Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Katia says

    The USA Today article is a little confused on the science. As mentioned in the article, most deaths related to co-sleeping were attributed to suffocation, but this is not SIDS. Research demonstrated the significant risk factors are mostly parental: drinking, drugs, obesity. If you aren’t in one of these risk categories and take common sense precautions like those mentioned in the article, the risk is minimal. There are still reasons to co-sleep and not to co-sleep and you should do what works for your family.

  2. Alix says

    Oh, just to clarify — we co-slept with our kids til they were 3 or 4 months old. I just mean, after infancy, is there any kid or parent who gets a solid night of sleep while sleeping in the same bed?

  3. Nadina says

    I co-slept with my son when he wouldn’t sleep in his own bed and that was the only way we could get some rest. Our co-sleeping arrangement continued for about three months. Then whenever my husband or I would turn over, we would disturb the sleep of the little man and he would wake up several times per night. This is when we decided to teach him to sleep in his own cot, which was in our bedroom. That also worked for a while, until his sleep was disturbed if either his father or I would get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. We then moved him to his own room and he started sleeping much better. I was terribly reluctant to put my baby in a room on his own, but it appears to have improved his sleep and he gets more sleep these days.

    I would say that one should go with the flow. You know your baby and you know what they need. If co-sleeping is what works best, then take the necessary precautions and go for it. If you feel that it’s best for the baby to be in her/his own room, then do it. Don’t let other people make you feel guilty about your choices, because you have your little one’s interest and well being at heart.

  4. Alix says

    I love Meagan’s response! I’m not a fan of co-sleeping myself, and I’ve never met a co-sleeper who gets a solid night of sleep (either the baby or the kid — please prove me wrong if there’s someone out there who is sleeping soundly with kid next to them!), but of course we can all do what we like as long as it’s safe. I just wanted to add to Meagan’s — folks are always saying, “Well, families co-sleep and wear their babies and breastfeed until age 4 all over the world.” That’s totally fine with me, but you know what — there’s also rampant disease, illiteracy, genital mutilation, infant mortality, and ecosystem destruction for farmland in other places in the world. My point is this: don’t use other people, whether our ancestors or “people who are closer to the earth” than us Westerners, to justify your practice. Just do it.

  5. Shari says

    I co-slept with both my babies and loved it, honestly I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way, I would not have gotten much sleep. I wanted to mention that I thought I read somewhere that the co-sleeping deaths in Milwaukee were apparently alcohol and drug related in many instances. I think most of them were from “poor” families also?

  6. Emily DeJeu says

    @ venessa — sounds like you’re taking proper precautions and co-sleeping safely; good for you! Glad to hear that co-sleeping has been a positive experience for you and for your daughter 🙂

    @ Tricia — Thanks for sharing your experience! Yours is a good one for people who are considering co-sleeping to consider, I think, because it offers proof that you can co-sleep for a time and then transition to independent sleeping later. I think some people avoid co-sleeping out of fear that their child will sleep with them until age 18 😉 Good reminder that co-sleeping can happen for a period of time and then stop happening when it’s no longer working/necessary.

    @ Lester — you’re right about there being risks no matter what sleeping arrangement we use for our babies. Everything carries some level of risk, doesn’t it? The important think it to take reasonable precautions to make sleeping as safe as possible.

    @ Meagan — I completely agree with you! That argument doesn’t make tons of sense to me either. Human beings have been walking around on foot since the dawn of time; cars have only been around for the last 100 years or so. And yet we don’t hold that up as evidence that human beings were biologically designed NOT to ride in cars, do we? Of course, the comparison between cars and co-sleeping isn’t a perfect one, but I think the general principle is the same in both cases — just because something is relatively new in human history doesn’t mean it’s bad or wrong.

  7. Meagan says

    I think cosleeping, done carefully, is more or less safe, but the “we’ve been doing it since the dawn of time so it must be safe” argument drives me nuts. In order for human beings as a species to survive, we only need two of our (then) many children to survive. We weren’t “designed” to do anything, our traits (or in this case habits) survived or not, based on the best offspring survival rates, and OF COURSE babies had a better chance of survival if their parents kept them close. Since most of us aren’t being stalked by leopards these days, it’s not a terribly compelling argument.

    But as I said, it seems fairly safe done correctly, so I see no problem with it. I just wish proponents would stop trying to prove that it’s BETTER because that’s how our human ancestors did it,

  8. Lester says

    I been co-sleeping with my daughters (twin louise and venice) together with my wife since in their first month until they are now 7 months and we found out that indeed sometimes there is a risk when you are co-sleeping with your babies for the potential suffocation and other possible injuries of an infant. However, there is always risk whether we are on sleep or while we are taking care with them during day time or night time, all we have to do is to take an extra precaution in taking care with them for they do need it. Further, the effect of being with my children during sleep time make them more secure and closer to us. That’s something that a parent cannot be denied the happiness it brings nor can be exchange for something.

  9. Tricia says

    I coslept with my daughter for about 6 months and I really enjoyed it for a while. I felt like we had no choice when we brought her home from the hospital and she screamed like crazy until I was holding her. When it stopped working for us, we taught her to sleep in her own bed. It was a painful few days, but it was worth it. Now she can ONLY sleep by herself. I’ve tried when she or I have been sick to get her to lay down with me but she just squirms and plays–part of the reason it was time for her to sleep in her own bed. I can look back with fondness at our cosleeping days…but with a new baby arriving in a few weeks I hope to only room share and not bed share.

  10. venessa says

    I’ve co slept with my daughter from day one, and shes two and 4mths now… I get lots of so called ‘advice’ from ppl, most of it negative, but you know what? My daughter and I are very bonded and content with our arrangement.. Its not for everyone, it works for us and I wouldn’t change a thing… As long as you take the correct precautions, it comes down to common sense.. If you are a heavy sleeper, dont co-sleep, if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, dont co-sleep… Get one of those safety co-sleeping beds that attach and they help as well… My daughter has never been a good sleeper, so for my own state of mind I chose to co-sleep because that was the only way to get rest… As I said, its not for everyone, but it worked wonderfully for us, and I believe im closer to my daughter because of it….