Comments on: 10 Month Old Baby Schedule Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Fri, 01 Apr 2022 22:33:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danielle Fri, 27 Dec 2019 22:09:35 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

Hi Jennifer,
Thank you so much for visiting The Baby Sleep Site! I’m sorry to hear your son is suddenly not sleeping well. Although it’s hard to pinpoint a cause without a more thorough review, it certainly could be the 10 month sleep regression. We have an article on that here:
Hopefully it will help you figure out what’s going on, but please let us know if you need more help! Good luck!

By: Jennifer Fri, 20 Dec 2019 14:42:59 +0000 Hello! Our 9 month old has never napped well. Some days he naps for 2 hours total between 2 or 3 naps and some days it is only an hour total between two naps. I am fine with either since he sleeps through the night finally now and it doesn’t seem to change his nighttime sleep. He was sleeping 7pm until 7am which was SO amazing. But in the last few weeks, he is sleeping from 730pm until 530am. I miss the sleeping in until 7 or even 630 am! I thought pushing his bedtime to 8 would help. It did not. Could this be a regression? He wakes up fussy because I think he needs at least another hour (and so do mom and dad)! We did the CIO method of training which worked wonders for the night sleep, but how do you help them sleep longer in the AM without CIO? He will NOT go back to bed once he is up at 530 and it mostly is because he usually has a bowel movement at this time.

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Mon, 21 Oct 2019 22:11:33 +0000 In reply to Maddie.

Hi @Maddie –
Thanks for writing to us, and I’m sorry to hear that your 10 month old is fighting naps in the afternoon! This article on our blog should be very helpful in determining if he’s ready for just one nap and how you can help!:
Please contact us if you need any further assistance at any time Maddie!

By: Maddie Mon, 21 Oct 2019 05:04:05 +0000 Hello, what are the signs that a 10 month old is ready for just one nap? My son was previously a great napper, he has been having 2 naps per day, a short one in the morning (30 mins – 1 hour) and a two hour nap in the afternoon. For the past month or so it has been a nightmare getting him down for his second nap. He used to fall asleep within minutes and now it takes half an hour of screaming. He then only sleeps for an hour. He settles okay for his morning nap. He is sleeping through the night, 11.5 hours most nights and can self settle. I’ve been wondering if he is ready for one nap but your website it the only place I’ve found that says some 10 month olds are ready so I would love some more info, Thanks.

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 20 May 2019 15:21:18 +0000 In reply to Liza.

Hi @Liza, thanks for visiting the Baby Sleep Site. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your son’s sleep. We would love to help! There could be a few things going on that are causing the short naps and frequent night wakings, and most often it is schedule related and we would love to help with that (it can be so hard to figure out what the best schedule is for your baby). Here is a link to a free guide with tips to help your child sleep through the night, be sure to pay attention to the part about sleep associations and see if you have any of those going on so you can begin to try to eliminate those first:
I do think that since all areas of sleep seem to be a struggle that you would greatly benefit from working with one of our expert sleep consultants. Here is a link to the various options we have for working one-on-one with us and they will look at what’s going on, and help you implement a schedule that works well for your family and your child: services/
Please feel free to contact us directly at if you have any more questions. Hang in there!

By: Liza Mon, 20 May 2019 10:18:36 +0000 My son is 10 months old but he’s almost 11. He’s a horrible sleeper. He usually takes naps that are 20-30 minutes and sometimes even only 15! I’ve looked at schedules but none seem to work for me or him. Not only that but do you have any other websites that help with other things not only sleep. But back to his sleep. My son holds a “record” of waking up a total of 1time during the night. That was once. Now he wakes up around 10-11:00,2-3:00,5-6:00 I don’t know if anyone else has this problem but I’m not sure if he’s supposed to wake up less and sleep more. It’s a real struggle but we love him and we’re trying everything! Please help!

By: Janelle Reid Fri, 10 May 2019 15:32:35 +0000 In reply to cassie.

Hi @Cassie, thanks for writing to us. I’m sorry your 10 month old has been struggling. You may want to check out our free guide with tips to help your baby sleep through the night, and pay attention to the parts about sleep associations:
That is a super helpful starting point! If you need more help with this, we’d love to work with you if you’d like it. We offer lots of options to work with you one-on-one which you can read about here: services/
Hang in there, and let us know if you have any more questions!

By: cassie Fri, 10 May 2019 01:23:03 +0000 hi there, i love your website. My 10month old is still fussy with food and nurses to sleep for naps and night sleeps. how do i break that cycle?

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 06 May 2019 14:32:10 +0000 In reply to Kristine coburn.

@Kristine Coburn – Thank you for writing to us. I am so sorry you are struggling with your son’s sleep. That is so rough, and I agree it is so much worse when you are room sharing too. We would love to help. Since it sounds like you have tried a lot and there are several things going on, I do think the best option for you is to work with a sleep consultant. From there they can look at the full situation and help you navigate through all of the variables that are happening. Here is a link to read about the services we offer: services/
We do have other options as well, so if you’ve like to email us at we would be happy to recommend a package and we can also give you options other than consulting if you are interested. Hang in there! I hope we can help you through this.

By: Kristine coburn Mon, 06 May 2019 13:28:12 +0000 My son just turned 10 months yesterday. He has never been a great sleeper. He eats enough and drinks enough throughout the day, has been teething since 5 months (is working on his 6th tooth),and is trying to walk (taking 4 steps at a time). The problem is at night he has never slept.
He goes to bed around 6:30-7:00 sleeps until 10 and from there he is up EVERY 1-2 hours and up by 5-6am every single day. We share a room with him because we literally have no where else to put him (staying with I was at the moment) and we even have done sleep training three times (us sleeping in the living room because it’s horrible when you are in the same room)
With this night schedule he tries to sleep a lot during the day like 1st nap around 8-9:30 and is hysterical if he doesn’t get it. Then he takes 2-3 naps after that throughout the day which we can’t stop. I’m assuming because he is exhausted without sleep at night and crawling, keeping up with his 2 year old brother, trying to walk, teething,etc.
how do we break this cycle? I feel like I am losing my mind at this point. My husband and I need sleep and so does my little man.
