. I am sorry your daughter has suddenly been waking up for a feeding. It could be developmental or it could be a habit. Here is a link to an 11 month old schedule so you can make sure she’s getting all the calories she needs during the daytime hours:
      If the problem persists and you need additional help, let us know as we have many resources that can help. Feel free to contact us direct here if you are interested:
      Hang in there!

  7. Sarah says

    Ive been feeding my two mobth old every 2 hours throughout the day and every hour in the evening then over the night do 1 feeding 3 hours apart and one 4 hours apart (so two feedings at night) sometimes more if he wakes up early. But the last week i havent been hearing my alarm go off and hes been sleeping without waking for about 6 hour stretches. Hes getting about 9-11 feedings durring the day so is this ok? I feel so guilty i keep not waking up but he has to be woken up for his night feedings normally. He wants to sleep, does this mean hes not hungry. And its ok to let him sleep?

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Sarah, thanks for writing to us! This article will explain how much breastmilk/formula your baby will need in a 24 hour period:
      I am not a medical professional so I would just suggest giving your child’s doctor a call and making sure there is no concern with letting him sleep since they know his full medial history and can advise if he needs the extra calories at night for weight gain, or something else.
      I hope this helps! Thanks for visiting the Baby Sleep Site!

  8. Emily DeFranceschi says

    My 9 month old is waking every two hours (almost exactly) to feed.
    He will cry until I let down and then he will take the whole feeding before falling back asleep. I have considered that maybe he is going through a growth spurt or developmental leap, but am also concerned that he is feeding just to soothe. Any advice?

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Emily DeFranceschi, Thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear you are struggling with your 9 month old’s sleep. We actually have a free guide with some tips on how to get your baby to sleep through the night which you are able to sign up to receive here:
      If you find you need additional help with this issue, we have a lot more resources that can provide specific help for your situation. If you are interested, please contact us directly here so that we can help you find the best package for your family:
      Hang in there and thanks for using the Baby Sleep Site as a resource for sleep!

  9. Peggy says

    If my three month old sleeps through the night and missed a feeding. Do I try to make up that formula?

    • Nicole Johnson says

      @Peggy Welcome to our sleepy little village! You will likely want to compare what your 3 month old drinks in a 24-hour period to averages and the amount your doctor has indicated he or she should get, but babies generally will let you know if they need more to eat. 🙂 Good luck!

  10. Jessica says

    I dream feedy seven month old at 10, then he wakes between 2-3 for another feed, I put him back to bed awake. I am worried this is habit forming. I have tried to not feed him at the 2-3 mark, but he ends up staying awake for hours crying/ fussing intermittently. Please help