Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Ginette says

    Thanks Emily,

    Thank you, I looked at all the articles you posted and I had already read them when this first started and we don’t seem to be much further ahead. Although my 6 month had 2 teeth come through so hopefully we can start sleep training him now. Last weekend we tried and not sure what was up, but it failed miserably, so hopefully this weekend we have more success.

    My 2.5 year is still throwing us for a loop – like today he seemed exhausted so I knew he would fall asleep at quiet time, but he battled it until 2:30 and I woke him up about 3:30. Figured 5 hours later, 8:30 he should be ready to sleep, but here we are 10pm and the battle has finally just ended. Some nights, like tonight the battle takes hours and drains the life right out of me. Other nights; he had a few nights that he went down great. I don’t necessarily see a connection between if he naps or not and bedtime and it seems long for a regression?

    If he struggles to wake up from his nap he must need it, no??
    Does it become a limited time thing from 1-2 pm is quiet or sleep time and if he doesn’t fall asleep until 1:45 do I wake him up at 2?
    What about those busy days when we aren’t home or done lunch until 1:30 or later?

  2. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Victoria — I’d say go with your gut on this one. If transitioning to one nap right now is causing stress, there’s certainly no harm in going back to a (modified) 2 nap schedule.

    I’d say his shifting sleep needs (needing a 3 hour nap one day and a 1 hour nap the next) is all part and parcel of the sleep regression. He’s getting older, and his sleep needs are changing, but the changing process can definitely be messy and unpredictable!

    Hang in there, Victoria — you’re doing great! 🙂

  3. Victoria says

    Oh heck Emily that is what I feared, but will pass soon I hope and get back to normal…but I’m now not sure if we should be dropping his 1 nap in the day if it’s sleep regression and not sleep transition…today he only had a nap of 1 hour, just got through to 7pm, but don’t know if we should now go back to 1 long morning sleep and 1 short afternoon one, but he probably won’t go down at 7.30 then??? All very complicated how can they one day need 3 hours a day and suddenly barely need 1!!

  4. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Victoria — I’d say you’re right on the money with the sleep regression observation. His recent late bedtimes are almost certain to be a sleep regression due to the huge developmental leaps you mention. Things will probably normalize within a few weeks.

    Thanks for this update! We love hearing about how our readers are doing with their sleep training. 🙂

  5. Victoria says

    Well on Wednesday and Thursday he only had 1 sleep of an hour and a half for the whole day which is a big drop from his normal 3 hours a day! But he somehow managed to make it to bedtime and went down a little earlier by 7pm. Today he had 2 hours 15 mins which meant much happier lasting until 7.30pm. I still don’t get why he doesn’t always go right off now at bedtime as sometimes he’s still chatting and shaking the cot (!) at 8.15-8.30!! Is this just a bit of sleep regression as he’s non-stop walking and sleep transition and teething etc!!!!

  6. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Victoria — Sounds like you have a good plan! You mention trying one big nap after lunch yesterday — did it work? If it didn’t, you could try easing into it gently (bumping the start of the nap back by 15-20 minutes each day or two).

    Let us know how it went yesterday. And thanks for commenting, Victoria!

  7. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Cindy Badger — thanks for this good advice! Much appreciated 🙂

    @ Ginette — So sorry things are rough for you right now! That’s no fun (I know from personal experience!) In terms of what’s going on with your 2.5 year old — check out this article ( about the 2 year sleep regression. Sounds like it may apply to your situation.

    You could also check out our free guide on toddler sleep ( to see if there are some strategies in there that might help.

    As for your teething 6 month old — check out this article on teething and sleep ( May be some insights there that’ll help.

    Keep us posted on how it’s going, Ginette! And thanks for commenting. 🙂

  8. Victoria says

    Yes, what great timing for this article! My son is nearly 15 months and has started resisting his afternoon nap where he usually goes for an hour and a half and by the time he actually falls asleep he then waking so late it’s the ‘knock on’ effect for bedtime. He stills sleeps for an hour and half in the morning (except for the childminder where he refuses to do that and just has 1 long sleep after lunch). But just a morning sleep won’t last him until bedtime so I’m experimenting putting him down after lunch now today and hoping he will have 1 big sleep to see him through to bedtime..pheww!! This is complicated stuff. He’s been doing this for the childminder so fingers crossed, but I assume it’s nap transition rather than regression and of course the added ‘fun’ of canines cutting through…it will soon pass, it’s not forever…..

  9. Ginette says

    This is also great timing for my family. My 2.5 year old was always a great sleeper up until a few weeks before he turned 2 (also right before our 2nd was born), and bedtime became a battle some days and easy the next, but nap-time was always effortless. I started shortening his afternoon nap as he would go down between 1 and 2 and somedays would still be asleep at 4:30 if I let him. I would try and keep him within the 5 hours before and after as suggested on this site. Still some nights great others a battle.

    Now, about a month ago he started struggling at nap time too, but when he does fall asleep I usually need to wake him up. Either way he has quiet time, but if he doesn’t sleep he is a nightmare by 5pm and still will fight bed time. Now also in the last few weeks he is waking either frequently in the night, or waking and wanting to be up. Plus night fears!

    With a teething 6 month old as well; I’m exhausted and would love some advice 🙂

  10. Cindy Badger says

    Somehow I have forgotten how we handled nap transitions with my first, and we’re approaching one with #2 right now, I think. I guess the best advice I can offer is to keep your schedule clean and patiently adjust to the new schedule.