Comments on: Should You Let Your Baby Cry It Out? Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Thu, 03 Mar 2022 20:25:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emily DeJeu Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:15:37 +0000 @ Stephany — our readers are great, aren’t they? 🙂 Thanks again for commenting, ladies, and for helping Stephany out!

By: Stephany Fri, 10 Aug 2012 15:28:28 +0000 Thanks everyone for the advice! This site is a great resource. We’re going to try to cut her down to eating every three or four hours at night and see how she does. She’s starting to get the hang of solids more (mixed with lots of breastmilk) during the day, so hopefully that will help.
I keep reminding myself that this will pass, and sooner than I know it I will look back longingly on nights when I nursed my babe to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

By: Emily DeJeu Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:13:55 +0000 @ Angela — interesting! Thanks so much for sharing these names and titles; I know some of our readers are going to want to check these out.

By: Angela Wed, 08 Aug 2012 21:00:56 +0000 @ Emily,

Thanks for asking – Sue Gerhardt is a psychologist specializing in mother/infant relationships. She wrote, “Why Love Matters” that really helps understand how responsiveness to cries influence brain development in the first year. Dr. Pranksepp has done ground-breaking research on the stress response system and the activation of the cry response to separation anxiety. His books are more acedemic, but Dr. Margot Sunderland wrote, “The Science of Parenting”, which really helps understand neuro-psychologically why our babies cry to keep us close, and so much more . . . Jay Gordan has a great night weaning plan on his web site- he’s a west coast pediatrician and author who’s advice I’ve found spot on (as well as Nichole’s here at BSS). One major take away from all is the type of cry and the age of the baby really do matter in what if any crying can/should be ignored. It also makes it clear that at some point, with an older baby, it becomes a protest cry and not a fear cry. This is key.

I’m currently researching and writing a book on the subject and would love to talk with you offline about the possibility of some type of collaboration with The Baby Sleep Site.

@Rasha. Some things that will help you get more sleep out of her in the meantime ; ) you’ll get longer stretches:
get really good at swaddling! Avoid overtired. try letting her sleep in a fully reclined swing, if she freaks when she’s put down.
Feed her a lot during the day – get as much of the portion of calories in the day as you can, so there is less need at night.
A loud box fan for white noise at sleep times!
Good luck!

Great advise for Stephanie. That baby is hungry at night! (as it stands) so it has to be done gradually to turn it around and the day time feedings have to be addressed as well as night. Let us know how it’s going Stephanie!

By: Jennifer Wed, 08 Aug 2012 06:01:03 +0000 @ Stephany, I’d not only mix breast milk with cereal but with any and all foods you feed your daughter. You don’t even need to use water in the cereal or foods to thin it just use breast milk. Keep at the sippy cup, my kids did not take to them right away – it takes time to get used to them and experiment with different types. My son loved the straw sippies – we tried a lot of different ones starting around 5 months and the straw around seven months which he immediately began using regularly. I assume you are putting breast milk in the sippy? You might try water or diluted juice just to see if that would get her into to drinking it. I’d also try to nurse immediately when you pick her up – at the daycare if you can to start feeding her as soon as possible and again at the daycare right before you drop her off. I’d also skip solids in the morning and just let her nurse. At least you could try to space out the feedings so that there are not so many at night.

Agreed about not wanting to let a hungry baby cry it out. I feel for you – hope you find something that works for you! Perhaps using lunch to go nurse at daycare? Could be one less feeding at night? Good luck!

@ Meagan, my daughter nursed 10 times a day until she was 10 months old. Just last month at 14 months she was still nursing twice a day not including first thing in the morning and right before bed. I thought she’d never slow down! My son was the complete opposite by 10 months he was only nursing 4 times a day and he self weaned at 14 months. Every kid is different I think in that regard no matter their size ;.)

By: Emily DeJeu Tue, 07 Aug 2012 22:34:14 +0000 @ Stephany — @ Meagan offers some good advice, I think!

By: Meagan Tue, 07 Aug 2012 21:04:44 +0000 Got cut off. The up side of night feedings is that they can be more efficient at that age… A 6 month old is less distracted when half asleep. At least mine was.

Can the day care push rice cereal heavily mixed with breast milk? Maybe she accepts a spoon more readily than a bottle? Good luck. I hope that helps some.

By: Meagan Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:55:52 +0000 @Stephany Obviously every baby is different, but I think even reverse cycling a 6 month old doesn’t need to eat that frequently. My son is a big guy too, and I don’t believe he was eating quite that frequently during the DAY at 6 months, though I may be remembering wrong.

I’d suggest restricting night feedings to… 3 times a night? For a start? The other wakings rock and sing (you or your husband if you’re married, whichever is less upsetting) Then do CIO until she falls back asleep, if you’re up for it. You don’t have to cut out all feedings to cut out some feedings. And the upside of night feedings

By: Stephany Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:20:49 +0000 I have a CIO dilemma. My 6 mo old completely refuses a bottle, so routinely goes 10-11 hours at daycare without milk (she gets solids but is still a new-eater and doesn’t get in many calories this way). We’re trying to get her to use a sippy cup but this hasn’t been successful thus far. She consequently is reverse cycling and is up 3-5 times eating all night long.
Our pediatrician suggested some sleep training/CIO during the night to see if we can get her flipped back around. Thinking that maybe she will eat more solids during the day if she is eating less at night. She is a big baby (95%ile ) and not failing to thrive in any way.
My problem is that I have a hard time letting her CIO when I know she is hungry. But her eating 5x a night isn’t sustainable for any of us. I work full time and am absolutely exhausted.
Would love any advice.

By: Emily DeJeu Sun, 05 Aug 2012 00:33:26 +0000 @ rasha — we don’t recommend any kind of sleep training (including cry it out methods) until babies are 4 months or older. So you’ll want to wait until your daughter is at least 4 months before beginning sleep training.

You can click through some of the links in this article to learn more about what cry it out methods are, and how they work. Hope that helps!
