Comments on: Baby Temperament and Sleep Series: Intensity Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 19 Jan 2022 23:38:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicole Thu, 07 May 2009 04:13:24 +0000 In reply to Carol.

@Carol Wow!! Waking every 2 hours to feed is most definitely a sleep association and not all babies / toddlers will outgrow it. Crying for 9 hours is wild! I would recommend working on breaking the sleep associations without cry-it-out. If you haven’t signed up for my free nap sessions, you should do that or enter my giveaway for a sleep consultation. I’d love to help you further!

By: Carol Mon, 20 Apr 2009 22:42:08 +0000 I’m thankful to find this site…

My 14 month old still ain’t sleeping through the night, he wakes up every two hours to feed. When he was 6 months old, we tried to let him cry-it-out after reading some books. He cried for 9 hours only stopping to feed, it totally break our heart…still he’s not falling asleep on his own. We always thought we did something wrong or didn’t do something…

I’m still praying & hoping for a miracle!

By: Danielle Fri, 30 Jan 2009 18:54:21 +0000 Wow. You have NO idea how grateful I am that I found this site! I have been searching for something like this for quite some time!
I have the most sensitive, high intensity baby out of anyone I know! I was totally unprepared for how loud my 17 week old baby cries! When I am in babies-r-us and he cries, EVERYONE turns and looks at me in shock! If he hears a loud noise and gets started, he will SCREAM like he is in serious pain! Doesn’t surprise me though, I am a super passionate and sensitive mommy 🙂

By: kathryn Fri, 16 Jan 2009 22:53:35 +0000 My little darling is a low intensity child, who was always put to bed “drowsy but awake” as we are told to do. That has not stopped us from having numerous sleeping problems.

Fortunatly, as each issue arrises, as it does FREQUNETLY, it doesn’t take too long to get him back on track.

He is very routine driven and if he wakes up randomly at 3am one night, he will quickly incorporate it into his routine and continue to do so every night, until I “re-train” him.

It’s very frustrating.

By: Nicole Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:36:23 +0000 @Aruni Thanks for commenting! That reminds me that I should do an article on sleep terrors. 🙂

Nicoles last blog post..Baby Temperament and Sleep Series – Part 2

By: Aruni Wed, 22 Oct 2008 02:22:58 +0000 My son is high intensity and we had lots of sleep challenges with him…including night terrors. Our daughter is low intensity and needless to say she slept and continues to sleep much better!

Arunis last blog post..Give A Man A Fish, He Eats For A Day…
