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Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Elaine says

    My granddaughter is just coming up to 6 months. She was swaddled and did really well sleeping through the night from 8 weeks with a ‘sleep coach’ helping my daughter. She now sleeps in a baby sleeping bag which is tucked into the mattress at the bottom which greatly restricts her leg movement. I am concerned as she sleeps like this for 12 hours throughout the night and for her 2 naps during the day. She doesn’t seem to have much lower body strength. Doesn’t use her legs when held upright to standing position and feels super relaxed when being held, sort of a heavy feel. Can’t really explain it but it doesn’t feel right. I had 6 children and all my babies were swaddled for the first 3 months or so but that’s all. They all seemed much stronger in their lower bodies by this age, using their legs a lot more. I know things are done differently now, this is my youngest daughter’s first baby and she is doing so well with her.

    • Danielle says

      Hi Elaine,
      Thank you for using The Baby Sleep Site as a resource! I’m sorry to hear about your concerns with your granddaughter’s development. I’m not aware of the sleep bag you’re describing, but I will ask our sleep consultants if they know it. Many babies do sleep in a sort of sleep sack around that age, but it’s more of a zipped bag around the legs, to keep them warm and safer than having a loose blanket in the crib. If you do have any concerns, you could talk to your daughter about switching to a sleep sack, or get her to ask her pediatrician about sleep at her next wellness visit. A pediatrician could check muscle tone and developmental milestones as well to see if your granddaughter is on track. I hope this helps!

  2. Danielle says

    Hi! My 5 month old loves her miracle blanket swaddle. I have the zippadee zip and have been looking for tips for using the zippadee zip. Do you just place them in the zippadee zip at nighttime or nap time first? Has anyone tried the zippadee zip with some form of swaddle?

  3. Kiran says

    Hi. My son is almost 5 months and lately is waking up every hour for his soother. He sleeps in the swaddle strap and a light halo sleep sack. Is this the 4 month regression ive been reading about? Should i stop swaddling him now if this is the regression? He doesn’t roll over yet. He sucks his 2 fingers during the day, not his thumb. Help! I need to sleep longer than an hour at a time… also, i try not to feed him until 5-6 hours pass by so I give him a soother and massage his legs til he falls back asleep.

  4. Softsens Consumer Products Pvt. Limited says

    Thanks for this useful article! I Loved it. Babies need to be handled with all love and care. offers safe and effective products for newborns. Keep Sharing.

  5. Lisa says

    My 14 week old
    Sleeps in a Merlin at night but is in the miracle blanket for naps. How do we transition out of the swaddle or when? We tried the Merlin for nap today but he woke after 20 mins. Let me know!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Lisa, thank you for your comment. It can definitely be tricky transitioning out so I would recommend taking lots of deep breaths and remembering this too shall pass. 😉 At least that’s what I’ve had to do! The article provides some tips and transitional items that may work if you don’t want to just go cold turkey and take it away (both have their pros and cons). For help with naps, we have a free guide available with some tips that may help that you can sign up to receive here:
      Hang in there! I hope this transition passes quickly for you!

  6. Michelle says

    Help! My almost 5 month old is a terrible sleeper and even worse napper. I am breastfeeding and she constantly wakes to eat throughout the night. I find she also uses my breast as a pacifier and has never used a real paci. She is currently being swaddled because she is a disaster if she is not. I’ve tried to wean it with no luck. She can also wiggle her arms free. I wanted to buy a transitional swaddle but did I mention that she rolls over and even crawls ?. So now I don’t know what to do. This morning she rolled on her stomach with one arm still stuck in the swaddle. She will only fall asleep on the breast and refuses to let my husband hold her at bedtime or during the night. For the past week I have transitioned her to the crib and have tried to put her down while drowsy and use the gentle method of picking her up if she starts crying but each time I do this the crying gets worse and takes so much longer to calm her down. I feel like I’m slowly dying from sleep deprivation and also my heart hurts hearing her scream and cry when I put her down.

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Michelle – I am so sorry you are feeling this way! I can assure you that you are not alone in feeling crazy/sad/frustrated/at the end of your rope, all at the same time. I have been there myself and many of our sleep consultants have been there too. If you haven’t yet, you may find some helpful tips in our free guide with tips for getting your baby to sleep through the night:
      I will clarify that is is ok your baby is not sleeping through the night yet (we would consider 1-2 night wakings fine and normal!) but it will have tips and links to additional resources to help getting her sleeping on her own and hopefully some longer stretches.
      If you feel you are too tired for the guesswork of figuring out what is right for you baby, we would love to help you in a more personalized sense. We offer one-on-one consulting where your dedicated sleep consultant will look over a sleep history on your daughter and create a personalized plan of action for her. If you are interested in reading about our services more, please visit this page: or email us at [email protected]
      Hang in there! I hope things improve for you soon!

    • Nicole says

      Michelle, pls know you are not alone!! I still cry lol my baby just turned 5 months and the four month regression hit us hard, he started off the same way, using my breast as his paci/comfort. I had to stop that ummedialty bc once they associate it with sleeping they will scream until they get it, it took my about a whole week of struggling but I finally got him to take the binky, I started as soon as I was done nursing and noticed he was sleeping I’d put the binkie in his mouth as soon as I removed my breast, he finally took to it, and for swaddling I used those Velcro ones bc he kept breaking out of the others, he can roll but I still have him in the bassinet next to me bc he flares his arm and wakes himself up, I’m going to try to transition into crib soon, so I bought one of those swaddle sacks that don’t have any sleeves.we are all struggling together;)

  7. Jen says

    My 10 week old fights being swaddled starting about half way through the night. He has gotta his arms out of a Velcro swaddle (Nested Bean) however his reflex is still strong so he wakes himself up. He’s either fighting the swaddle or waking up because of his reflex. We’ve tried napping arms out but it just added to accumulate overtiredness. Help?!

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Jen, thank you for writing! I am sorry you’ve been struggling with your newborn’s sleep. All babies are so different, and it can be especially frustrating when they prefer something at one time a day, and then a few hours later want nothing to do with it! It is hard to determine the “why” behind it, but there are certainly other ways you can help encourage sleep with your newborn. We have a free guide available for download on our site that has tips for parents to help with their newborn’s sleep that you can sign up to receive here if you are interested:
      If you need more help, we are here, so let us know! Our sleep consultants would be able to help you figure out how to handle these swaddle protests and can help transition him out if that is what you need. If you have more questions about that, feel free to visit this page on our site:
      Hang in there!

  8. Shaina Grimm says

    Safe sleep is definitely one of the harder things to neglect because who doesn’t want to sleep cuddled up with their baby but safe sleep is extremely important this time around I never let my daughter into to the bed with me unfortunately was when I was a 24 New young mother I made a huge mistake of letting my son sleep in the bed with me it is extremely important this time around I never let my daughter and to the bed with me unfortunately was when I was a 24 New unexperienced new mom the mistake of letting my son sleep in the bed with me I lost my son to sids thankfully it wasn’t because I had suffocated him or rolled on top of him but I still constantly think If my son safe in his Bassinet and I had the outlet saw sock I believe he would still be here

    • Neosha says

      @Shaina – Thank you for sharing with us and we’re so, so sorry for your loss. Yes, the importance of safe co-sleep with babies can’t be overstated or mentioned enough. We try to emphasize this importance as much as we can. We’re wishing you all the best with your little girl. Please keep reading and sharing!

  9. Colleen says

    Our daughter is 4.5 months and has rolled over during the day 2x in the past few weeks. She doesn’t roll at night but loves to sleep on her side and LOVES being swaddled. We have tried twice now to wean her from swaddling and all it has done is cost everyone weeks of unrest. She literally screams and thrashes about if unswaddled. With one arm she just cannot settle, even after 2 weeks of the arm out for naps and night. Any suggestions?

    • Neosha says

      @Colleen – Thank you for visiting our sleepy little village and for sharing. Knowing exactly how to stop swaddling is definitely a challenge and varies from baby to baby. Have you considered some of the more gradual transitional products we mentioned in the article? Or some variation of them? These may be more subtle and gradual items your daughter may respond better to vs going straight to one arm out. Please keep reading and hang in there!

  10. Amanda says

    Thanks for this info! Tonight is the First night with my 3.5 month old with one arm unswaddled. She’s woken up once so far in the past 2 hrs. Hoping she will adjust and use this hand to self soothe as she is an avid hand sucker. Hopefully she will be able to get herself back to sleep and us not continue to be “pacifier slaves”. Also the swaddle scares me as it sometimes slides up over her mouth/nose a bit so I’m ready to be rid of it. We will probably do the sleep sack after swaddling is done!

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Amanda, I’m glad the article has been helpful! Good luck with your transition to no swaddle!