Comments on: 5 Easy Ways To Start Sleep Training TONIGHT. (You Can Do #1 Right Now!) Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 29 Dec 2021 04:47:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neosha Wed, 07 Mar 2018 03:34:04 +0000 In reply to Timilyn.

@Timilyn – Thank you for stopping by our sleepy little village and for sharing with us. I can imagine how exhausted you all must be with such frequent waking and crying. 8 months can be a pretty tough age for sleep, for sure, since your little guy is experiencing tons of brain and physical development that usually sets off a sleep regression (see here for more on that: Separation anxiety rears its ugly head around this time, too, which makes sleep a bit more challenging for a while since he may be fairly anxious when you go to leave him. This article overviews it a bit:

And, it sounds as though you’re still working through his sleep coaching in that he’s not still awake when you go to put him down, which likely means he may have a sleep association there that is still being worked on but that causes him to wake and fuss when he’s not still in your arms/being rocked/fed, etc when he wakes from sleep. Please give the regression article a read and if you feel that your son is in the midst of it, you’ll just want to get through the next few weeks. If you feel that it could be separation anxiety or still working through his sleep associations as you work on his sleep training, you’ll just want to try to stay consistent with just a bit more TLC for that anxiety.

And if, at any point, you decide you need (or want!) more support, feel free to connect with one of our sleep consultants either in our Members Area or with one of our consultations. You can see all of those options here: and here:

I hope this helps, Timilyn. Hang in there, and please keep reading!

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:56:12 +0000 In reply to Fazlyn.

@Fazlyn, Thank you for writing to us. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with your son’s sleep. It sounds like he has a sleep association that is keeping him from sleeping away from you and in longer stretches. Here is a link to an article with more information on that:
You may want to read through this article series as well that takes you through several different sleep training techniques you can decide if you’d like to try:
Lastly, here are some tips on getting your baby to sleep in the crib:
Hang in there and let us know if you need more help!

By: Janelle Reid Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:46:46 +0000 In reply to Wc.

@Wc, Thank you for writing to us! It sounds like your daughter is doing really well for you generally, that is wonderful! As your baby goes through different developments, it is common for their sleep to be disrupted from time to time. There is a sleep regression that hits around 9 months that you may be experiencing as well, not to mention any illness or teething that may be playing in as well! Just like there are nights you or I will wake up in the middle of the night, it is likely if it’s occasional for your daughter that is what is happening too, and is not really a problem. Here is a link for info on the 9 month sleep regression: Thanks for your comment and I hope this helps!

By: Timilyn Mon, 05 Mar 2018 02:22:31 +0000 We’ve started sleep training our 8 mo old & it’s been challenging. Some nights, he sleeps several hours & wakes up to nurse & goes back to sleep, but the last several nights he has woken up about 20-30 minutes after being put to sleep & cries very hard. If I go to him, he immediately calms down, but as soon as I think hes asleep & put him down, he starts crying again. Any thoughts?

By: Fazlyn Fri, 02 Mar 2018 17:43:58 +0000 Hi. My seven month old does not like sleeping in his crib. He falls asleep during nursing and also wakes up several times to nurse. I am so exhausted. . I’m tired of co-sleeping.. please help!

By: Wc Fri, 02 Mar 2018 16:04:24 +0000 Hi quick question. My daughter just turned 9 months today and while i have no complaints because i know she can do 10-12 hours night and 1.5-2 hour naps (naps twice a day) im just wondering why sometimes… (This week she woke MOFTN 3 times already around the same time 3-4am and although i feel she was a bit congested earlier in the week and teething for sure) how do we stop the MOFTN wakings 100%? She sleeps independently no association. If she wakes MOFTN we pat her back and if she seems upset we pick her up and put her down. Thanks

By: Emily DeJeu Mon, 02 Mar 2015 14:41:37 +0000 In reply to Chris Murphy.

@ Chris Murphy – well, in these cases, we usually recommend that parents start weaning away from the pacifier, as it causes more problems than it solves. You could still offer it during non-sleep times, but maybe stop giving it when you put your baby down for naps and at bedtime. And since your baby is young, the weaning process really shouldn’t be tough. Just be sure that if you’re taking away the pacifier, you leave your baby’s hands free so that she can learn to self-soothe.

Hope this helps, Chris! Best of luck to you 🙂

By: Chris Murphy Fri, 27 Feb 2015 22:22:06 +0000 Hi. My four month old is driving me crazy waking every sleep cycle for her dummy over night. I really rely on her dummy during the day to resettle her quickly because i have a 20 month old that i can’t leave for long periods. So i don’t want to get rid of the dummy entirely but is causing a problem. Any suggestions?

By: Emily DeJeu Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:31:16 +0000 @ seipati — have you downloaded our free guide, 5 Ways To Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night? That may have some great solutions for your situation. You can access the free guide here:

Hope this helps! 🙂

By: seipati Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:00:15 +0000 My baby sleeps very late and during that time he cries a lot,I don’t know why,how can I make him stop crying
