Comments on: Baby Sleep and Breastfeeding Series: Part 2 Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Tue, 22 Mar 2022 00:12:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: English blaze Wed, 09 Feb 2011 17:28:49 +0000 i breast fed my older son till he turned 2, conveniently got pregnant right after weaning him off, and now have a 9 month old who is also breast fed. i feel like all the co sleeping, night feeds and exclusive breast feeding is taking a toll on my body!

my older one woke twice at night till i weaned him off the breast, and younger one is also following the same pattern. 🙁

i totally feel like a human pacifier!!

By: Nicole Wed, 09 Feb 2011 13:47:47 +0000 In reply to Anna.

@Anna I’m so sorry for your loss! 🙁 Although it’s hard to ignore the connection, it’s possible you would have lost the baby regardless of breastfeeding your 14-month old as miscarriages are very common. I know that is not much consolation. I lost a baby between my two boys and it was really hard, so I know there is no taking away that pain. Teething, particularly molars, can definitely increase nursing frequency. I always used Kelly Mom for all of my breastfeeding questions. You might check the topic on weaning and see if you see any ideas: I did “Don’t Offer, Don’t Refuse” with both my boys, but my eldest did show signs of stress, so I had to slow down (though I was only dropping one feed every 5 days or so). You might wait until his molars are through and then try weaning again. Hang in there and good luck!

By: Anna Wed, 09 Feb 2011 01:53:44 +0000 I have a 14 mo old boy. We co-slept for 5 months and he became so attached to me in that time that all ills and problems and teething is solved by nursing, not a bad coping strategy for him, but there are days I’m just exhausted. We are down to 2 feeds, one to go to bed and another one around 5am after which he might go down for up to 2 hrs again – he sleeps through most of the nights. About a month ago I found I was pregnant again and was really happy, but last week I lost it. I’ve read all sorts of books and blogs and it seemed that nursing was fine during pregnancy, so I kept the 2 feeds up. Unfortunatelly for whatever reason that wasn’t true for us. My boy is now cutting his mollar teeth and started to demand more nursing and I’m not keen to give it to him. I’m hopping I could wean him so we can try for number 2 soon again. At the moment when he sees me he knows that if he keeps crying eventually I’ll nurse him – any advice? My husban’s trying his best but he’s not able to wake up during the night to comfort our little boy.

By: Cory Kyer Mon, 19 Oct 2009 01:08:17 +0000 I have co-slept and breast fed my daughter for 7 months now. She is now 8 months old and we have just recently gotten her to fall asleep in her crib by herself, I usually have to stay in the room for 10-15 mins until she is asleep but it’s been about 3 weeks now and she almost falls asleep instantly. We have her on a strict diet because of bowel problems where she is eating 2 servings of meat and veggies, 4 servings of fruit, and 1 serving of cereal a day, plus I nurse 3-4 times as well. I usually nurse around 6:30am, 4:30pm, 8pm and a middle of the night feeding at around 3am. The doctor wants me to stop that middle of the night nursing but I’m having a hard time doing so. He says that with all the other feedings she shouldn’t need any in the middle of the night and it is not good for her digestion. She stays in her crib until she wakes up at 3am, then I end up taking her to bed with me to nurse and she stays there till morning. I’m unsure if she’s waking up to come to bed with me or if she is actually hungry. I’m not sure how to tell. I’ve tried to get her to fall back to sleep without a feeding but she just cries. Does anyone have any suggestions?

By: Nicole Sat, 26 Sep 2009 00:04:52 +0000 In reply to Katie.

@Katie Thank you so much for posting your story! I’m so glad my book helped you find the solution that worked for you and your family!! 🙂 Continued luck to you!

By: Katie Thu, 24 Sep 2009 15:11:37 +0000 Just came back to say thanks for all the info on your website! I nursed and did not co-sleep. My daughter followed the usual pattern you list here until about 11 months when we moved half-way across the country. After waking once most nights, occasionally twice, she fell back into a pattern of waking 3 or even 4 times a night!!! And only nursing would soothe her. My husband tried, but she would just cry & cry & cry until he’d give up after an hour or more and I would nurse her. At first I was fine with this pattern, after all we’d hada big move, she was in a new daycare, everything was different. But finally after 6-7 months of this I was exhausted and at my wits end. We’d tried CIO half-heartedly, I just couldn’t do it. We tried Pantley’s method, that didn’t work for us either. Bedtime was never a problem, I had nursed as part of the bedtime routine all along, but never nursed her to sleep after about 6 months. Then I came across your website and bought your e-book. It laid everything out so clearly even my sleep-deprived brain could follow. So we decided to try our own version of CIO and night-wean all at once, since at 19 months she really shouldn’t need to nurse at night anymore… Well, my husband got the stomach flu, so couldn’t help, but now I think that was maybe better. I spent one very long, tearful night lying in my daughter’s bed, holding her while she cried on & off and asked to nurse and slept in half hour segments. It was tough and I didn’t get much done at work the next day. But the 2nd night, she slept through the night without waking for 12 straight hours for the first time ever! And aside from 2 bouts of hand, foot & mouth, she’s slept through the night ever since! For us, nursing became comfort and mommy time at night since I work so much, so night-time wake-ups were clearly tied to nursing. CIO where we left the room didn’t work, but as long as I held her while she cried so she learned that I was still there for her, even if I didn’t let her nurse, worked like a charm. She’s 25 months and fully weaned now and sleeps like a champ! So thanks for all your inspiration and acceptance of all our different parenting styles.
