Comments on: 25 Nap Time Tips: How To Help Your Baby Nap Better and Longer Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Tue, 28 Dec 2021 23:26:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janelle Reid Wed, 13 Mar 2019 16:05:40 +0000 In reply to MAW.

Hi @MAW, thank you for writing to us and congratulations on your little one. Hang in there, it is a wild transition to a sweet baby and you’ll find your groove eventually, even if it doesn’t look like you thought it would. We would love to help though! First off, you are right that there could be long terms effects if you continued this, but you have a bit of time before you have to worry about that (usually the bad habits are tougher to get rid of around 4 months) and you can certainly start implementing things now, but know you have time and don’t have to do it all at once. 🙂 Here is a link to a free guide with tips for new parents that should help:
If you want more information we also have an ebook all about newborn sleep through the first year. You can read more about that here:
I hope this helps! Enjoy all those sweet newborn cuddles. 🙂

By: MAW Tue, 12 Mar 2019 14:52:29 +0000 Am I nuts hoping to get my 9 week old napping/sleeping better? TBH she sleeps ok (usually has two nice sized sleeps at night) but we have a few big issues:
1. Sleep association of nursing/bottle to sleep
2. Only naps/sleeps when held
3. Wont sleep the night without me.

I’m just not sure what I should be starting with, like, which issue to tackle first, or can I do it all together?
We have a lovely expensive bassinet that she’s never slept more than 5 minutes in. I never thought I’d get here, but the past 3 weeks she has co slept with me in bed (with bolsters and an Owlet Monitor, but still, not what I wanted) because I hadn’t slept more than an hour at a time since she was born.
I just feel like if I let this keep going it will become a bigger issue, but I can’t bear to have her cry… is there anything I can do?

By: Janelle Reid Sat, 05 May 2018 00:35:56 +0000 In reply to Vanessa.

Hey @Vanessa, I am sorry to hear you are struggling with your daughter’s naps! Here is a link to download a free ebook with some nap tips that may help:
If you continue to have issues with her fighting you on it, you may find working with a sleep consultant can do wonders for your nap time! They can help with the schedule all around, or whatever areas you are having problems with, and then if you need any other help down the road (nap transitions, new sibling, sleep regression, etc) you already have that relationship. To learn more about our different options, you can visit our site here:
I hope this helps! Hang in there!

By: Vanessa Thu, 03 May 2018 18:50:38 +0000 Nap training help needed! We did CIO for nighttime, and it took longer then we hoped, but most nights are pretty good at this point and my 9.5 month old goes down without too much fuss and sleeps through. We are finally doing nap training because we have to rock her to sleep and it’s getting too hard to put her down without waking. Trying to break the rocking sleep association so we use a modified bedtime routine with pj change and stories. It’s only been two days but she has screamed for almost the whole hour each nap. So I’m looking for any tips or advice, and also wondering that if she does make it to that hour mark should I get her up and keep her up until the next nap or do a rescue nap and try and get her down with rocking so she doesn’t become overtired. Last question is what to do if it starts impacting night sleep – pushing bed earlier or later, or throwing off her moderate success with bedtime? Thanks ladies!

By: Neosha Sat, 31 Mar 2018 22:34:34 +0000 In reply to Stephanie.

@Stephanie – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us. Managing naps can definitely be a challenge but it sounds like you’re working very hard to ensure she gets enough daytime sleep. Getting the schedule right can be tricky since quality and timing of night sleep, nap timing, feeding and environment all play into getting a decent nap. We do find that most toddlers are ready for 1 nap between 15-18 months, and many, many, many times with this 2-1 nap transition, though, they will take quite some time so consistency with whatever you’re doing is key. If you’re interested in weaning her away from nursing to sleep, you can do this gently, with as few tears as possible, in an effort for longer stretches during the day as well. If you’d like more support, you should consider one of our consulting options listed here: One of our consultants will definitely be able to walk you through this process. Hang in there, and good luck!

By: Stephanie Tue, 27 Mar 2018 05:12:19 +0000 I have tried to move my 15month old to 1 nap since doing so her nap is 30-45min all day long! I then put her back to 2-3-4 schedule thinking she was not ready and she is now doing 30min naps 2X a day which is still not enough time. She nurses to sleep and I am very anti cio any suggestions? I need her to sleep so I can work

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Sat, 17 Feb 2018 03:35:09 +0000 In reply to Megan.

Hi @ Megan – Thank you for writing! It sounds like you’re working hard on your daughter’s naps! I would guess that she is going through the 4 month sleep regression – short naps are a very common occurrence with this regression.
Here is a link to our recommend schedules:
You might find this helpful to use the 4 month schedule while her naps are still short. Adding an extra nap may help, and giving her a little time to fall back to sleep/encouraging her to fall back to sleep will not hurt! Short naps often lengthen at around 6 months, so if they remain short after 1-2 months, you may want to consider working more aggressively on lengthening them at that time.

I hope that this information helps, but if you find that it is not helping enough, please contact us!

By: Megan Fri, 16 Feb 2018 16:30:15 +0000 My almost 5 month old won’t nap longer than 30 mins and is obviously tired. What can I do to help her sleep longer? The room is dark, I have a sound machine, and I put her to sleep before putting her down (we try drowsy but awake but she just screams whenever I leave). Should I be trying to get her back to sleep when she wakes up? Or just wait for the next nap?

By: Neosha Mon, 13 Nov 2017 19:10:18 +0000 In reply to Han.

@Han – Thank you for your sharing. Your little guy sounds like, overall, he’s doing well with his sleep! Perhaps you can try to work on keeping his nap times a bit consistent and ensuring he gets 2-3 hours of awake time before attempting a nap again. Here’s a sample schedule you can use as a loose guideline –

If you feel his schedule is working fine and/or you’ve given this a try, please also remember that babies go through a huge developmental leap between 8-10 months old that is widely known to disrupt naps and/or night sleep majorly for a little while. You can read more about that here: If that’s his case, you’ll just want to be sure not to create a long-term habit for this short-term phase as he goes through this important milestone.

If, after a few weeks you’re still not seeing results or if you find you want more support right now, please consider one of our consultation packages, which you can read more about here: so that one of our consultants can work one on one with your family to get your little guy back on track with his naps!

Hang in there, Han, and thank you again for reading and commenting!

By: Han Mon, 13 Nov 2017 12:42:41 +0000 My baby who is 8 months old used to have 2 naps a day napping for anything between an hour and 2 hours for each nap. Now he will only nap for 30mins at a time. How do I change this? He falls asleep by himself in his cot. His routine is roughly, wake up between 6 and 7, nap between 8.30-9 depending on when he wakes up. Then used to nap after lunch when he had napped for a good time in the morning (max 3 hours after he woke up). Now he needs to nap sooner and I put him down for naps when he is tired as he can’t last if he has only napped for 30mins. He starts his bedtime routine at 6.15 and is asleep by 7. Usually wakes once in the night.
