Comments on: 5 Common Baby and Toddler Bedtime Mistakes You May Be Making Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Fri, 18 Jun 2021 14:11:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janelle Reid Sat, 21 Apr 2018 00:11:28 +0000 In reply to Imogene.

Hi @Imogene, thank you for writing to us and I am sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your daughter getting out of her bed! We would love to help. Your situation sounds like you would really benefit from working one-on-one with our amazing sleep consulting team, especially since you have a short timeline before baby #2 arrives (congrats!). If you are interested, you can view all of our packages online at and if you have specific questions about what the best fit may be for you, please contact us directly here:
I hope you are all able to get some rest soon!

By: Imogene Wed, 18 Apr 2018 11:05:22 +0000 Hi,
I have a 15 month old who’s transitioning into her own toddler bed and her own room. Prior to this we co slept in the same bed as she hated the cot also it was easier for us.

For the first week, she absolutely loved her bed ( it was still in our room) the vey first night of getting her to bed was a breeze, she went straight to sleep, woke once through the night and only needed shushing back to sleep. This lasted for a week so I thought, great let’s put her into her own room.
Again she loved it, took a little longer to go to sleep but was able to sleep for 5 hours, needed a bottle then slept for another 6 before joining us in our room at 6.30 in the morning… Since then it’s gone down hill.

She’s still in her own bed and room, but is waking more often ( usually to find her bottle then resettles herself). She’ll fully wake at about 2:30 and walk into our room and cling to her dad… Sometimes she’s screaming and not awake while she does this, I assume she’s night walking or having night terrors? Either way the only way she’ll calm down once she opens her eyes is to stay in bed with us… Then she cracks it because she wants her own space.

I’m not sure how I can help her. I try and take her back to her own bed but it’s like she’s petrified at that time of the morning and will dig her nails into me to not let me go. I eventually give in and take her back to bed and she’ll Instantly calm and go back to sleep.

We’re due with our second baby in two months and really want to nail a sleep routine that bennifits her. Is there anything you can suggest? I’ve tried a night light in her room, but that seems to stimulate her ( it changes colours slowly).

By: Janelle Reid Thu, 22 Mar 2018 00:06:33 +0000 In reply to Jayne Hamilton.

Hi @Jayne Hamilton, thanks for writing to us! You sound like you’ve got a sweet little girl. 🙂 All babies are different so you may find it helpful to check out our sample schedules to help guide you on when you plan to move her bedtime back.
Here is the link to our sample schedules:
If you decide you need more help down the road, let us know! We have a wide variety of more in-depth resources that may simply dive deeper into information for sleep help, all the way to fully personalized, one on one help! Here is a link to that if you are interested in the future:
Thanks for using the Baby Sleep Site as a resource for sleep help!

By: Jayne Hamilton Tue, 20 Mar 2018 05:30:30 +0000 Hello,
I have a 2 month old little girl. So far, her sleeping patterns are fairly predictable. She wakes around 7-8 AM, she is up 30min – 1 hour (eat, play) and sleeps for 1.5 -2 hours. By around 5PM-6PM, her sleep time may differ because between 5-10PM is when she is the fussiest. Somewhere there, we could get another nap for 2 hours. If she attempts a nap around 5-6PM, those only last about 30-45 mins. long. My husband and I are night owls. I have read that your baby’s bedtime should coincide with yours in the beginning. So she has her bedtime routine start at 1015-1030PM and it usually is for about 30 mins. Its a feeding, bath, feeding again, cuddles and then to crib. She doesn’t fight this at all. She will sleep from 11PM – 3 or 4AM. Thereafter, she will wake around 7-8AM. I wonder, at what point should I start making her bedtime routine early like 8PM? I feel that if I do this, she will wake around 12-1AM, 3-4AM and then wake around 7-8AM. My dilemma right now is that when she is still sleeping around 10PM, I have to wake her just to do her bedtime routine.

By: Shweta Fri, 10 Nov 2017 17:11:49 +0000 Hi, we have a 17 month old and unfortunately due to the layout of our house, her crib is in our bedroom. We have tried sleep training but she gets sick often, so we’ve had to forego that. Now, we’ve succumbed to walking around the room and humming a lullaby for up to 20 -25 minutes each night and then end up putting her in her crib. However, she always wakes up 30 mins to an hour later, crying and won’t go back to sleep in her crib. She needs to sleep in our bed. I am at my wit’s end! I don’t know what to do at this point because if we try CIO, she ends up crying for hours while standing up in her crib…. is there anything else you could suggest at her age? Thank you!

By: Jessica Diller Sat, 21 Oct 2017 14:09:07 +0000 In reply to Emma.

@Emma, Thank you for your comment. I understand how difficult it can be to determine where to start! From what you are describing, it sounds like it may be a scheduling issue. You can consider moving her bath and bedtime to be a little earlier, and that may prevent her from becoming overtired. Knowing that Dad and baby enjoy that quality time together, it is still possible to find another relaxing activity that they can enjoy during the weeknights, such as puzzles or storytime. I recommend reading our sample schedule for toddlers who are on one nap. Here is a link to the schedule: Also, you may want to consider how she falls asleep at bedtime. If she has a difficult time falling asleep on her own, then she may have developed a sleep association. You can read more about the sleep associations here: Hang in there and know that you are not alone!

By: Emma Wed, 18 Oct 2017 22:48:19 +0000 Hi, i’m at a bit of a loss at the moment with sleep training. My daughter is 14 months, from about 3 months she was a brilliant sleeper, slept through the night almost always with short bad periods of not sleeping well due to teething or illness etc. Then about a month ago she just started refusing to go down, and even once she is asleep she wakes many times a night and will only fall back asleep on me or her dad after lots of crying. We then put her in her cot and she often wakes immediately from being put down and the entire process starts all over again. We have kept a fairly consistent routine. She naps pretty well from 12-2ish each day. Then has her dinner at 5.30, we play for a bit. Then i cuddle her and we watch a short bedtime tv programme at 7.30 while her dad runs her bath. She then baths till 8ish and we give her a bottle and put her down once she’s fallen asleep. My question is do you think her bath time is too late? She does tend to play in the bath and its her dad’s main weekday time with her so i feel pretty bad about moving it. And also it was never a problem her falling asleep on us before as she fell asleep quite quickly, but it’s obviously not working now and i feel like nothing we try helps her to self sooth. She just will not fall asleep in the cot. Pretty clueless as to what to do next, any help would be really appreciated. Many thanks.

By: Emily DeJeu Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:38:13 +0000 @ Rosie — honestly, it sounds like you’re doing a great job! There’s certainly nothing wrong with nursing your daughter when she asks for it. It sounds like she’s slowly weaning herself from it, anyway (since it’s no longer a regular thing).

Truly, you could continue in this pattern for awhile, and odds are, she’d gradually give up the feeding all by herself. However, I totally understand your desire to wean away from needing to breastfeed every night, as part of the nightly routine (if only so that you can be away from home occasionally, at bedtime!) It may simply be a matter of offering her something else to drink and then distracting her. You could also try having your spouse/partner (if you have one living at home) put her to bed for awhile. Then, there isn’t even the option to breastfeed. That may help speed the process along.

Hope this helps, Rosie! Again — sounds like you’re doing a great job here. 🙂

By: Rosie Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:08:28 +0000 Thanks for responding. She no longer feeds at night, and hasn’t for about 4 months now. She still has a proper breastfeed in the morning when she wakes up, but otherwise that’s it really. She will ask every now and then during the day, but it’s not a routine anymore. I do try to offer her milk or water before bed but she’s just not very interested. she’ll drink when she’s thirsty but not otherwise (even if it’s juice or smoothie or something delicious). I have been worrying about the amount of fluid (or lack of) she takes in but actually her nappies are wet, and she seems fine so I’m trying to relax about it.

By: Emily DeJeu Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:08:00 +0000 In reply to Patty.

@ Patty — all of your observations are right; it’s not ideal to nurse to sleep at night, but as you point out, it’s hard to break a habit that your daughter has gotten used to! So first off, give yourself plenty of grace. You’re not doing anything ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ here, by nursing your daughter to sleep. It’s just that it may become an deeply-ingrained habit that makes it hard for her to learn to sleep without you. Not the end of the world, by any means, but could be frustrating down the road.

As for what to do about this: first, it may be helpful for you to read our article on sleep associations (found here: Nursing has likely become a sleep association for your daughter. In terms of how to gently wean away from this habit: you could try the fading method (read more about that here: Basically, you gradually nurse her while attempting to keep her awake, slowly shifting the ‘work’ of falling asleep to her. For the first night, you might try nursing her until she’s close to sleep, but then stopping before she’s all the way under. Then, gradually work to a place where you wrap up your nursing while she’s relaxed but awake.

This isn’t necessarily easy to do, but it may be a good step to take if you want to avoid forming bad habits long-term.

For more help on sleep coaching strategies, and on helping your daughter learn to fall asleep on her own, you can check out our free guide here:

Thanks for commenting, Patty! Hope these resources help. Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions, either via the comments or by e-mailing them to contact (at) babysleepsite (dot) com.
