Comments on: 5 Steps To Help Your Baby or Toddler Learn To Fall Asleep Alone Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Mon, 19 Apr 2021 14:01:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betty Thu, 13 Feb 2020 16:10:10 +0000 In reply to Rose.

I know the Urban’s guide from a few years back, it is fantastic. I’m six months pregnant now and going to use it again for sure 🙂

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Thu, 25 Jul 2019 00:16:37 +0000 In reply to Mimi.

Hello @Mimi –
Thank you for writing to us. I’m sorry to hear your family is having sleep problems and your daughter is struggling with sleeping on her own. You’re not alone, and not alone in trying Cry It Out and things not going smoothly.
We welcome you to continue peruse our blog with over 300 articles or, if you prefer to bypass some of that, we have E-books and premium resources available where the research has been done for you. Or, for the fastest service, we have expert sleep consultants who can help you determine why your baby is not sleeping well if you’re interested. We are able to tap into our 10+ years of experience with thousands of families to quickly diagnose your sleep problems.

In our consultation packages, we will work with you on a step-by-step plan that you can commit and feel good about. All of our email consultation packages for new clients include a Personalized Sleep Plan, which is a detailed guide customized just for your family given your specific sleep history, which you will share via an online questionnaire that takes just about 15-20 minutes (not necessarily all in one sitting).

You can read about all of our sleep consultation packages and purchase directly online here:

Hang in there Mimi! And if you need any assistance, please contact us any time!

By: Mimi Sat, 20 Jul 2019 13:26:50 +0000 My baby girl is almost 1. I haven’t really tried anything to get her to sleep on her own, but I’m ready. We tried the cry it out method when she was about 8 months old, defiantly not for me or hubby. Her biggest sleep association thing is breastfeeding, she nurses to sleep daytime naps and nights. This is becoming difficult for me. I need to get her to sleep by herself! Please help!

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:57:44 +0000 In reply to Debbie.

Hi @Debbie, thanks for writing to us and congratulations on your new baby boy! I know these early weeks can be such a blur and it can be so frustrating when they don’t nap when we know they are tired. You are doing great by watching the clock and making sure he is down every 60-90 minutes so he doesn’t get overtired, sometimes it may even be sooner than that so if you see signs earlier, then go for it. I’d make sure he’s still being fed every 2 hours (or whatever your doctor has said), so while I know the concern of not feeding to sleep and that becoming something he NEEDS, I personally always found a fill up right before the nap was helpful and paid closer attention to not letting that become a bad habit once the baby was a little older. Here is a link to download a free guide with tips for parents of newborns that you can download here:
I hope that helps!

By: Debbie Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:05:55 +0000 My 6 week old really struggles with going down for naps. I put him down within 60-90 minutes after he wakes up but can stir/cry for an hour or more in his dock a tot. I started using the pacifier which calms him but now the moment it falls out, he tends to cry. I don’t want to create too many sleep associations/props but do you have any other suggestions to help him go down more easily so he doesn’t just stir for long periods of time? He has a swaddle, white noise machine, darkened room (although not super super night time dark). Any suggestions would be great! Thank you!!

By: April Thu, 29 Nov 2018 20:27:20 +0000 In reply to Rose.

No crying, seriously! I mean… it does depend on the baby I guess. But there was no crying for my girl while sleep training with Susan Urban. This book was great!

By: Neosha Mon, 03 Sep 2018 03:57:45 +0000 In reply to Jill.

@Jill – Thank you for reading and for sharing with us. These types of sleep associations can be tough to manage but even tougher to break – it’s very common for parents to just “go with it” so we completely understand where you’re coming from. This article overviews knowing when and how to start the sleep coaching process, which should be helpful to you as you get started: Hang in there, Jill, and please let us know if we can be of any further help to you during this time!

By: Jill Thu, 30 Aug 2018 21:47:44 +0000 My 13 month old won’t fall asleep on her own (motion association) and I have to put her in her crib basically fast asleep. Once she’s down she sleeps through the night and I’ve seen her on the monitor sitting up in the crib and then she just lies back down and goes to sleep. But at night if i put her in the crib “sleepy but awake” she immediately stands up crying and wanting me to hold her. What do you suggest? I can’t stand listening to her just cry and since it’s quicker for me to just pick her up and bounce or rock her to sleep I do. Bad habit, I know. Where do I start though?

By: Dorothy Wed, 11 Jul 2018 20:08:05 +0000 In reply to Sophie.

I decided for sleep training at 6 months. Earlier I didn’t even have sleep routine, so there was some work to do. I chose Susan’s HWL method too. I am very glad, it turned out to work very fast! Should have used this sooner.

By: CW Sat, 23 Jun 2018 04:18:27 +0000 In reply to Andrea.

Hey. I have an 18 month old who, pretty recently, was taking very short morning naps and would wake up inconsolable. We stopped doing the morning nap and he takes one nap sometime in the afternoon. If he wakes up at night then he would nap a little earlier and longer. We also moved bedtime up a bit too. My advice is to start a nap and bedtime routine. We have a nice meal, a cup of milk, and read 3-5 books, sometimes more, sometimes all the books. Give big hugs and lay him down. I take 20-30 minutes and sit across the room from his crib while he drifts to sleep with a music snuggy. Then I come cover him up and close the door. If he wakes up so inconsolable that even hugs won’t help, I talk to him, let him know I’m making him a cup of milk, then we sit down in the living room and cuddle til he’s ready to play. We play for 15-30 then read, big hugs, and nap again. If he doesn’t fall asleep within 20-30 minutes, I consider that quiet time and get him back out. However unless he falls asleep on the couch or car, we’ll skip any more naps and just go to bed early if we have to.
