Comments on: 12 Month Sleep Regression and Why Not All 12 Month Olds Transition to One Nap Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Thu, 24 Mar 2022 16:50:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janelle Reid Mon, 15 Oct 2018 19:11:04 +0000 In reply to Rachel Waddell.

Hi @Rachel Waddell, thanks for writing. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling! Nap transitions can be so tricky. My son transitioned over early as well, but I found for several months there would be some days he took 2 and other days he just took 1. I just kept offering because I wasn’t sure what was going on! The early waking is definitely a sign that there’s a schedule issue, so be sure to check out our sample schedule for toddlers – there is one for one nap and one for two, so you’ll need to play around to figure out what’s going on:
If you find you need more help troubleshooting this issue, please let us know. Our team of sleep consultants can look at the full history of what is going on and can help create a schedule that will work for him. Here is a link to read more if you are interested:
Hang in there! I am happy to hear the Baby Sleep Site has been such a helpful resource for you!

By: Rachel Waddell Sat, 13 Oct 2018 16:54:48 +0000 Hi There! Use this website all the time and love the services you’ve provided! Thank you for such an awesome resource! We are in the trenches right now with my 13.5 month old and I just don’t know what to do. At about 12.5 months, he start fighting his first nap hard and all out refusing his second nap as well as waking up 5:45-6:30am and not going back to sleep when he normally sleeps until 7-7:30am. I was nervous because I knew this was on the young end for a nap transition so I wanted to wait and make sure what was really going on especially since he started walking around the same time. He did fine for about a week on one nap – we didn’t have much choice because that’s all he’d do – but then he started wanting that morning nap again but earlier. So we started napping him around 9:15-9:30 (instead of his usual 10am) and then he’d go down a bit easier for his second nap around 2 (used to be 3-3:30). That lasted about a week, and the early wakings we’re still happening. Then he started fighting/refusing both naps again and/or taking two really short naps and that lasted about 5 days so now I’m trying to keep him up until 11 each day and start a transition to 1 nap. He’s really tired during that long morning stretch but goes down instantly, however his nap is short, only 1-1.5 hours so by bedtime he’s pretty tired (moved bedtime to 6:30 instead of 7:30). He also started waking a bit more a night since we started trying the one nap again a few days ago (wakes 1-2 times anyway but now more) and still the early waking. He’s also teething molars and canines so I know that’s part of it! All this to ask: am I trying the transition too early or is this just all part of it and I just need to stick with it and it will get better? Seems like he was showing so many signs but I just keep second guessing because this is rough waters and there are always so many factors! Thank you in advance!

By: Janelle Reid Thu, 04 Oct 2018 18:56:09 +0000 In reply to Preksha.

Hi @Preksha, thanks for writing to us. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling with your 12 month old’s nap. I can relate to this and promise you this is a common hiccup families experience and hopefully it will smooth over quickly. Some babies just go through a little sleep regression at this point and it levels out in a few weeks. Here is a link to download a free guide with nap tips so you can see if there are any additional tweaks to what you are already doing may be needed:
If you need more help, let us know! We have a ton of other resources we can send your way, just feel free to reach out to us directly to
Hang in there!

By: Preksha Wed, 03 Oct 2018 13:46:32 +0000 My 12 month old has been refusing the second nap every other day if not everyday. She doesnt even look tired. She wakes up at 6:30, nap 1 between 8:30-9 but off late shes been pushing that to 9:30/10 and then sleeping or 1.25 hours. Then she used to nap again in exactly three hours but shes just not sleeping. She will lay in the crib talking to her toys but just not sleep or look tired.

what should i do?

By: Janelle Reid Fri, 21 Sep 2018 15:06:42 +0000 In reply to Kristen Lutz.

Hi @Kristen Lutz, thanks for visiting the Baby Sleep Site. I am sorry to hear your daughter has been struggling with her naps. My youngest son did that too – he would take what I called “super naps” and basically use up all of his sleeping time for the day in one massive nap! He didn’t do this daily, so I just had to be flexible with him and tried to offer 2 naps whenever I could (he is my second though so I did welcome it most days since his “super nap” often lined up with his big brother’s nap). The main thing I’d suggest you look at is if she is getting enough sleep in a 24 hour period. You can view a sample schedule for her here:
This article will tell you everything she needs. It does sound like she needs more than the one nap, perhaps it is just a timing thing and she’s getting overtired?
If you want help troubleshooting this, we would love to help you! You can work one-on-one with one of our amazing sleep consultants and they can create a schedule for you, and we often work with children who are in daycare and on their more fixed schedules as well. Here is a link for more information on that:
I hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else.

By: Kristen Lutz Tue, 18 Sep 2018 21:57:14 +0000 My 8 month old has been taking only 1 nap at daycare for about a month now. She has always struggled with getting a nap schedule while sleeping great at night. She is up at 6am and then goes down for a nap between 9:30-10 and sleeps usually until 1. However, I am struggling to get her to take another nap. She is tired when we get home at 4, I can tell but just fights napping. She then goes to bed around 7pm. Is this ok for her or is there something I need to do to make sure she is getting 2 naps at this age?

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Fri, 17 Aug 2018 02:23:09 +0000 In reply to Sarah Simeone.

Hi @Sarah – Thank you for writing to us, and I am so happy to hear that our information and articles have been so helpful! Sorry to hear that yo are struggling with your 11 month old right now! We know how that feels, and as you mention, lots of contributing factors can make it a tough time!!
Because you have done quite a bit of reading, if things do not smooth out, I would recommend a consultation package, where you can work with one of our expert sleep consultants, and she can help support you through this, and help create a Plan just for your family – one that will be made just for you! Sometimes, just having that outside perspective, and the support to see things through can really help!!
You can read about all of our sleep consultation packages and purchase directly online here:
Please let us know if you have any questions, and good luck Sarah!!

By: Sarah Simeone Wed, 15 Aug 2018 17:18:33 +0000 First off, I love this site, it has been a Godsend for both of my sons, who have TOTALLY different sleep personalities. My youngest son is just over 11 months, we have struggled with his night time sleep since birth. Things finally seemed to be moving in the right direction consistently around 9 months. He would go to sleep easily after nursing at 7-7:30pm, then I would top him off before I went to bed at 10pm and he would sleep until between 5-6am, then usually go back to sleep after a quick nurse until we had to get ready to leave at 7:15am. He’d wake occasionally in the night, but would often get himself back to sleep with or without a pacifier after a minute or two without us having to do anything. It was glorious. His naps have been consistent since about 6-7 months where he will nap for 60-75 minutes at 10am and again at 2pm. This he’s been consistent in even with the sleep issues we currently have.
A few weeks ago I tried dropping the top-off feed and he started waking up between 12-1am, again at 4-5am and then be up for the day between 6-6:30am. If I did anything other than nurse him he would scream bloody murder. He shares a bedroom with his older brother (4yo) and we live in a condo so prolonged crying at night is not an option. I tried reinstating the top off feed and that didn’t make a difference at all so I’ve taken it out again.
My husband is helping with some of the night waking because if I try to soothe him, we end up nursing because no matter what I do he will scream and refuses a pacifier or anything else.
I can think of a million contributing factors to this, namely his age, we’ve been travelling a lot recently, he recently started pulling to stand in his crib (so now if he wakes up even a little he stands up and is then instantly wide awake) and is becoming more mobile in general.
We moved him back into our bedroom just so that our 4 year old could sleep because he was starting to have daytime behavior issues and fatigue from it all.
Because of the space issues (only 2 bedrooms so he’s with us or his brother, no other closed rooms like a dining room to put him in…) and us living in a condo, we really can’t try any methods that involve more than a few minutes of crying.

Any suggestions are welcome, we are willing to put in the work because let’s face it, we aren’t sleeping anyway. To make things more interesting, we went to visit my parents at the beach last week and the two days we went to the beach he slept all night from 7:30pm to 6am without waking at all and no top off feed. So I know it’s possible!

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Fri, 06 Jul 2018 02:29:56 +0000 In reply to Kayleigh.

Hi @Kayleigh –
Thank you for writing again! We are so sorry to hear that you are still struggling with your daughter’s sleep! We completely understand how tough this can be!! Since things are not getting better, you may want to consider getting a little help – If you are interested in a DIY approach, I would like to recommend out 5 Step System to Better Toddler Sleep Ebook. It is written specifically to help parents of toddlers with sleep issues. The book includes a number of detailed sample schedules, covers all of the most troublesome toddler sleep troubles and what to do about them, as well as an explanation of the various sleep coaching methods you can implement. It also contains several sleep planning worksheets and sleep logs.

You can find out more about this Ebook here:

When you visit that page, you will see that there are two options. One option is our The “Silver Package” which includes the instant 5 Step System to Better Toddler Sleep Ebook download, an in depth case study, and two informative audio tele-seminars. Our other option is a “Gold Package” which includes everything in the “Silver Package”plus two additional audio tele-seminars, and an Express Sleep Plan, which is an instant and customized plan specific to your family’s history, your family’s philosophies, and your specific goals.

We hope that this is helpful for you! Hang in there Kayleigh!

By: Kayleigh Sat, 30 Jun 2018 22:01:44 +0000 In reply to Danielle.

Hi Danielle, thanks for your response a couple of months ago. Things seems to be getting worse rather than better and I wondered if you might have any other suggestions at all? My daughter is now 13 months. Napping seems to be getting better, she’s not fighting as much and usually has a good morning nap of 1-1.5 hours. Her afternoon nap tends to be about 30- 45mins. Bedtime and night time seems to be becoming a problem, she cries when going to bed most nights (usually the moment when we leave the room) she settles herself after about 20mins once we’ve been back in with some reassurance. She’s also back to waking twice in the night – usually around 11am and 3am and I don’t know why. We night weaned at about 8 months, she has an excellent appetite in the day so I know she’s not hungry. She’ll usually settle with some patting/shhhing within about 10mins each time and is then still up at 5ish. Please help. Thank you!
