Comments on: The Pacifier Trick Every Parent Should Know Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Thu, 19 May 2022 19:31:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janelle Reid Thu, 24 Jan 2019 00:27:57 +0000 In reply to Kendra.

Hi @Kendra, thanks for writing to us. I’m sorry your daughter has been waking for her paci at night! This age is when babies often go through a bit of a regression and so they start waking frequently looking for help to get through to the next sleep cycle. Here is a link to download a free guide which will help provide some ideas to help with the wake ups:
Do keep in mind that 1-3 wake ups for a feeding may be necessary at this age, you’ll just have to figure out when she’s waking out of hunger versus needing the paci replaced. I hope the guide gives you a good starting point, but if you need more support let us know!

By: Kendra Wed, 23 Jan 2019 15:38:29 +0000 My 3 month old daughter has slept up to 8 or 9 hour stretches with the odd fuss for soother in between. In the last few weeks it’s becoming a major issue. She wakes constantly for it. She doesn’t need it to fall asleep every night but will soon wake wondering where it is?! Do I get rid of it and how??? My other daughter never did this

By: Louise Fri, 03 Aug 2018 18:04:04 +0000 In reply to Lynda H.

The glowin the dark MAM pacis were a lifesaver for me. I still put multiple in the crib because inevitably one would get jammed under her teddy and she wouldn’t see it.

By: Emily DeJeu Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:25:01 +0000 In reply to jess.

@ jess – good question! There’s no real recommended age – he could probably be weaned off it now, if you felt so moved. Just be careful to watch for any signs that it’s disrupting his sleep.

Hope that helps! 🙂

By: Emily DeJeu Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:24:06 +0000 In reply to Nikki.

@ Nikki – great tip! Thanks so much for sharing with us! 🙂

By: jess Tue, 24 Feb 2015 19:34:35 +0000 My 2yr old has a bunny rabbit (lovey) that he uses as a paci. He chews on its arm, rubs its ear between his finger and thumb, and taps its ear in his nose. Cute at first but laundering multiple rabbits is taking its toll. What age and methods would you recommend using to wean him offor his lovey?

By: Nikki Tue, 24 Feb 2015 19:32:55 +0000 I also semi-successfully managed to wean Alex off the dummy at around 9 months by cutting off the tip. This means they are unable to generate suction and he lost interest quicker than a click of the fingers. HOWEVER, I ended up giving the dummy back to him because he quickly replaced it with my boob as I was breastfeeding at the time. I decided I would rather he have the dummy than have him forever attached to my chest!

By: Nikki Tue, 24 Feb 2015 19:24:01 +0000 My 2.5 yr-old boy is a total dummy (paci) addict. He would sleep grasping several in each hand as well as the one he was sucking. If he didn’t have enough (at least 4) he wouldn’t sleep. He also liked to carry his dummies around the house with him. We tried everything to get them off him and had no luck (perhaps due to desperation or a lack of willpower on our part to get through the tantrums!!). Then the other day, he had all his dummies (about 6) on the floor where he was playing, and I went and jumped in the shower. When I was done, ALL the dummies were gone. Alex cannot remember where he put them and I really cannot find them. I was dreading bedtime, but I explained to him that HE lost them and if HE cannot remember where they are then he cannot have them back because Mummy doesn’t know where they are because she didn’t see where he put them. To my surprise, he was really accepting and completely understood. It took him a bit longer than normal to fall asleep but he did so without tantrums. Naps are a little more difficult without the dummy but we are now working on that.
If you have trouble with the dummy/paci, try making your LO think that they did something with them/lost them. For us it worked like a charm and I never would have thought of this if Alex hadn’t genuinely hidden them somewhere I can’t find them! I just have to make sure he doesn’t suddenly remember/find them before I do!

By: Emily DeJeu Mon, 14 Apr 2014 01:01:56 +0000 @ Kim – I take it your 3 month old wakes if the pacifier falls out of her mouth? Yes, that’s so frustrating, especially if you’re up multiple times per night to replace the pacifier. We usually suggest that parents try weaning from the pacifier in these cases, since it’s creating more sleep problems than it’s solving.

Hope this helps, Kim – best of luck to you! And thanks for commenting!

By: Kim Thu, 10 Apr 2014 05:46:44 +0000 My question is what do you do if your child is to young to put it back In themselves? My daughter is 3 months and can’t pick up things yet let alone put her soother in her mouth by herself? Do I just have to wait till she can and for now keep going in there for now to put it in?
