Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Amy says

    I’ve had a similar experience with my now 8-month old daughter as Christal, except that she always wakes multiple times a night since birth. Naturally I am interested in how your consultant can help me, though I am not interested in any method that includes crying (controlled, interval, etc.). We already have a solid bedtime routine, and have followed the ISIS sleep cues trading with some success. Can you comment on your methods?

    • Danielle says

      Hi Amy,
      Thanks for your comment! I’d be happy to help. We don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to sleep coaching. We believe it’s important to take into account the baby’s age and temperament and the family’s parenting philosophy and goals when creating a sleep plan, and we take a full history and your goals and concerns into account when writing it. We do work with no-cry families and AP families all the time. We have an article here with some examples of no cry approaches:

      I hope this helps, but please get in touch if you have any more specific questions we can help with!

  2. Ankita says

    Hello Nicole,
    I have been following up with your site and really like it .
    My son who turned 4 month last week has given a huge challenge at night and nap times , he waking very frequently during night and also he has gastric issues , i am not able to understand how to implement any sleep program with a fussing child. I also have a 32 month old toddler who sleeps with his dad in his room as we were not able to train him by his own .Kindly enlighten me what program should i choose.
    Thanks again.

    • Danielle says

      Hi Ankita,
      Thank you for your comment – I’m so glad to hear The Baby Sleep Site has been helpful for you! I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with sleep issues from both of your sons, but we’d love to help. Based on this short comment, I would recommend considering the Deluxe Consultation package, and paying the sibling fee so your sleep consultant can help you develop a plan to get both of your children sleeping in a way that works for your family. We have more information about our consultation packages here:
      Or please do write us at [email protected] with any questions you have, so we can help you find the best fit for your situation. I hope this helps – good luck!