Comments on: 7 Tips For Sleep Training While Room-Sharing Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Wed, 29 Dec 2021 22:07:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janelle Reid Tue, 02 Apr 2019 14:43:20 +0000 In reply to April Jenkins.

@April Jenkins, thank you for writing to us. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with your daughter’s wakings and transition to her own room. Here is a link with tips to help your child sleep through the night that may help:
Since you’ve got a few things going on, and several goals you want to achieve, I’d also recommend working closer with one of our Sleep Consultants. They would love to help you through this by looking at your daughter’s full sleep history, your parenting preferences, and her temperament, and they will create a step by step plan for your family to get her sleeping better again and into her own room. Here is a link to the different services we offer:
If you have more questions about this or our packages, please feel free to contact us directly at and we’d be happy to help you more from there. Hang in there!

By: April Jenkins Tue, 02 Apr 2019 06:52:39 +0000 My 17 month old toddler goes to sleep fine by laying with us in bed and then we move her to pack in play in our room. She used to sleep through night but now she wakes up every night between 2-4 and wants in our bed. How do I get her to sleep all night and what is best way to transition to her room? When putting her in her crib before she wakes up screaming cause she’s not in our room. This was so easy with our little boy but not so with her.

By: Emily DeJeu Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:51:49 +0000 In reply to Larissa.

@ Larissa – the majority of our articles are about solving negative sleep associations like this, actually! That’s what the process of sleep coaching is all about. Here are a few articles that’ll get you started on understanding how to sleep coach, and how to break your toddler of the habit of needing to nurse/be held in order to sleep.

Sleep Training Cheat Sheet
5 Ways to Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night
How To Help You Child Learn To Fall Asleep Independently

Hope this helps, Larissa! Best wishes to you and to your family 🙂

Essentially, your goal here is to help her learn to fall asleep independently, without any help from you. Once she can do that, she’ll have an easier time going BACK to sleep when she wakes too early.

By: Emily DeJeu Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:47:28 +0000 In reply to Bambi.

@ Bambi – It sounds like your daughter may be struggling through the sleep regression that happens at 4/5 months ( Often, babies will start sleeping great between 2-3 months, only for everything to unravel at 4-5 months.

The good news is that you can gently help her learn to get back to sleeping soundly at night. Our free e-book is a great place to start with that:

As for whether or not you should keep your kids in the same room – that’s up to you, but it can be a lot easier to stick with sleep coaching if you have your 5 month old in a separate sleeping area. Do you have an extra bedroom you could use for awhile? The move would be temporary, obviously, but it might help sleep training go more smoothly, as you wouldn’t have to constantly be worried about waking your toddler.

What do you think?

By: Larissa Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:12:23 +0000 Hello,
My one year old has strong sleep associations with nursing and being held. She sleeps 11-12 hours straight at night. Naps are harder to get her down. Are there any articles on breaking this habit? Any advice you may offer?
Thanks so much in advance,

By: Bambi Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:05:51 +0000 We have an 18 month old and a 5 month old, and this is starting to be our problem as well. Our 18 month old has been sleep trained, and is a wonderful sleeper most of the time. Our 5 month old has a crib in the same room as her brother, but still sleep in a crib in my room. She was sleeping through the night, but is now feeding 1-2 times again. This week she also decided she wants to fuss all night, but as soon as she hits a pillow in my bed, she’s out. 1) I don’t want to create a new problem with her in my bed, and 2) her constant waking and crying wakes her brother in the adjacent room who sleeps with a sound machine a a door closed. I’m at a loss but know we are at a critical stage! Is it better to move her into the nursery and battle both kids together? How do we train her to sleep without derailing the 18 month old? Room sharing, with parents or siblings, is getting rough!!

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Mon, 25 Nov 2013 18:45:16 +0000 Hi again Sheri! It sounds like you are making great progress already! Having him in his own bed for naps and bedtime are big steps! I understand how hard it must be to move out of your room for now, and would try giving it at least one week and see how things go. Once you move back into the bedroom, having a room divider (even a sheet/blanket hanging from the ceiling) may help. If he cannot see you there in your bed, he may be more likely to stay in his bed. There may be bumps in the road, but you will want to return him to his bed every time, with little to no interaction. Make it boring and “not worth it” to get out of bed.

Good luck!!!

By: sheri williams Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:20:26 +0000 hi again, thank you for the advice! after 2 very long nights of tears and tantrums (on both sides) and no luck, we have finally decided to start sleeping in the living room, i have managed to get him to sleep in his bed originally and for naps mostly in his bed, but after two nights of no sleep we finally decided that surely if there is no alternative bed to sleep in he should in theory sleep in his own. hes gone to sleep in his own bed without a hitch to fingers crossed he stays there.

we are hoping after a few weeks when he is used to it we will be able to sleep in our room again, any advise on how to go about this? xx

By: Debbye @ The Baby Sleep Site Fri, 22 Nov 2013 02:46:18 +0000 Hi Sheri –
It is often an overall process to transition a toddler to sleeping in their own bed or back to their own bed. At this point, he sees your bed as “his” bed and has picked up quite a habit of sleeping with you. I would start with spending some non sleep time in his bed, maybe reading or singing songs so that he starts to see the bed as a good place to be. You can also pick a “special” lovey for his to cuddle with, or you can start out by putting him to sleep in his own bed for naps (if he is not already). Once he seems to have adjusted to that, then work on putting him in his own bed at bedtime, decide which wakings you may bring him into bed with you, but slowly start weaning him from coming to bed with you when he wakes. I know it is a tough process!
There are some additional tips here that you might also find helpful:
Good luck!

By: sheri williams Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:13:34 +0000 im a one bed flat with my partner and my 16month old lb, he has recently been climbing out of his cot so we decided a week ago to put him into a toddler bed, since then he consistantly goes to sleep in our bed, we have the same routine as before, bath, bottle, bed at 7 30, we put him in the room and for the first two nights he slept perfectly in his bed, now he sneaks into ours and goes to sleep, we then have to move him every night back into his, he then wakes up 6 or 7 times and will not go back to sleep in his bed (weve spent over 2 hours putting him back and forth on 2 occasions, we eventually have to leave the room to make him sleep, to which he again goes to sleep on our bed? we have no space for seperations so he cant see us and have tried pretty much everything we can think of, any advice? its starting to come between my relationship as we just snap at each other/other half at work early, x
