Comments on: How Daycare Impacts Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule and Habits Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 04 Dec 2019 06:53:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Wed, 04 Dec 2019 06:53:48 +0000 In reply to Hailey.

Hi @Hailey –
Thank you for writing to us about your two year old! Sorry to hear that bedtime has become so rough lately! Have you checked out our sample schedules to make sure that bedtime and wake up time are at good times for him? Here’s a link:
An earlier bedtime may be a good thing, especially since he is so overtired when it’s bedtime, and you may have to keep trying and playing around with the time to find the right one! You sound like you’re on the right track with keeping things mellow and no stimulation before bed, and hopefully, you have a solid and calming bedtime routine too?
For more help, I’d recommend checking out our one on one consultations, where an expert sleep consultant can really fine tune and get you all on a good schedule! please contact us if you’d like more info about this! And hang in there Hailey!

By: Hailey Tue, 03 Dec 2019 13:21:42 +0000 Hello!
My 2 year old has been in daycare over a year now and has no issues napping there (1 nap x 2 hours). I’m finding the last month he’s so overtired come bedtime, he’s so hysterical and there’s just no settling him. It can take over an hour for him to go to sleep.
I’ve tried earlier bedtime, later bedtime, no stimulation before bed and nothing seems to be working. It’s exhausting 🙁
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks xx

By: Danielle Tue, 05 Nov 2019 19:54:40 +0000 In reply to Grace M.

Hi Grace,
Thank you so much for writing! I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling so much with your son’s sleep schedule and daycare! This definitely sounds like a very challenging situation. I hear you that’s there’s no flexibility in the daycare you can use, but is there any way the administrators can adjust your son’s schedule or nap environment, maybe by putting him in a younger room for naps? If you haven’t talked to them, that is probably the best first step. If they aren’t flexible, or can’t be, please email us – we’d love to get you some more resources to help! Hang in there!

By: Grace M Wed, 30 Oct 2019 15:23:39 +0000 Hello,
My 13 month old is a light sleeper, easily stimulated and needs a certain setting to go to sleep that he doesnt get at daycare. He wakes up around 6am , doesnt have a nap at daycare until 1pm, rarely actually sleeps, and by the time i pick him up, hes asleep in the car and is down for the night. If i dont feed him in the car, he will not get to eat dinner. This causes frequent inconsolable night wakings and snacks in the middle of the night. i am exhausted, i feel like i havent slept through the night in over a year and im even more exhausted now because im pregnant with number 2. Unfortunatly, a change in child care is not possible at this moment as i am on a government subsidized program. Any advice on what to do is welcome.

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Tue, 01 Oct 2019 03:15:13 +0000 In reply to Stephanie Grubb.

Hi @Stephanie – Thank you for writing to us, and sorry to hear that your daughter is struggling with naps at daycare! Have you asked about her being offered two naps? Perhaps the daycare can work with you for just a little bit until she is more able to take only one nap and make it to bedtime? I’m not sure what time you pick her up, but if there is time for a short nap, that may help get her to a later bedtime and later wake time too? And yes, helping her catch up on the weekends should help too! Good luck Stephanie!

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Sat, 28 Sep 2019 02:27:47 +0000 In reply to Lorin.

Hi @Lorin – Thanks for writing to us and sorry that the daycare schedule has been tough for your little one! You’re definitely not alone! On those short nap daycare days, have you tried offering a second nap in the afternoon after you pick her up? I’m not sure if that will work with the timing of her pick up, but perhaps that will help? Otherwise, keep offering bedtime early on those short nap days. Hopefully with a little more time, she’ll adjust to the new routine and schedule! Good luck Lorin!

By: Stephanie Grubb Fri, 27 Sep 2019 14:43:23 +0000 I’m struggling with the 2-1 nap transition with my 12 month old. It’s dictated by daycare because she moved to the toddler room. Although she’s been in daycare since she was 6 months old, she’s never taken good naps there. At home, she naps well and sleeps 11-12 hours overnight.

Nap at daycare is from 12:30-2:30. Lately she’s only been napping for 30-45 minutes. I follow a 4.5 wake time between nap and bedtime so when she comes home, that means she’s going to sleep at the earliest 5:30. With an early bedtime, she’s waking up between 5am-5:30am. 6:30 is my desired wake time but when she wakes at 5am and then doesn’t nap until 12:30, I just feel like she’s an overtired mess at home. Do I just look to the weekends for her to catch up with her sleep? Typically Saturday’s are bad with short naps, but on Sunday she takes longer naps and then Monday comes and we’re right back with short naps, early bedtimes and early wakes. I feel so bad for her like I’m depriving her of sleep. Is there anything I can do?

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Fri, 27 Sep 2019 03:48:35 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

Hi @Rebecca – Thanks for writing to us and sorry to hear that sleep has become rough since your baby started daycare! This is pretty common, and he may still adjust in the coming days and weeks, and start to nap better! On daycare days, do consider an earlier bedtime, but likely he needs at least a short nap after, to help him catch up a little from the shorter naps in the day. Perhaps the daycare will work with you a little and offer a bit more of a soothing environment, if you can ask! Being away from baby is definitely tough, and I am sure that you miss him like crazy! Again, I hope that things smooth out as he gets used to the routine and schedule there! Good luck Rebecca!!

By: Lorin Thu, 26 Sep 2019 00:26:56 +0000 My little one is almost 15 mo and has always had excellent at naps at home (2 x 1.5 hrs). She just started daycare and is forced to go from 2 naps to 1. On the weekend, we do one nap and she seems to fine, but we don’t put her down until 1 and she sleeps till 3. So this gives us the proper awake time before bed (7/7:30). At daycare they put them down at 11:30/12 and she barely sleeps for an hour so really never sleeps past 1pm. Some days she makes it to bedtime okay, other days it makes her extremely fussy and she’s obviously exhausted. This has caused consistent night wakings that can’t be self soothed. One night she will sleep through the night, the next she won’t. I’m at a loss but can only put her to bed so early! Last night she was wide awake until bed time and seemed so happy, and then woke at 4:30 and would not go back down. Ugh tired mom over here.

By: Rebecca Tue, 24 Sep 2019 15:18:34 +0000 Hi! I hope you are still reviewing comments for this post. My 3 month old just started day care and is on his second week. He had a pretty consistent 50-60 minute nap schedule every other hour during my maternity leave. At daycare, it seems like he’s having a lot of trouble sleeping at all. Twenty minutes here, thirty minutes there. He is so incredibly exhausted when he gets home and I’m not sure if it’s too early but I’m concerned about it affecting his health. He was a pretty good night-time sleeper before (waking up once around 3am) but now he he is falling asleep about an hour after getting home (around 6-6:30pm) and having trouble getting ready for bedtime which in the past has been 8-8:30 pm. Should I get him ready for bed and move his bedtime up and nix the nap after daycare? I don’t think there’s much I can do about the complete opposite sleep environment between home and daycare. There are 10 babies in the room, music and lights constantly on, etc. I mostly just miss my baby and don’t feel like he’s thriving in the same way he was at home when he was able to get more naps. Thoughts?
