Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

Reader Interactions


  1. Amruta says

    My son is 19 months old and we are still co-sleeping… and now we are struggling to do the transition…still wakes up couple of times to nurse…will he ever sleep in his own bed/crib…????? Help…!!!

  2. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Helene — your TENTH child?! Wow!! Thank you so, so much for chiming in with this excellent insight; clearly, you have a wealth of experience that the rest of us don’t. 🙂 I think you’re advice is solid, and obviously, it’s been developed through lots and LOTS of experience!

    Thanks again for commenting, Helene!

  3. Helene says

    I’m transitioning my tenth child from a crib to a toddler bed now. My advice is to wait for this move until your child is ready to drop the afternoon nap. When they are good and tired and primed for sleep at night, they tend to stay in the bed and sleep deeper. Dropping daytime naps on their own is a good sign they are ready for this big bedtime change!

  4. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Justina — thanks for weighing in and sharing this info! very helpful. I’d say as long as you carefully, carefully toddler-proof whatever room he’ll be sleeping in, it can work out just fine. And that’s neat, your idea of wanting to give him more freedom as a way to curb his tantrum-throwing!

    Thanks for commenting, Justina. 🙂

  5. Justina says

    My 12 month old is getting ready to transit. I want to give him the freedom to do it himself. Right now he has to throw a tantrum before I realize what he’s wanting. & if I’m feeding our daughter, he has to wait. If he has to wait then he starts throwing things. I’ve just been putting a small pallet in the floor for naps, and he goes down himself most of the time. I think giving him the same bedtime freedom will work out just fine.

  6. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Olivia — I’d say to try transitioning her to a crib first. 13 months is still pretty young to be in a big kid bed; we usually recommend holding off on transitioning from crib to bed until age 2, if possible.

    Hope that helps! Thanks for commenting. 🙂

  7. Olivia says

    HELP!!!! I don’t know what to do, my daughter is 13 months old and sleeps mostly through the night(wakes up to nurse 2x) and sleeps in our bed right now. I would like to transition her to her own bed, but don’t know if I should put her in a crib or “big girl” bed? Having mixed feelings about both, but I can’t keep her in my bed forever, lol. Any advice moms?

  8. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Meagan — True. But still, good for you for thinking ahead! I’m a planner, too, so I totally understand that impulse. 😉

  9. Meagan says

    Thanks! We’re not quite ready yet, so we still have plenty of time to think about it.

  10. Emily DeJeu says

    @ Meagan — We’ve worked with some families who use Montessori beds, and I think that in general, we’ve found that they work for some families and not for others. Could be a trial-and-error thing on your part; you could start with that and see what happens. We’re planning to do an article on Montessori beds, although it’s scheduled for the fall. Now, given the comments we’ve had on this article, I’m wondering if maybe I should bump that up and write it sooner!

    Of course, another option would be to buy (or borrow) a second crib. That worked well for us; my boys are only 19 months apart, so we had to have 2 cribs in the house for awhile.

    Keep us posted on what you end up doing, Meagan! I know a lot of moms ask themselves the same questions that you’re asking yourself; so let us know what you end up deciding. 🙂 And thanks for commenting!