Comments on: Baby Night Feedings: How To Know When They Are Necessary [VIDEO] Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 29 Dec 2021 04:42:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danielle Fri, 27 Dec 2019 22:15:59 +0000 In reply to Dorothy.

Hi Dorothy,
Thank you for checking out The Baby Sleep Site! We’d be happy to help with your night feedings question. It sounds like your daughter is eating within the normal range for her age, but the best way to tell this young is still by weight. Check in with your pediatrician to make sure she’s gaining weight appropriately and is in the normal weight range for her age – that will mean she’s eating enough!

For naps, it is pretty normal to see short naps at this age. There is a very gentle method we recommend to extend naps here:
Or, you can try any sleep coaching method for naps, if she’s healthy and her pediatrician approves. Our Mastering Naps ebook is appropriate for her age and also helpful as she grows and naps change further:
Hope this helps!

By: Dorothy Fri, 27 Dec 2019 06:36:36 +0000 My daughter just turned four months old. She is a good sleeper at night (she sleeps almost 12 hours straight without waking to feed). My question is, is it okay for her to be sleeping that long without eating so young? She eats about 30 oz of formula a day.

Another question: I usually can’t get her to nap more than 30 minutes at a time. Many times she wakes up fussy because she’s still tired but won’t go back to sleep without me picking her up and rocking her. Other times, she is wide awake after this short nap and appears well-rested. Is this normal?

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Sat, 14 Sep 2019 04:20:46 +0000 In reply to Amanda.

Hi Amanda – Thanks for writing to us! It’s great to hear that your 6 month old is falling asleep on her own at bedtime and naps! Now it sounds like time to work in teaching her how to fall back to sleep when she wakes in the night – even if she is having a feeding or two. Check out this article for some tips, and make a plan!:
If you’d like help with this, please contact us for more info! Good luck Amanda!

By: Amanda Fri, 13 Sep 2019 08:27:18 +0000 I’d love some help! My daughter is 6.5 months old, 17 pounds, and is exclusively breastfed. She habitually wakes multiple times each night! Bedtime is typically around 6pm. (Bedtime and naps we have no problem. She’s able to fall asleep on her own. Naps are about an hour to 2 hours long) During the night she wakes at 9pm, 12am, 3am, and is ready to start the day around 6am (sometimes even at 5am ?). I do a routine of eat, play, sleep and she naps around 8:30am, 11:30am, and 3pm. I respond to her sleep cues and put her to sleep drowsy but awake in her crib. She sleeps in our room as we have 2 bedrooms and don’t want her to wake her 3 year old sister. So, I admit to picking her up in the night for months to get her to quiet quickly so as not to wake up her daddy. I’m completely exhausted! Please help!

By: Danielle Tue, 16 Jul 2019 23:42:41 +0000 In reply to claudia.

Hi Claudia,
Thank you for your comment! I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling so much with your baby’s night feedings – the situation sounds tough! There are tons of reasons why babies why at night, so without knowing more about your current schedule, it’s hard to make a judgment. I’d really encourage you to write into our wonderful client services folks at, with a brief description of your feeding and sleep schedule, and what method of sleep coaching you’re trying, as they can then give you more specific resources. In the meantime, I just want to reassure you that, although many babies can sleep through the night at 9 months, it is also still normal to see a night feeding, or even two, at this age. But if your baby does need a feeding, we expect her to eat and then go right back to sleep, and stay asleep for a good length of time.
I hope this helps – hang in there!

By: claudia Sun, 14 Jul 2019 09:55:42 +0000 Hello, reading this was rather comforting to hear that night weaning or sleep training isn’t easy. My 8 1/2 month old girl has never slept well but has been waking every 2-3 hours since 6 months. I recently decided it was time to try sleep train. She uses a pacifier that is attached to her so she can find it at night. I am really struggling to know if I should feed her or not as she is still waking every 2-3 hours and cried for almost 2 hours (will reassurance) last night before I decided to finally feed her as she lost the plot. She woke 3 hours after that and was hard to get back down till about 6. I know 9 months is the age where night weaning is recommended but I am struggling to even cut it down to 1 feed. help!

By: Neosha Sun, 19 May 2019 03:11:29 +0000 In reply to Cecilia.

@Cecilia – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us! We’re so glad to hear you love the site! It can be confusing to know when night feedings are necessary, for sure. Generally, we’ve found night feedings 2-3x a night for a baby your son’s age can be normal. Here’s a chart (it’s printable!) that may make that easier for you – You should also know that babies go through a sleep regression around 4 months old that will often times trigger extra night wakings as well. If you have not done any formal sleep coaching for him and his sleep doesn’t settle back down in the next week or two, this is also a good next step to consider. We’re here to walk you through that process if you’d like. Hang in there, Cecilia!

By: Cecilia Tue, 14 May 2019 08:59:47 +0000 Hello,

Im having trouble finding out if my baby needs all his feeds at night.
He is 4 months old, will be 5 at the end of the month , he never fed a lot during the day is always 6 -10mins feeds, I’ve been told he is very efficient.
He will eat for around 20 mins just before bed, then he wakes up 3 sometimes 4 times.. and he will feed for 6-15mins.
Sometimes he will go back to sleep for another 30mins or 1 hour, but wakes up crying.
He self settles on bedtime and begining of his naps .. I’m just exhausted and wondering what to do!!
Love your website

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 06 May 2019 14:16:03 +0000 In reply to Kim.

Hi @Kim, thank you for writing to us and congratulations on your new baby! I would suggest feeding her. Babies that little definitely need the calories, and they also need the sleep and help flipping their days and nights around, so I would try to avoid any long stretches of wakefulness at night to make sure that doesn’t become a regular thing for her. Your doctor might have suggested the amount of feedings she needs at night based on her birth weight and current weight, so I would be sure to stick to that even if it means you do need to set an alarm for yourself to feed her. I hope this helps! Here is a link to download a free guide with tips for parents of newborns if you’re interested:
I hope this helps!

By: Kim Sat, 04 May 2019 14:42:52 +0000 My 5 week old sleeps at 7:30pm. The last week she hasn’t been making any noise but has been waking up around 3-4am. She lays there quietly for a very long time but does not go back to sleep. I did not know she was waking at that time because she’s not making noise. If I feed her she’ll go back to sleep. Do I continue to feed her at this time or wait till she makes noise?
