Comments on: When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Longer Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 12 Jan 2022 17:58:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neosha Wed, 21 Nov 2018 04:28:37 +0000 In reply to Jessica.

@Jessica – Thank you for reading and for sharing! Early waking and “too late” bedtimes are super common issues we help parents with, so you’re not alone t here. As he starts sleeping better with his sleep coaching, it should get easier for you to start working on shifting his bedtime earlier. Check out this e-book we have designed just for Shifting Your Child’s Schedule once they are sleeping independently – It sounds like just what you need! Hang in there, Jessica!

By: Neosha Wed, 21 Nov 2018 04:21:38 +0000 In reply to Rebecca Taylor.

@Rebecca – Thank you for reading and for sharing! Great news to hear that your little guy is sleeping so well overall! 🙂 It’s definitely common for a baby his age to take 2-4 naps for a TOTAL of 2-3 hours per day regardless of when they happen. Check out our 6-month old sample schedule here: Hang in there, Rebecca!

By: Jessica Sat, 17 Nov 2018 14:53:27 +0000 My son just turned 6 months today. We started sleep training two nights ago and he slept “all night” for us. So proud of him. The only problem is the timing. Somehow over the months our schedule has become off. He goes down for bedtime as late as 1am. Sometimes it’s closer to 12:30am. The earliest he’s ever done was 10:30pm/11. I know that the time is way too late, I just don’t know how to push it back and still feed him 4 times a day like he’s used to. He is formula fed. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don’t want to go about 6 months like this.

By: Rebecca Taylor Sat, 17 Nov 2018 13:50:35 +0000 My (breastfed) 6.5 month old son is now sleeping roughly 8pm – 3am, waking to feed (for 30-40 mins), then going back to sleep until around 7am. He has however started feeding more in the evening eg 2 quite long feeds, one before his solid dinner at 6.30pm (started baby led weaning 3 weeks ago) and one at around 7.30pm before he goes to sleep. It seems he is filling his tummy for the night!

So while he’s not sleeping the whole night, I am quite happy with this schedule as he’s now in a full size cot in his own room, so I am only getting up and out of bed once in the night.

Just one question about naps: baby always has a long nap over lunch; typically 2 hours 11.30am-1.30pm or 12-2pm either in his cot (if at home) or in his pushchair (seat laid back & sleepshade on) if we’re out. But it can often be difficult to get him to have another nap later. I usually try to get him to nap from 4.30/5pm for 45 mins – 1 hour.

If he won’t nap and it gets to 6pm, I give him his dinner & put him to bed earlier. Would it be better to be stricter re the 2nd nap and if so, any tips? For at home naps, he is in his cot in a sleeping bag with curtains drawn, white noise app on & he has a sleep toy to cuddle as he falls asleep. NB: absence of 2nd nap doesn’t seem to affect his night sleep if I put him to bed earlier.



By: Emily DeJeu Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:44:20 +0000 In reply to Heather.

@ Heather – awesome question 🙂 Generally, we advise that people sleep train when conditions are “optimal” – that is, when your baby is feeling healthy, when you have a few weeks of schedule normalcy, etc. However, we also fully recognize that it can be rare to find two or three “normal”, healthy weeks in which to sleep train when your baby is this age! So, that said, if YOU feel ready, then there’s no reason you can’t start laying the groundwork now.

We suggest doing a few things before you start sleep training; you can read those recommendations here: You can start doing those thing snow.

Additionally, we usually recommend that you spend a few days, or up to a week, doing the following:

A great way to spend the next week would be to tackle the items above; by the time you’re done, your little guy may be feeling much better, and you will have laid the necessary groundwork for successful sleep coaching!

Best of luck to you and to your family, Heather 🙂

By: Emily DeJeu Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:39:35 +0000 In reply to Desiree Sturdevant.

@ Desiree Sturdevant – Is your 8 month old normally a good sleeper? Are the problems you’re currently facing pretty out of the ordinary? If so, then you may be dealing with the sleep regression that happens around 8/9/10 months. You can read more about it here:

However, if she’s never slept well and this is normal for her, then you’re right – the problem may be that she’s just deeply into the “groove” of waking up twice per night, and when you try to skip one of those feedings, she protests. This is very normal – but it’s definitely exhausting, I know!!

Have you downloaded our free guide yet? It offers 5 tips you can use to help gently teach your baby to sleep through then night. That may be a great next step for you. You can find the free guide here:

Hope this helps, Desiree! Thanks 🙂

By: Heather Thu, 23 Apr 2015 11:31:14 +0000 My son is almost 12 months old. For the past 3+ weeks he’s been up 3 times at night. Before this he would sleep about an 8 hour stretch. Yes he’s teething and in a leap and getting over sickness. I have been trying to settle him without feeding him at least for the first waking. All in all I’m shattered. It’s been a year of little sleep for me (and for all other mommas too I’m sure).
Here’s my question – with that trifecta of teeth, leap and cold, do I sleep train or ride it out?

By: Desiree Sturdevant Tue, 21 Apr 2015 14:34:24 +0000 I am really having a struggle with my 8 month old. She is my 3rd child, and my other 2 seemed to do this better at an earlier age. Part of the “problem” is that I am still room sharing with her, eventually she will move in with big sister who is 3, but she herself has troubles staying asleep, though she soothes back pretty well now. So my little 8 month old gets up usually twice a night, and she isn’t eating much, so I don’t think she is “hungry” but she will not settle back until I nurse her. She will go down at 7 and then wake at 10, or 3 hours after she falls asleep. I put her in bed awake, so she knows how to go back on her own. If I do not feed her at this 3 hour mark, she screams for over an hour and then settles, but wakes every 45 minutes until I finally feed her. Then she will go usually 4 hours, eat again and settle, I have the same issues if I don’t just feed her. She won’t eat much, usually for about 5 to maybe 10 minutes. Then she will usually go 4 to 5 hours before she is up for the day. I am very anxious to get her transitioned into sister’s room, my husband is on the couch for now until we get this worked out. He is a loud snorer and would wake her even more often. I was trying to wait until she was theaned or trained before moving her so that it doesn’t cause major disruptions to 3 year old’s sleep. I am pretty tired by the end of the day and feel like I am no good to anyone this way. Help!!!

By: Emily DeJeu Mon, 05 May 2014 00:25:06 +0000 @ Cee – I LOVE this comment! Thanks so much for giving us this snapshot of what your baby’s sleep has been like for you. You’re so, so right; I think most parents get lulled into that false sense of security during the newborn stage, only to have that blown to bits when the 4 month regression kicks in!

Thanks again, Cee, for taking the time to comment and to encourage other moms. 🙂

@ Karen — good question! This is tricky to answer, honestly. I can say that the *average* 9 month old baby is able to make it 10-12 hours without eating at night, but that represents an average – may not represent your baby! There are babies who really do need to eat once during the night up to about 12 months of age. We generally encourage parents to attempt to night wean around 9 months, to see how it goes.

We have an article on signs it’s time to night wean which may be helpful to you: Give that a read when you have time.

Thanks for commenting, Karen, and best of luck to you! 🙂

By: Karen Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:07:03 +0000 Thankyou to babysleepsite for the wealth of info you provide.

My son is 9 months next week and still doesn’t seem to be able to manage more then 7 hours before a feed. He was breastfed until 6 months but is
now formula fed. He falls asleep independently at both nighttime and naps and doesn’t have any sleep associations that I’m aware of.
How do I know if he is still waking out of habit or because he is hungry?
I’ve tried to not feed him at night but he just crys and crys until he has a bottle and will generally happily go back to sleep for 3-4 hours.
Am I expecting too much or is he just a really hungry baby ( he eats a lot of solids during the day)?
Do the hungry baby or nighttime milks help in this area?
