Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions



    My 4 yr old grand daughter grinds her teeth in her sleep. No known reason. What can we do to help her. She has a dental appt kin 2 weeks. Thank you.

    • Nicole Johnson says

      @Dorothy I’m sorry your 4 year old granddaughter is grinding her teeth. Besides the tips in the article, there isn’t a “cure” unfortunately. Hopefully the dentist has more tips, but it won’t be surprising if they think it’s normal and nothing to be concerned about. Hang in there and good luck!

      • Sandi says

        My 4 yr old granddaughter does this too. The pediatric dentist told my son that nothing is wrong with her. . She has no stress and is very loved in preschool and is never withdrawn. No health problems what so ever. The dentist said that she should out grow this by 6 yrs old. I’m really hoping that she does

  2. Wright labake says

    My daughter of 1year and 8month has been tested to have infection but don’t know the type but have been given an antibiotic to use for her further more the doctor said she has deficiency in iron so have been ask to give her B complex but I noticed since the fever started she’s been grinding her teeth and she cries as she does that T night mostly.

    • Neosha says

      @Wright – Thank you for stopping by our sleepy little village. I’m sorry to hear that your little girl has been sick. I hope her doctor’s recommendations help her get to feeling better as quickly as possible! Please be sure to mention the teeth grinding to her doctor, if you haven’t already, as this is a new behavior that could also be caused by whatever illness she is working through as mentioned in the article. If this is the cause of the teeth grinding, it will hopefully clear up as she begins to feel better. If it doesn’t clear up as she starts to feel better, you’ll want to work through the other steps in the article to try to figure out what’s causing the teeth grinding in order to try to find a way to eliminate it. Hang in there, Wright, and stop in to see us again whenever you need us!

  3. Laura says

    My 3 year old daughter grinds her teeth badly most nights now I only noticed it recently, it sounds awful! I too grind my teeth and have to wear a mouth guard. Could she clench and grind so hard she brakes a tooth? It’s keeoing me awake at night worrying over it

  4. Cheryl Miller says

    My son has been riding his teeth for several years, he is now 6. His teeth have repeated been grinder away over time and are now about half what they were. He has lost the bottom center two and the permanent teeth are growing in. This is making the top ones much shorter. He wakes up at night, every night. The pediatric dentist he has seen for years still will not order a mouth guard. Any ideas? Cheryl

    • Janelle Reid says

      @Cheryl Miller – I’m so sorry to hear your son is struggling with this! Since he is just now getting permanent teeth, perhaps that is why his dentist did not thing it was necessary to order a mouth guard and would reevaluate the situation now? We are not medical professionals so we can’t say for sure, but if you feel it is getting more serious, it may be worth a second opinion and going to another dentist? Thank you for your comment and I hope this is resolved for you soon!

  5. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Tom — happy to hear you found the article helpful! Muscle relaxers and sleeping pills wouldn’t be good solutions for toddlers, of course, but glad they worked for you!

  6. Tom says

    I’ve been suffering from bruxism for a lot of time now. Teeth grinding in one major discomfort.. It also affected sleep and then the doctor recommended a light dosage of sleeping pills. I also took muscle relaxers for quite a while. It has been a few months since I am better but it is still not fully cured.
    I have been reading up a lot. The information you mentioned is quite helpful. Thanks for posting for all of us

  7. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Ann — glad you find the tips here helpful! And glad to hear that your twins are sleeping better. That likely means you’re getting more rest, too 🙂

  8. Ann says

    Thanks so much for the information. All the sleep tips have helped my 7 months twins sleep better, & hope we shall get there! Thanks


  9. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Miriam — glad you found the tips helpful! Teeth grinding is definitely the worst 😉 My 4 year old does it sometimes, and the sound makes my skin crawl!

  10. Miriam Seitler says

    Thanks for the tips! Hate when my tot does it!