Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Nicole says

    Hi! Here goes the age old question, I am trying to sleep train and nap train my 5 month old son at the same time. Sleep training is going fairly well, but naps are a whole other story. Today, he only napped for 30 minutes in the morning, otherwise, NO other naps. Is there a point in which I give in and hold him so he is getting sleep? it doesn’t seem to disrupt his bedtime, once he cry himself to sleep to bed, he is out for the night, but I still dont like that he is not getting any sleep during the day. I am putting him down drowsy, but awake, and then leaving him. He cries and I go in and hush him at 10 minutes then 15 minutes for about 45 minutes (he doesn’t really hush) and then finally I go in and turn on the lights and “wake” him up. Should I not check on him and just let him cry for 45 minutes? should I stay in the room for a gradual release of not rocking him to sleep? he seems worse when I am there, well, not worse, but not prone to sleep. he starts smiling and wants to play if I stick around from the start.
    I guess I want to make sure that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, or if I am doing this all wrong and he is crying needlessly. Any suggestions are welcome!
    Thank you!

    • Neosha says

      @Nicole – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us. Sleep training can be quite the challenge – and when you tackle both day and night sleep at once it can seem doubly so! Great news that his nights are going well. Having more trouble with day time sleep is fairly common. You can definitely consider a different method after you’ve tried what you’re doing for a week or so with no progress. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and we’re always here to help if you need it. If you find you’d like more support, please consider connecting with one of our lovely sleep consultants who regularly help parents through nap and night training at the same time. Hang in there, Nicole!

  2. Becky Seels says

    Hello! I have a beautiful daughter who is now 15 months old. She has until recently co slept with me as I am still bf (I am trying to wean her but it is proving impossible – this is another issue in itself ) she is very clingy with me and always has been – if I leave the room she cries etc so knew this was going to be a challenge ( I know now that I should have started this when she was younger!) So I have a good bedtime routine I think she has her tea, bath time, pjs, feed, story and then when she is nearly asleep/asleep I put her in her cot. She always wakes up straight away and screams/shakes its horrid. She doesn’t cry for that long though maybe 10/15 mins. The problem I am having is that she wakes up at least every hour. It is sometimes littles whines or full blown crying. I have tried going into console her but found that this makes her worse and it is best if I leave her. I have been giving up at around 5ish I really struggle when she is upset – I know this is giving her mixed messages! 🙁

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @Becky – Thank you for writing to us! I am sorry to hear that your daughter is struggling with sleep, but please know that you are not alone and it is never too late to start working on new sleep habits! This sounds so tough and waking every hour is brutal! Hang in there Becky! Being as consistent as you can is the best thing, and we would love to virtually hold your hand and help you through this. We will really need a full sleep history to advise how to proceed, and please consider one of our sleep consultation packages if things do not smooth out. You can check those options out here:
      Please let us know if you need anything at any time!

  3. Dana says

    I am struggling with establishing a bedtime for my 6 month old. Wake time is at 630 am so I would expect bedtime to be at 630 pm. She naps around 415-440 pm and does go down again around 630 pm but wakes after just 30 minutes and won’t go back down until 830 pm. Yesterday I had an event in the morning so I let her wake in her own, which she did at 830 am (after about 7 nighttime wakings/feedings which is a whole other issue) so I know she needs the 12 hours. Her 630 “nap” is in her crib but I move her to her cosleeper by our bed when I put her down at 830. Thoughts?

    • Janelle Reid says

      Hi @Dana, thanks for sharing a little bit of what’s going on. I am sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with multiple night wakings and your daughter fighting her 6:30 bedtime. It takes time to establish a schedule, so give it some time and hopefully soon she will catch on. Here is a link to a sample schedule for a 6 month old for you to use as a reference (and of course you can make tweaks to it if your daughter has to be up by 6:30 each morning because of your family’s schedule):
      You will see on the schedule that some night wakings are normal at this age, but anything beyond 1-2 is likely a bad habit which could be affecting the rest of your day as well. There are links to other articles about sleep associations and what to do if your baby has them in the scheduling article so feel free to click around! If you need more specific information, let us know as well. We have a team of sleep consultants that would love to help you through this. For more information on working with a sleep consultant you can read about the options here:
      I hope this helps!