Comments on: Has Your Baby or Toddler Stopped Sleeping Through The Night? Here are 7 Reasons Why. Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 29 Dec 2021 04:39:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janelle Reid Fri, 10 May 2019 15:20:50 +0000 In reply to Sabz.

@Sabz – Thank you for writing to us. I’m sorry to hear you are suddenly struggling with your toddler’s sleep. Here is a link to a sample toddler schedule that may help you see if there’s anything schedule related that needs to be changed to help with his sleep:
If the problem persists and seems like it’s your new normal and not just a phase, I’d highly recommend working with one of a our sleep consultants who can help look at the full picture of his schedule and sleep and work with you on this issue to get everyone sleeping better again. Here is a link to read about our one-on-one options: services/
I hope this helps! Hang in there!

By: Sabz Thu, 09 May 2019 22:06:37 +0000 Hiya,
My son is now 21months old and he has always been a good sleeper up untill 6weeks ago,
He is constantly waking up during the night wanting to come in my bed not drinking his milk in his cot,
i have tried the crying method and it does get him to sleep or back to sleep but he wakes up in the middle of the night quiet a few times and then doesn’t sleep for another 3/4hours later.
He does have a nap in the afternoon for about a hour i just dont know what to do its like sucking all the energy out of me he used be such a good sleeper,
He sleeps in the same room as me but has his cot.
Please help

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Wed, 27 Mar 2019 21:02:22 +0000 In reply to Monique.

Hi @Monique – Thanks for writing to us, and I’s sorry that your baby has stopped sleeping through the night and is now waking at 9:30-10:30pm! Whether it is true hunger, teething or tummy, or a habit, when you do go to her at this time and/or feed her, it is a good idea to place her back into her sleep space before she is all the way asleep, so she can have the chance to fall asleep on her own. This will help it from becoming a long term habit! Hopefully this is short lived and she will be sleeping well again soon! Please contact us if you need additional assistance! We’ve got a great team of sleep consultants with heaps of experience, waiting to help!

By: Monique Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:00:00 +0000 My 6.5 month old used to sleep through the night (about 7-7) with the occasional wake around 4-5am (she cries for a minute and puts herself back to sleep). Starting about 2 weeks ago, she started waking up at 9:30-10:30 like clockwork. She’ll cry and cry and is inconsolable unless I feed her. Sometimes she eats and other times she doesn’t and just falls asleep. Also, some nights she wakes up more than once during this one hour window. I just don’t know what to do.

We started introducing solids about 2 weeks ago, and she got her second bottom tooth a week or so ago. So there’s lots going on.

Is this a phase? Or am I creating a bad habit?

By: Janelle Reid Fri, 25 Jan 2019 14:14:19 +0000 In reply to Anaira.

HI @Anaira, thank you for writing to us. I’m so sorry you are experiencing so many night wakings with your 8 month old. We would love to help. Here is a link to download a free guide which will give you some tips on how to help her sleep through the night (at 8 months we’d say you may only need 1 waking a night for feeding, and some babies can sleep through by this point, just to give you a general reference of what the end goal can be, but don’t worry that you’re not there yet, it’s possible!):
The guide will give you tips on how to help her sleep on her own, rather than needing you to come hold her. If you find the guide gives you a good place to start and you need more help with the next steps, we would love to help you with that as well. We offer one-on-one personalized consulting with our highly trained sleep consultants and would love to work with you should you need the help. Here is a link to read more about our personalized services:
If you have questions please feel free to contact us directly anytime at Hang in there!

By: Anaira Fri, 25 Jan 2019 04:19:42 +0000 Hello…!

Please tell me you can help! ?
I have a 8 month old daughter who was a perfect sleeper since she was born. From the moment she learned how to flip onto her stomach at 4.5months old, her sleep’s gone out of the window!
She is almost 8 months old now and wakes up 7-8 times at night and need to be held(no rocking or feeding necessary.. just holding her works) to go back to sleep. And this has been the case for the last 2 months now.
I was hoping it was just a phase but looks like this is becoming a norm now. Any suggestions or recommendations would really help…!
Ps: she is not yet teething

By: Janelle Reid Fri, 01 Jun 2018 18:08:43 +0000 In reply to David.

Hi @David, I am so so sorry to hear your have been struggling with your daughter’s days and nights being flipped. That can be a challenging thing to break, but we have helped families before in your same situation so please know, there is hope! Because it’s going on so long, I would highly recommend working with a sleep consultant. They will be able to provide information for you that is specific to your situation and give you a step by step plan to get back on track. You can view our different packages to work with a consultant here: or you can email us directly at and we can help you select the package that would be best for your situation. Hang in there! I hope we are able to work with you to sort this out. Thanks for visiting the Baby Sleep Site!

By: David Tue, 29 May 2018 19:25:20 +0000 In reply to Janelle Reid.

I don’t know what is causing my 3 ur old daughter to break night, she has been doing so for months, she has black circles under her eyes, right now it is 3:17pm. and she hasn’t slept since yesterday night nor have I because of her sleeping pattern which consist of staying up all night and sleeping all day. I have tried scheduling designated naptime, trying to keep her up and active all day but nothing is working. I am afraid that maybe it’s related to hyperactivity? Or a much more serious issue, this is effecting her eating schedule because she sleeps all day and also effecting me and my wife’s sleeping schedule as well. I would appreciate any advice you can give me to correct this Thank you. I am afraid this is or will hurt her growth and development and or health

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 02 Apr 2018 22:34:38 +0000 In reply to Kelly Sinclair.

@Kelly Sinclair – Thank you for writing to us! I am so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your 14 month old’s bedtime. This can be a tricky age as your daughter is going to continue to grow into independence and realize what’s going on more often and may push back a little more (my son is 14 months as well – so I totally get this). If you haven’t yet, I’d recommend downloading our free guide for toddler sleep tips! You can sign up to receive it here: If you find you need more help and continuing the sleep training isn’t producing any results, let us know! We have an amazing team of sleep consultants that can look at the full situation and help give you tips specific to her. Feel free to contact us here if you need:
Hang in there, and I hope you see an improvement soon!

By: Kelly Sinclair Sat, 31 Mar 2018 00:01:56 +0000 Our previously sleep trained daughter who went down easily and on her own at night is suddenly screaming the second we try to put her down. She immediately stands up (she’s 14 months old) and has cried so hard she’s vomited. We’ve started trying the old 5/10/15 minute sleep training check ins, but after nearly two hours last night she fell asleep on my husband’s shoulder and he managed to sneak out of the room. She doesn’t wake up once asleep, but bedtime has become a nightmare. No obvious cause (no new teeth, sickness, etc), though she also started fighting naps a month ago (trying to deal with that as a separate issue). Is attempting sleep training again be right approach? Any other suggestions? She was never this hard to get down, even as an infant. Thanks!!!
