Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Jen says

    Sleep training is a marathon, not a sprint. We started ST around 4-5 months. She’s 8 months now and I just had to ST her for early mornings because she was waking at 4:30-5AM and I was having to bring her to bed and nurse her to get her to sleep until 6:30. So we let her cry it out a couple nights and she is now figuring out to go back to sleep when she wakes at 5. And we had to let her cry when we cut out night feeds. As she grows I realize that sleep training is not a “one and done” kind of thing but is more of a lifestyle where you are committed to helping your child learn to sleep independently. And there are always setbacks and things to work through, but I’m so happy I’ve done it as it makes me happier and her as well.

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Thanks for sharing your story @Jen! : )

  2. Teresa says

    We’ve been sleep training our 11 month old son for four months and he still has his rough nights as well. I, too, thought that after a week or two of sleep training he would go to sleep easily, but not so. He still cries approximately 5-15 minutes every single night when we put him in the crib for bed. We have a good bedtime routine (dinner, nursing, diaper change, pjs, story, song, then into the crib) that we have stuck to faithfully every night and I’ve made sure not to nurse, sing, rock him completely to sleep.
    It’s almost funny that I happened to come across this article tonight. After completing the bedtime routine, our son cried for 45 minutes. I did go in to calm him down after 15, then 20 minutes; but put him right back to bed once he was calm. He has never cried this much ever and I was wondering if I had done something to throw off our routine. He is getting closer to walking, is cutting some new teeth, and the rest of the family is getting over some slight sniffles. Perhaps it is one of these things that has thrown a wrench into our routine. We have always been consistent with our routine, so it must be one of these things.