Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.
Exhausted and Confused?   Yes! I need help and more sleep.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Ashwin Singh says

    Hi all,

    my 13 month old daughter wakes up several times during the night. Every time she will want to be breastfeed. My wife feeds her and she eventually falls asleep for an hour or two then wakes up and the process restarts.

    During the day she naps for either 1 x 2 hour sessions or have 2 x 1 hour sessions.

    We have tried everything – routine, bath, feed before bed, music, candles etc.

    Suggestions please?

    • Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site says

      Hi @Ashwin –
      Thanks for writing to us, and sorry to hear that your 13 month old is waking so often! We know how tough this is, especially after all of these months! It may be time to work on teaching your little one to fall asleep or fall back to sleep without those feeds. This article can help with info and tips:
      We’d love to help you and your wife through this! PLeas consider one on one help where we can create a plan just for you, and help and support you every step of the way! Check out our consultation packages here:
      Hang in there Ashwin and please contact us if you have any questions!